Enough of the bullshit. Its time to call out Margarito for what he truly is. He's no killer, no destroyer, no great, he's not a "Mexican McCallum". What he is is a slow, looping, no defense having brawler with workrate, and toughness. Nothing at all separates him from a guy like Mayorga, nothing. In fact, Ricardo of a few years back was better than MargaritHOE in that he hit harder, had WAY faster hands, and probably a better chin as well. The Cintron fight will always be this clowns crowning achievement, he wouldnt stand a shot in hell at Cotto, and DLH & Mosley even at thier aged state, would beat his ass somethin horrible! Lest we forget he once went life and death with Antonio Diaz. The Margarito hype can forever be silenced, no I'm not saying he's a bum. He's a good fighter, but nothing more, and he's a VERY limited one!
Xplosive, you make some pretty dumb post, especially in the Mythical Matchups forum, but this is pretty far up that dumb post totem pole.
Get off my dick please! You follow me around this forum like a lost puppy! What makes Maargarita any better than Mayorga was in 02-03?
Well let's see. Margarito has a consistent body attack. Margarito is accurate. Margarito actually has a gameplan when he fights. Margarito defended his title 8 times. Margarito is just better. You're just wrong with this topic.
Accurate? Fucker coulda fooled me. Who's to say Mayorga couldnt have destroyed a Cintron either? Tony just doesnt impress me, not in the least bit.
Margarito is a handful for any of the top fighters, none of them "destroy him easy" that's just typical kneejerk from a poster who is notorious for it :crafty: . Hatton was an overrated bum aswell, who would be destroyed by any good fighter directly after the Collazo fight, "Castillo would get in that ass" Xplosive said promptly :crafty: ,.. now a few fights later Hatton is back on track,.. I hope Margarito will find fights easier now having lost recently,.. like..take for example........Zab Judah...? :dunno: Will a loss now give Margarito a crack at Fraud and Cotto consecutively?..:eeeek: has he hit the jackpot?..
He's not that bad but he's clearly mediocre. Kaui is right in a way, he won't be an "easy fight" for the top guys, he's a proud mexican with a hard head, however, it's clear he'll lose to them. I'm a bit said Williams got to him first though, as Cotto would have destroyed him beautiful. I told you Kauki, Margarito was gonna get beat this year. Why? He finally stepped up.
I'd pick Margarito over Mayorga or even Mosley, today he fought a lanky southpaw with the workrate and defense and holding to give him hell, well put gameplan... If Cintron gets Mosley though it will be nice to watch, Kermit is everything Forrest is and more IMO
Please stop acting/pretending that Margarito is being avoided by Cotto or Mayweather or anyone else. Margarito had his OPPORTUNITY to fight COTTO on JUNE 9, 2007...Margarito DID NOT WANT IT..he didn't want it... Arums was fucking him in the ass this and that options for the next few years..blah..blah...now WHAT?....:dunno:...he will go crawling back to Arum...and BITCH and CRY about NOBODY WANTS TO FIGHT ME>..I'm a BAD MAN....
I've been saying he's been overrated for the last two years, especially when people thought Floyd was avoiding him. After that he was pegged as some destroyer that owned the welterweight division that fighters avoided at all costs. Even Margarito seemed to buy into his own hype and said Williams didn't do anything to deserve a title shot against him. Well we saw what happened. Williams earned a clear unanimous decision win over him. He's an abover average fighter, but his skills are mediocre and he's won fights mainly on toughness, attrition, and workrate. That is a credit to him as a fighter but that hardly makes him elite.
As I think about it more, perhaps I overexaggerated saying he's a poor man's Mayorga. I'd say there just about on the same level as fighters, Phony & Mayorga. I wont say Phony is superior, cause I honestly dont believe he is. Mayorga beat a prime Forrest twice, and tbh I think the Forrest of back then woulda beaten the shit outta Margarita. On the other hand, Mayorga did get schooled by Chingy, and I think Margarita woulda outworked and beaten Stinks. Both of them destroyed Six Heads, but Mayorga did it first. Margarito's best win is over Cintron, but Mayorga coulda beaten Cintron's ass like that also. Margarito may be more consistent than Mayorga was, but better he is not. Not in my mind.
