Charles Jay is back at it. His exposés into the different aspects of boxing are, afaik, unequaled. A few years ago, he did his Operation Cleanup series which is the best boxing writing I've ever read. I'm sure his newest series will be quality, as well.
Whatever happened to that Candian guy, on secondsout, he had a really faggy name and looked even faggier, he used do a lot of "writing" but he sucked ass....
I'm a fan of his. A little over the top at times, but he's an excellent investigative reporter, and really focuses on the issues. There's only a handful of guys who write more than one piece on a particular subject. Jay tries to get all the bases covered...even views that are against his.
It's not "another boxing site", just his own blog space. The articles link to Boxing Insider. Jay also contributes to Boxing Scene.
Does he still write for them? I haven't seen his name in a while. For some reason I thought he was with (or went back to) ESB, though I really don't read either site. The only time I read Boxing Insider was when Neil was writing for them. Other than that, I logged on to chime in on the Joe Rein drama, where the morons on their message board accused Joe of being a fraud.
I've been a fan of Charles Jay since I read his article exposing that overrated hypocrite Teddy Atlas.
I agree, I don't believe he writes for them. I know he was doing some freelance stuff, but was/is his work any good? All I remember was that silly bio-file stuff. What kind of ice cream does Rahman like and shit like that hahahahaha C
Yeah I never went out of my way to keep up w/ Scoop's articles, though I do occasionally come across an article of his on CBS Sportsline (on the few occasions I'm on there). Not to say he's a good or bad writer, just not one in my rotation. I think the last article/interview of his I went out of my way to read was when he did a piece on Viv a couple of years ago.
Yeah...those were always shown in Flash/Boxing Update. Not exactly Pullitzer stuff, but I did read it every time. The demise of Flash still hurts.
Joe Rein...MIA I got news for you cats, Joe Rein IS A FRAUD!!!!!!!!!!! When I wanted to ask him about these charges..Joe sprinted from the question and HE RAN ALL THE WAY. I tried to talk some sense into Rein, and he said..."I'm outta here! I am going to check out the Geisha girls in Japan, so book my cruise to...DESTINATION TOKYO. I relayed the sentiments from folks here on the board to his situation and he said..."If I was still fighting, I'd feint and smack these "Square Johns" so quick, by the time they woke up they would be...OUT OF THE FOG. Joe Rein once whipped a cat by the name of Al Schmidt in a three rounder that was from the "Semper Fi" academy, aka..PRIDE OF THE MARINES. Joe's mother warned him from the beginning when he came home late one Saturday night from watching a John Garfield triple feature that if he didn't straighten up and fly right, he would eventually fall prey to a...FORCE OF EVIL.
What, like Callie?? :doh: Someday Jake you should give Joe the money to attend a Bernard Dunne card in Dublin. I'll pull the lights and during the confusion Joe can run up to center stage with a megaphone and tell everyone the truth about Bernard. We'd all be unemployed by the time it was over, hospitalised too, but would be fun while it lasted.