Yeah, Roy could throw 6 hooks in 3 seconds and Marciano's punch could pierce an armored tank and rumor has it that Sweet Pea Whitaker once dodged 300 rounds of ammo while reading a magazine.
are u guys fuckin stupid - what's so unbelievable about 2 hooks/second?? :: hell i think Wlad did that against Austin...
A couple of hooks in a second is very possible ... I think back in the day the original quote was something like roy could throw 6 full hooks in 1 second. Thats a different story.
Like Xplosive said, look no further than the Bryant Bannon fight, I think Roy landed 4 left hooks in about a 2 secs. span.
i think when he flurried sometimes he threw maybe 5-6 punches a second pitty pat maybe, but it looked cool... ::
Roy Jones Ray Robinson Cassius Clay Meldrick Taylor Ray Leonard Shane Mosley Howard Davis Tommy Hearns Hector Camacho I think Joe Calzaghe could one day be there. His hands are very fast.
well there is a difference between properly throwing a hook and just pecking your hand like your throwing a flurry. I don't doubt how fas Roy is/was but that's just crazy. 6-8 hooks in 3 seconds are some half assed hooks. ::
Roy threw 5 left hooks in 1 second, this is documented FACT. So I guess Whitaker dodged 750 rounds while Marciano's punch pierced a building and went through a tank on the other side
(BTW, it was in two seconds that many punches) the half ass hooks put him across the ring against the ropes on queer streetopcorn:
Why was it funny Jones could throw 4 punches in three seconds, but it gets silent when I point out he did 5 punches in 1 second. learn your Jones, I think we really do need to bring back Planet Roy just so we can teach these haters a ting or two ::
One of the very fastest I ever saw was Eddie Cook when he took Israel Contreras' WBA Bantamweight title. I barely saw his hands move and he took Contreras apart handily. Ricardo Lopez had some really fast hands too. His stoppage of Ala Villamor was impressive in that it looked like he wasn't even trying hard. Meldrick Taylor, Sugar Ray Leonard, Jones Jr, and a number of others had really fast hands, but Terry Norris could also throw them WICKEDLY fast when he wanted. Paul Vaden had fast hands, and when he fought Terry, Terry would slap Vaden's punches out of the air when they had their title unification. Thomas Hearns, at welter and Junior Middle also had surprisingly fast hands...particularly for someone of his height.
I see no one wants to argue any more that Roy threw 5 punches in 1 second.....Despite the criticism of Planet Roy, you can easily see people still need to learn. :bears:
From what I've seen, it comes down to Meldrick Taylor, Roy Jones Jr and Camacho Sr....don't sleep on Macho; in his prime at 130 his hands were a literal blur - and we're talking 7-8 punch two-handed combinations. Though you could start getting more specific in terms of punches thrown with full power/commitment; vs. shoeshines or flurries. But let's not overcomplicate things. :: BTW, you know who often gets overlooked in these lists? James Toney. Check him out in his fights at 160, especially with McCallum...Toney was wickedly quick; amazing right hand and combinations. Peace.
Reggie Johnson had laserfast hands that almost put James to sleep. Reggie's hands, particularly at middleweight, were unusually quick...and yet he looked like he was moving in quicksand in comparison to Roy at lightheavy.
I have the film showing Roy throw 5 hooks in a second, I'll have to find it thought, I know I filed it right next to my film of Marciano punching holes in armored tanks.