That uppercut Zab landed would have ko'd most welterweights. I think this proved that Cotto has a solid chin. Thoughts?opcorn:
And Cotto is mucho stupido for getting hit by the same damn punch sooo many was the only punch Judah had, and Cotto walk into it all fight long...but as the fight went on he started taking it better.....
I agree. I cant believe how Cotto was dropping his hands at the end playing around. What a fool! What if he would have been ko'd. Zab is dangerous period.
MAN i hate when he do shit like's soo unnatural for him, here is this punching machine...and once he knows he got you he starts playing around. And the thing was that Judah was still dangerous in those late rounds, he was taking a beating but he would load up with punches at the craziest times.
I cant lie, I got excited as hell in round 1. It seemed for a short while he might overhwhelm Cotto early, but to Miguel's credit, he came back strong. I dont think Cotto's chin itself is anything great, but he has excellent powers of recovery. Now lets just hope he hammers Margarita.
Thats if Margarita gets past Paul Williams. I look forward to this fight. Williams has the skills but he strikes me as a rather emotional guy who may fight a stupid fight.
did you expect anything different? this is textbook for Zab. Come out on fire and fall apart after 3. He is consistently a mental fuckup.:nono:
I have to disagree. Zab clearly shook Cotto on (at least) three occasions, all with single shots. Cotto has an average chin, nothing spectacular. If you want to say that he's NOT chinny, I don;t have a problem with that, and said going in that his alleged chin issues were greatly exaggerated. But while he gave a great performance, a part of him has to be thankful that he wasn't in there with a smarter fighter.
Of Course Cotto has a GOOD Chin... He's Fought MORE TRUE Punchers N 30 Fights than MOST Guys Fight N their ENTIRE CAREERS... Zab,Torres,Abdullaev,Bailey,etc.... YES,U can HURT Miguel Cotto...But the TRICK is DISCOURAGING or STOPPING him... REED Used the Word "Resolve" N his Cotto-Zab Prediction...That's Perhaps Cotto's BIGGEST Asset,N REED's Opinion... REED
Nicely said and on point. I also don't think Cotto got hit quite as cleanly with the left as people are making out....and though you can see Miguel feel the impact, he was rarely weak-legged or disoriented. Even when buzzed he was in control of his faculties (even in the 1st). The dude has serious focus. Peace.
Agreed. Cotto is one of the best fighters at staying focused to a gameplan/strategy. Kind of the exact opposite of Zab
Agreed. Zab could have been much more competitive in the fight if he had stepped up his work rate. It wasn't like he couldn't find anything that worked! He has success when he committed to the staright left hand-- but he did nothing else. I agreed with Zab going into the fight that Cotto needed to be set to throw effectively... and that is why I picked Zab. I thought that hearing Judah say that meant he was going to use his speed as a major asset and disrupt Miguel's timing. But Zab willingly gave up his advantages early in the fight. He was reduced to a pot-shotter, but even then was marginally effective. Ultimately Cotto deserves credit for taking what Zab gave him, and discouraging Judah from executing the gameplan.
:dunno: Whoopti doo,.. Rafael Pineda thought those uppercuts were delicious, he could've fed them to his children.
Yeah but Pineda did not stop Judah in round 11.....he lose a deicision...whoopti dooo dot...:blobbox:
:: Yep, Oktay Urkal's stock just went up, perhaps Vivian Harris didn't ruin the featherfisted 50 year old midget afterall, ::.
Judah got stop in 11....Urkal quit in i don't see how Urkal stock went up....all he did was rush in and clinch.. Bumdomir stock went up when Margarito struggle with Clottey...barely beating an injured fighter.
His trainer threw in the towel to protest Puerto Rican offciating in disgust, but, to be honest, that German bastard can have a taste of his own medicine for all I care. The point is, Vivian Harris's excretion put up a better fight than quick fast good slick PROVEN elite, Zab 'supah' Judah, by all means he should get back into the game, he could apparently beat Margarito and therefore Clottey and Cintron too, seeing as Margarito according to Fightbeat consensus would get MONSTERED and stopped by Cotto all of a sudden,...:dunno: so how bout it?...Oktay has got to realise that he aint lost it at all, infact, Cotto showed that he's improved ALOT since Vivian.
It's not only Fightbeat consensus, it's consensus everywhere, Margarito is big and strong and dumb. Urkal did nothing but run and clinch and complain. He quit that is all there is to it, just like Abdullaev and Tszyu.