Rumor in the gym today..of why he was outta town and missed the gym from training Anthony Hanshaw(fighting Roy Jones Jr next month) was because he was given the key to the city, and named the Father Of The Year.
Isn't that like a slap in the face against Floyd jr? Plus Sr isn't a fighter. How can he be fighter of the year? :dunno:
They should just have given him a get out of jail free card a haircut and a special edition DVD of the Predator movies.
He got the haircut. Last I saw him, he recited about three years worth of poetry to me while I was waiting to be seated at the restaurant. They're actually kindof entertaining.
Fraud has the personality of a caterpillar chewing on a leaf..."pathic" in several forms, conscious only for retribution, I'm not sure if it is a ''personality'', or just an unstable collection of techniques he uses to manipulate "things" from people, in his case, money.
Floyd Sr is a scumbag and it's a miracle that Floyd Jr himself was able to grow into a responsible, adult, normal and tactful human being with Floyd Sr as a father. Floyd Sr is on the level of Zoo, when it comes to being a scumbag..... I still remember that trial in Australia, where Zoo admitted Bill Mordey was like a father to him and, imeediately afterwards, Zoo admitted stealing millions of dollars from Mordey. It's a good thing the court was able to see through Zoo's shenanigans and sentenced him to repay all the damage he caused to a man he called his "father".