1. Not buy shit PPVs 2. Write letters to promoters, cable companies and media publications 3. Be as educated as possible about the sport 4. Don't allow ourselves to be seduced into over-rating fighters based on their beat-downs of shit opposition (if we do, they will keep on doing it) 5. Not allow our judgement of fighters to be based too heavily on whether or not he is undefeated, keeping in mind that the "who" a fighter has beaten and lost to renders this statistic nearly meaningless
Go to fight cards when they're in your area...and invite people to go with you. Talk about the sport with friends and co-workers, even ones that don't watch the sport and/or aren't familiar with it. Distribute tapes of (good) fights to the same friends and co-workers. Try to get groups together to watch pay per views and high level HBO/Showtime fights.
6. Under no circumstances should you suggest certain fighters will have tough fights against certain opponents and then completely discredit the victory after the aforementioned fighter completely dominates the fight and proves your ineptness at pugilistic prognostication. 7. Under no circumstance should you claim to see 'no possible way' a certain fighter can defeat his opponent only to try every conceivable way to discredit his victory when you are again proven to be sans any knowledge of fisticuffs whatsoever.
a rule book on how to be a better boxing fan? get the fuck out of here:laughing: just stop saying that the sport is dying. Enjoy if for what it is however you please.:cheer:
i don't see how 6 and 7 are different. aren't you saying the same thing twice? and how does 6 and 7 affect the sport as a whole exactly? sounds to me like once again you can't manage to talk about anything except PBF. you're mistaking, "helping the sport" with, "helping accredit PBF's resume." the first of these is what i'm concerned with - the second seems to be the motivation of your every post.
is it just about him? it seems to me you do this shit about lots of guys. you try to discredit the top fighters in the sport because you dislike them. if you go around casual fans spouting this biased propaganda then how exactly are you helping the sport? tell me whether either 6 or 7 dont also apply to the nonsense you talk about ricky hatton or joe calzaghe?? you actually think you are some sort of champion for the cause of boxing when in fact all you are is a hateful, biased little guy.