:crafty: Still riding on papa's kneejerk ay?,.. Mayorga's a bully, the same kinda bully Miranda was,..Margarito is more disciplined and tougher both physically and mentally, he takes the sport seriously and trains meticulously, his resilience is unbreakable over 12 rounds,..he just got beat by an opponent who threw close to 1300 punches and was more accurate than he was, coupled with the fact that it's typical Margarito to start slowly.
Kneejerk? I've said from day one that Phony Margarita was no better than Mayorga, past-posts of mine will document this. Its not something I cooked up just now, this fight just reinforced it. Granted Williams is a very good fighter, but if Margarito was this "killer" as you and many other clowns hyped him to be, he woulda mowed Williams down late. But he didnt, and his limitations were exposed tonight. Its good for him he did lose to Williams though, saves him from the brutal ass whuppin that Cotto would have layed on him.
I don't know of anyone else, especially at welterweight, who is stylistically similar to Williams, who's 6"3, 83 inch reach, accurate southpaw who throws 1300 punches per fight, :: I doubt many welterweights would want to fight that, CERTAINLY NOT FRAUD...that's for sure,....Paul Williams doesn't resemble Cotto or his style in the slightest, you're entitled to your opinion, but a few hard swats from Margarito might very well make Cotto do that all too familiar chandelir dance.... no no no,.. Cotto gunna knock him out da way he did ta Okta Urkal... ..really, Cotto has fought nobody as dangerous as Williams, Clottey or Cintron yet.
Oh please! He was a champ and he had your boy running scared like a bitch. Floyd wanted nothing to do with him. Why not have a Margarito/DLH or Margarito/Cotto fight first and see what happens THEN talk smack? Hell Paul got the better of Margarito through workrate. There wasn't sh*t on those punches and Margarito didn't back up an inch. Just imagine Floyd trying to potshot and run and having this bull coming at him for the full 12 rounds. Floyd already proved he was scared sh*tless. Hell not even being able to budge a 35 year old inactive DLH. No wonder he wants nothing to do with Margarito.
Let's be fair now. Margarito is much better than Mayorga. Paul Williams is a very tricky fighter and he would give Mayweather hell as long as most everyone else at welter. The guy is a 6'1 southpaw for crying out loud :eeeek: .
Cotto and Mosley will beat him...i don't know about Mayweather though..he doesn't go to the body...enouugh
no way would Mayorga have beaten Cintron. he would've been KTFO. and i don't get this thread. all of the sudden Margarito is somehow "exposed," because he lost a close decision to a 6'2" freak who held him on the inside and flicked 100 punches a round? there were a lot of sick and hard shots landed in that fight. and Margarito landed all of them. and he beat the hell out of Williams' body.
Back when Mayo and Tony brutalized 6 heads no chin lewis, this fight was intriguing, it definitely wouldn't have gone the distance, at this point it has little intrigue to it, I'd pick Tony over Mayo any day of the week
I'm being dead ass serious. Phony is more consistent than Mayorga, I'll give him that, and Phony would have beaten Spinks, but Mayorga at his peak could have given phony all he could handle, and maybe won. Phony is strictly a brawler, and Mayorga only got outbrawled by a murderous puncher in Tito, whilst it wasnt THAT long ago when Phony was given a tough fight by Shane's left overs, Antonio Diaz. And speaking of Tito, I'm so sorry a prime Tito aint around at welter right now. He'd have Phony ending up like Benny Parret.
ok. so there's no 147 pound Tito, but there is a 147 pound Mayweather. why doesn't he step up and destroy Margarito? this is his chance. with Margarito having just lost, he'd be forced to take ultra short money for the chance to face PBF. let's see PBF do it. it'll be an easy win, right? PBF's been known to take on fighters coming off a loss, no?
Margarito is just a B level fighter that got ultra hyped because he is a Mexican who can punch a bit. The truth is Floyd didn't duck the guy, Floyd simply had no reason to fight him. Margarito really didn't bring much of anything to the table. Now he would bring even less (no trinket). BTW- I would probably have to pick the Mayorga who beat Forrest over any version of Margarito.
Not very many if you look at it objectively the only 3 fighters in the past 7 years he fought coming off a loss were Corley (who lost a close fight to judah), Judah (a fight that was already signed and Judah fucked it up), and the rematch with Castillo after he beat him the first time. Floyd don't exactly make a habit out of it.