Well I am a fan. If Hatton can beat Castillo convincingly, then I think people might clamour for Cotto-Hatton.
I don't know, I think Cotto's chin might be worse than Zab's. When he threw that uppercut in the 1st rd, my initial thought was "there goes the Cotto reign" then I remembered shades of the 1st rd in the Tszyu fight and thought that was a bad omen for Judah. Zab's problem isn't his chin though, it's his balls, he just doesn't take a good shot there for some reason.
I think Hatton might beat Cotto and make people REALLY jock Hatton.. then we'll have a HUGE MEGA fight where Floyd fights Hatton and ANNIHILATES him DLH would stop Frotto
Agreed. Besides it's an easy pick. Let's see, who wins? A feather fisted body puncher who got ran out of the division, or a heavy handed body puncher who continues to destroy people after he moved up? Hatton has lost all his new prospect status IMO. He may as well have lost that 147 fight for all the negativity it's done for him. I see him in the same class as all those guys Cotto has already mowed down. To me Hatton is an afterthought and his spotless record don't mean shit.
If 50 year old featherfisted Oktay Urkal, (Vivian Harriss's bitch), can give Cotto a bad, bad struggle, I see no reason why the fellow dirty nut crunching git from Britain can't give him one either, please remember Lib four Lib, Cotto beat Zab Judah, it's only Baldomir's inferior that he beat, he simply joins the club.
maybe Judah is more comfortable at 147 so can take a shot better but then i we saw him get really wobbled by Carlos Baldomir....perhap he was just better prepared and more focused for this fight than he has been for some fights in the past
bad, bad struggle..? Cotto won every round..so i dont' see how that is bad, bad struggle....Urkal was surviving clinching/and coming straightin with headbutts....Cotto will bust Hatton up.
Bad struggle my arse. Urkal is a spoiling cunt, he didn't win a round vs cotto, just tried to fight dirty and spoil his way to survive the full 12.
AGREED. That's why I think Cotto can pose huge problems for Mayweather (and why Mayweather's been reluctant to fight him)... he's not merely a puncher/slugger, he can jab and box well too.
How has Mayweather been relucant to fight Cotto? I've never heard anything of such. Cotto is one of those guys who'll fight the people his managment puts infront of him regardless. Who's to say who's been avoiding who?
yeah the same way Tarver was a bum....that JOnes would beat easily. Don't matter how easily Mayweather can beat them he still needs to fight...Cotto & Mosley.
I agree. wich is why I stoped putting mayweather as a possible oponent for the anybody at 147. He thinks he is so above everyone that he doesn't need to fight them. Acting like they are nobodies even though the public wants the fights. The way Floyd has performed lately I really dont' care to watch him fight anymore. fuck him let him retire and go away.:kick:
I've heard such from Mayweather's own mouth, like the time he told the HBO crew that Cotto was "too green" to deserve a fight with him but then went on to fight guys like Henry Bruseles and that ilk.
I see your point but IMO, what Floyd meant by that is that, for a guy with that kind of potential, he was too green to face him and that facing him that early would spoil a potential great fight once Cotto would have reached his prime. That's how I saw it and I don't like Floyd at all. You don't hold guys like Cotto to the same standards as Bruseles. They're in a different league.
Floyd said than once when Cotto was actually too green to fight him, ever since he has said he welcomes the fight but he knows Arum won't make it. Arum and Cotto's team... from their own mouth said they weren't ready for Floyd. That's a fact.