Could not agree more.. I thought Cotto looked emaciated at the Quintana weigh-in also. But come fight time, he looked like a middleweight..
I am 5 foot 7 with no shoes on, Zab is about an inch taller than I am regardless of what they are listed as.
For once in his life I hope Zab can put it together, and blast Cotto. Still sticking with my head though, Cotto by mid-to-late TKO. Really hope I'm wrong. WAR JUDAH!
We'll,U're NOBODY... REED Generally Roots for Zab AND Looooooooves Boxing...There's been Guys w/WORSE Character Traits than Zab,yet LARGER Fanbases... & they were GOOD for Boxing... REED
Zab is good for boxing An exciting champion with attitude, zeal, real speed and power, someone who comes to fight, but you don't quite know if he'll have his A game on.. speaks from the heart, doesn't have to rehearse his shit-talk like Lewis or Mayweather do.. brings excitement to the game.. has a KO clip of him pasted all over the internet yet still is packing arenas.
It's TRUE... Zab is a "Lightnening Rod"...Just about EVERY Boxing Fan has an OPINION on Zab... Most want to See him Get his Ass Whipped (AGAIN) & a Smaller % STILL Hold Out Hope that Zab can Fulfill his Potential...Probably 95% of ALL Boxing Fans Fall into 1 Category or the Other... Shit,the ENTIRE CONTINENT of Australia LOATHES Zab Judah,yet HE is the SIGNATURE Name on Kostya's Resume...If Zab Is "Overrated" or "Crap",then Aussie Fans Need to RE-Assess Kostya's Career... Zab is a Naturally Gifted,Quick Starting,Hard Punching,Speedy,WEAK Chinned,IMMATURE UNDERACHIEVER,who's Capable of Doing Something STUPID @ Any Moment... N Other Words,He's GOOD for Boxing... REED::
Reed please,.. Zab's legacy will always be remembered for the dance, and that dance alone, and Tszyu fought opponents the bitter American consensus wanted him to, ironically, Tszyu was thinking about moving up to give Cory Spinks a bit of a strike, but everyone whinged and screamed that he was scared to give Sharmba Mitchell his rematch and was opting for the easy way out seeing as Sharmba 'gave Tszyu hell' the first time, ..:crafty: do you know why 'he gave Tszyu hell', Reed?.....because he fought him the way Hatton did ofcourse, punch&clutch. There are still people out there who don't understand Tszyu's main strengths, his timing, his accuracey and his reflexes make opponents who ''flutter from the outside'' a dellicasey for him, it drove you and kellerman mad, he's so slow, he's so one dimensional, he's so can it beeeeeeee!?? can it beeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! :crafty: ..and then the only time, the only single fucking time Americans were lending him support was to EXPOSE that white chump from England if he pleases, please, please, please, please 'the ghost of Dariusz Michaelczewski must die!!!',..damn, :: it's no wonder you hate Tszyu so much.
I semi see your point. Although I can't fault anyone for cheering for the fighter of their choice, I think Cotto is probably our last chance for a great fighter. None of the other up and comers looks like they will be great, so Cotto is our only hope left. If he loses to Judah then we have nothing. If he dominates Judah we might possibly be looking at a consistent champion to pin our hopes on. I've always liked Judah's talent but his chance for greatness has long since passed and even a win here won't net it for him. That's why I'm hoping Cotto will "dare to be great" and put his name in the hat for not only Puerto Rico's next great champion, but boxings as well.
:nono: We still have that prowling beast of a welterweight in Shane Mosely who tore the jugulars out of Hatton's estranged father in his last outing, and he sure looks asthough he can go another 6 or 7 years, so all you need to do is lick your lips when Cotto comes out victorious because Shane will be horrifically rubbin' his whiskers all over his fresh bones in due time.
I can't quite go that far. Boxing is always gonna find great fighters. At least for the foreseable future anyway. My point was more at cheering for a guy who's been a stain on the sport (even though he's physically talented) over a dude who fights for the fans and doesn't have a history of negative impact. I do agree though that people can cheer for whoever they want and I'm not saying I have the right answer here. Still, for a guy (me) who finds Cotto boring as a personality, he fights the way I wish every prize fighter did; for the fans.
Of course we do Kauki my friend. However, Shane has already put his name in the hat for greatness, everything else he does from here on out is just window dressings. I was more or less referring to the newer up and coming fighters.
:bears: Ah now I see, and in regards to Shane, it's very true indeed, he is the very epitome of a fighter who 'dares to be great' , when you tackle that strength of competition head on, a loss every now and then is still better than a padded 10 year undefeated record.
I disagree with this here. I truely believe boxing is on it's last legs. Many people dismiss such claims because it's been repeated forever. The difference I see is a lack of any new talent coming out to replace the old, (we're still holding on to the Floyd's, Mosley's and ODLH's for big name fights) there are hardly any boxing gyms in america anymore to help produce those next generation of fighters, and boxing now has a true bonafide rival that is steadyly growing in popularity and support while boxing continues to receive it's consistent lack of respect and coverage throughout the sports world. Boxing kept it's head above water for decades because exciting and great fighters like Leonard, ODLH, Hagler, Tyson etc simply couldn't be completely ignored. Who are the guys who's going to do that now? Jermain Taylor? Juan Diaz? Fuck no. Boxings done, even my own interest has dwindled significantly since the days where I used to know practically all the fighters in each division.
The situation you speak of might relate directly to the USA, but not the rest of the world. In general, boxing in Europe is in something of a boom period. Participation levels are healthy and more than that, training and money has been poured into the youth programs and it shows. They're producing a continual stream of high quality fighters like never before. Is some of this success due to the USA falling off? Maybe. But it can't be ignored, regardless. I'm an MMA fan and regularly get called out here for being sympathetic to the MMA cause (laughable as that sounds), but I don't think "boxing is dead" or anything like that. It's in trouble stateside though, but the end isn't all that close yet.
Yeah, that's what I mean, stateside. Stateside is to boxing as europe is to football (soccer). I don't expect boxing to fall off the face of the earth but as a top tiered sport it's done. It'll live on in europe and still have small noname cards at casino's and such, but in a few more years you won't find a little tab for boxing when you go to sport sites like ESPN.