:bears: Duran may be Hatton's hero, but they fight nothing alike save for coming forward and bodypunching. That's it.
Actually, it's a good idea. Next time he's in NYC I'll chat with him regarding this. I also spoke with Duran before and after Tito's fight with Joppy. Good people and he's funny as hell. I've probably been around your idol more times then you have. hahahahahahaha. I'll put it on video and mention your name for kicks! Then I'll have him say in Spanish - "The day I meet you it will be your last day on the planet" C
i somewhat agree w/ the young historian. hatton's relentless mauling against the ropes did remind me of the way duran used to corner his opponents with body attacks. but the difference being, duran was versatile and could land effectively from the outside. he also threw combinations. hatton fights one way although he can box a bit from the outside against limited opposition
the best punches hatton landed IMO were the middle distance/leading hooks and jabs that he used to land. Clearly the idiots on the board are in full force. If you think there's more of Duran in Pacquiao than Hatton, you're an idiot. They fight nothing alike. Next time, don't talk. Hatton has a very similar style to Duran, this coming from the board's Duran expert. Sly, the day u insult my intelligence is the day ur horselooking but not penis having ass gets laid, so fuck off:flip:
I'd love to meet Duran, I've never nothing but great things about him. GOAT, grand wizard of the I'm better than you club. Duran:clap:
Hey Rat boy. You're a young immature kid with limited smarts, but I give you credit for trying to blend in in a man's world. I hope to encourage you in your efforts, but you're really not too smart or talented at the moment: "Immortal Beloved" is a testament to that. Now you've really exposed yourself comparing Duran to Hatton. Very embarrasing....young mouse.
funny there were more words in the smallest of my articles than the only one u did for fightbeat. I'm a mature intelligent young adult with twice your IQ and 1/3 of ur forehead. Do not talk shit, because if we had any kind of debate, like before when u got lauhghed off the site and went into hiding for months, history would repeat itself. You know nothing, are a horse, and furthermore, neigh. now again eat grass
Cool. Sorry, I forgot my moderator hat for a second.... Next time jaws starts that shit in this forum, I will not reciprocate but merely edit his posts with a warning..
No need for post editing, just warn. If it's edited before other mods see it, it's merely a he said/she said scenario. If the proof is still there, then there's no questions asked.
yeah I dont remember starting the shit-talking, in fact I didn't start the shit-talking. But I will stop as per the requests of these fine gentlemen.
maybe, but if anyone attacks me in gen discussion, especially someone who initiated the dialogue and threatens to use mod powers to warn me, I'll fire back 100 times out of 100.
Back to boxing.. Ricky Hatton being "the Modern Day Duran" is perhaps the most ridiculous notion I've ever read on these forums. This thread should be deleted for the sake of the reputation of Fightbeat.
One thing I shall say - Pacman fights NOTHING like Duran either. I never understood those comparisons. A speedy, no defense, minimal bodywork, 1-2 southpaw fights like Duran? :dunno: However - like I said, Hatton comes forward constantly and throws nice bodyshots, that's where the comparison ends. I am not saying Hatton is shit, I am simply saying stylistically they are quite different.
based on what exactly. Does Hatton not come forward and lead with unorthodox punches like Duran. Does he not commit to bodywork, volume punching and forcing his opponent back like Duran. Maybe u can contribute substance to this thread, instead of flaming
Nah..I think you just want to show that you're the head man in charge, so that Payton doesn't get all the glory. It's ok, I understand. :tease:
Duran took his opponents heart before the fight even started, he was a cold blooded killer in the ring and out. It is a slap in the face for hardcore boxing fans by even mentioning Hatton and Duran in the same sentance.
But they don't though. Duran would come forward, full of movement, would parry a lot, was AMAZING at slipping punches whilst coming forward. In fact he has the best defense of any attacking fighter i have ever seen. I've never seen a fighter charge forward and get hit clean as little as Duran did in his prime. After slipping and parrying, he would shoot that big right hand counter, a lot, he did not often lead with the left hook like Hatton, and when not countering he'd jab his way in then unleash the big right hand, then pin the opponent on the ropes and fuck them up with bodyshots. I've seen MANY Duran fights, and almost all of Hatton's pro fights too, they are not similar apart from what I said - they both come forward and like to throw bodyshots.
And Hatton is of course, a bull rusher. He is not without skill, he picks his shots well, but doesn't have a patch on Duran's defense, his come forward slip and parry, and countering ability. He leads with the left hook a lot, doesn't jab his way in like Duran, doesn't have duran's punch variety, holds a lot more, isn't as good at pinning the opponent on the ropes, and doesn't have much of a right hand. I like hatton a lot, and he continues to be underrated by Americans, but he is not the "modern day Duran".
damn, that was the best description of Duran's style ever. These guy aren't in the same league. Hatton has terrible defense, just look at the Collazo fight. I like Hatton, but the dude is a pretty limited fighter, like Pacman was, and I haven't seen much improvement (except of the in the match making department) Cupey