Well, I wouldn't photo shop him if I were you in case he comes back, you remember what he said would happen :eeeek:
Yes, we're in for an ACID ATTACK!!!!! That's ok though. Just as long as I can have my fun before I die, it's all good.:clap:
Actually Ike kind of looks like a guy I knew in college. He used to always struggle with exams and would call me at 3am for notes. But like I said, Ike isn't bad, he looks like a pretty cool guy. ::
Ike's got the perfect face for my 'gay porn' gallery! I think I could do a hell of a lot of cool sh*t with Ike's face. :crafty:
It's amazing how so many members on FightBeat have the perfect face. All nice smooth silky skin, nice eyes, beautiful eyelashes, nicely trimmed nosehairs, shapely eyebrows, beautiful teeth.......very nice stuff! :clap: Would fit in very well in my new 'man on man' picture gallery.
dsimon writes: Oakland has the best weather in the Bay Area. :cheer: We are good to go til about 6 or 7... then the fog comes in on most days.
I bet Leeder is a tad curious as to what I look like. Ok, here's me and my Mustang: Alabama Man has seen my real picture, and he'll tell you I look exactly like that Mego custom action-figure of me, . Wadda you say, Bama? :dunno: ::
I always pictured you more as a muppet. :dunno: The flesh apron, where your balls should be, is not too much of a surprise though. Why would I give a shit as to what you look like? ::
First one is of me saving the cheerleader (from Heroes) Second one is of me with Buddy Christ Third is with some comic chicks All were taken last weekend at the Philly Comic Con opcorn:
Only steve has the rights to it. He shared it with me and I signed a contract to not forward the picture to anybody without permission from steve. Seriously, you don't want to see it. It's going to completely blow you away! The mental image you have of Ike as it is should stay as it is. If you see this pic, whatever respect you ever had for Ike(if you had any) will go down the gutter.