Mayweather isn't the GREATEST...not even close...he needs to fight....fight..fight..and fight...some more.
The fact that Cotto is leading the poll show us 2 things: 1: This place is full of Floyd blind haters. 2: Cotto is one step if not closer from being overrated.
firstly, let me say that I would love to see mayweather get beat...especially brutally. I thought that as he moved up in weight,..his speed and reflexes would be much less a factor for him,...when in fact, the only thing that has diminished as he has risen in weight, is his power. Styles make fights. And I really thought that DLH's size, reach, speed and experience would be too much for Floyd to deal with. I was wrong, and so were many others. Styles make fights. And Cotto's style is totally wrong for dealing with a Floyd Mayweather. To beat Floyd, you either have to be able to touch him with power he cant deal with, or negate his speed and force your will. Cotto doesn't have one shot KO force. He doesn't. And to negate the sppeed advantage, you either have to have the height and range,...or a damn good jab. Cotto has neither. Floyd Mayweather at his best would/will beat Miguel Cotto handily...probably by stoppage in a one sided bout.
definately a good close fight with Floyd winning. AS much as Cotto keeps improving he is still not on Floyd's level. but it's silly to assume he will take a beating when lesser fighters have given Floyd problems.
Well, I think this poll really put to rest my "Cotto is underappreciated" thread... :doh: I'd pick FLoyd by close UD, something like 7-5. I don't know who said that, but I also think Cotto would bring the best out of Floyd. I'd venture to say it would be a great fight.
Judah won 4 straight rounds and floored Floyd. Cotto did a number on Judah. Cotto isn't being overrated, if anything people are impressed with Cotto and just plain bored with Floyd. And the last time this board was 50-50 on a big fight, the fight in question went right down to the wire. :nono:
A recent win will do that 9 times out of 10. People have to look at the factors. I agree that Cotto loses big to Floyd maybe even getting stopped. It's not that Cotto can't be great but Floyd is already great, and the style is all wrong for Cotto. Like someone else said, I'd have thought Hatton's style would be more trouble for Floyd, but that was until Hatton turned into a gutless leg humper. Beating a petrified Zab was great, but Zab was tailor made for Cotto. He was scared, unconfident, and he's a pussy with no pain threshold.
The fucks your problem? That wasn't a hostile post I made to you. This one is: You do realize that Zab being afraid gives credit to Cotto right? I mean you act like you want me to lie and say that Zab fought with all the heart and skill he can muster but still lost. Sorry bruh but it didn't happen that way. Zab's a pussy and he let Cotto intimidate him. Cotto still gets the W but your pissed I have to bring up the facts right? Here's another fact that'll piss you off: You know what the Cotto-Judah fight proved? It proved Cotto could beat the living shit outta someone who was scared shitless of him. There I wrote that just to piss you off. Now you can get all predictable and say something about Mosley to try to retaliate.
This was a crazy poll, but i like it!! Floyd will embarass Cotto...Cotto has no chin at all, Judah hurt him bad early, everytime he gets hit with a solid punch he gets really hurt...Floyd will knock him out early, within 4 rounds...He may not even land more than 10 clean punches in the fight.
:nono: Cotto has no chin? Did you not see that uppercut Judah landed on his chin in round 1? That punch would have ko'd most fighters. I totally disagree with this Cotto has no chin statement. If I remember correct didnt you say Zab was going to ko Cotto?
Dude, stop predicting shit like this, you're embarrassing yourself. Go read your prediction for the Judah fight and give yourself a good slap in the face. ::
I don't know if Cotto's chin can be considered suspect anymore.. He did get stunned by the uppercut but it never affected his game plan. I would assume that had he been really hurt, he may have been more reluctant to keep pressing forward.. Nevertheless, what does Judah's uppercut have to do with Floyd? What makes anyone think the Mayweather could match Judah's uppercut for power?
:: Judah ko's Cotto sometimes after 4 rounds.....Mayweather ko's Judah in 4 rounds or less.... :cheer: