Based on what we saw from Bernard last night, I wonder if maybe, Roy still beats him. I mean c'mon, Bernard doesnt apply pressure anymore, he's stictly defensive and just tries to stink out fights. Roy is washed up, and cant handle pressure anymore, but from the outside, he's STILL alot faster than Bernard, and would beat him to the punch. Who wins if they fought now?
Please explain to me how anything I just said is ridiculous? Is it not true that Roy is still faster than Bernard from the outside? Is it not true than Bernard's footwork(esp coming forward) has badly declined? Is it not true that B-Hop now only fights for 30 seconds in a round, and the rest of the round he just poses, and grapples? Roy has lost almost ALL his talent, but he still has fast hands, and ring intelligence. I'm not even saying he would beat B-Hop now, but I think it'd be closer than alot realize.
dsimon writes: Roy is a great and all kudos to him and my intention is not to get his congregation going but lets face it..... He got to Hops and Toney early, he was a little fortunate in that regard. For years now Hops would be a different fight. Hops does a lot of fighting on the inside, it is part of his style. It would at the very least be a different fight, providing Roy had something in the tank left. In a nutshell: If I am asking if Vladimere Klitschko could beat Mike Tyson? It might be relevant to ask which Mike Tyson? Fighting Tyson 2 years ago would be a lot different than 10 years ago.
Roy is no longer faster than Bernard and neither are his reflexes significantly faster to offset Bernard's edge in self belief and toughness.
Roy got to Toney early?:: Roy fought Toney when James was in his prime, considered a top 3 P4P fighter, and Roy was the UNDERDOG in that fight! I swear, this revisionist history is pathetic.
word. dsimon's obviously lost his mind temporarily...that's the only possible explanation for that asinine suggestion...
dsimon writes; I thought Toney was still a little green... ok thats just me but the point is that when a match is made is an important consideration.
There was NOTHING green about Toney in that fight. He had beaten Michael Nunn YEARS prior to that and put fear into the hearts of Eubank Benn and the rest of the world's 168lbers. THAT was when Toney was in his prime. It doesn't get more prime than that.
He was also coming off the Prince Charles Williams fight, which was one of the best performances in his career. Green my ass! First weight drained, now green? In boxing history, never has there been a great performance that ppl try to discredit more than Jones-Toney.
REED is Sooooooooooooo Fucking TIRED of the "Bernard was GREEN" Logic, to Explain WHY Roy BEAT him ...& it's USUALLY a Cat w/an AXE To Grind against Roy,CLINGING To that Shit... # 1,Bernard DIDN'T Improve THAT Much 1nce he Reached his Prime...# 2,if Bernard was "Green" then SO WAS ROY...Roy was like 22-23 Years Old & Bernard was his VERY 1st Title Fight...@ the Time,Bernard was THE BEST Fighter Roy had EVER Faced... The Playing Field COULDN'T Have Been More LEVEL,when Roy & Bernard Fought the 1st Time... No Offense to Brother DSimon,but to even SUGGEST that Roy Caught Toney "Early" COULDN'T B Fuuuuuuuurther from the Truth...Toney was NEVER Ranked HIGHER Lb 4 Lb than he Was the Night Roy BEAT him... REED
To Answer the Question,YES,Roy could Beat Bernard Today...Obviously,Bernard would HAVE to B Favored,but Roy COULD Pull it Off... But as a Roy Fan,REED would Rather Roy DIDN'T Fight him...The Naysayers would just Say that Roy Beat an "Old" Bernard,so Why Bother... REED
Exactly. He fought Hopkins early but Toney was at the pinnacle of his career. He started getting lazy after that, had a few good wins, but nothing to put him at the top of PFP list, like he was in the nineties.
Hopkins would beat the shit out of Jones now. People are saying Hopkins shit for who knows what reason, but did you guys miss Roy fighting last week? That was pathetic, dude is so far past it its not funny. Hopkins would win and it wouldnt be competitve.
if they fought 10 times at this point, Bernard would win 9 times at least. Roy doesn't have the stamina or the reflexes to keep the fight away from bernard's deliberate rough pace. Hopkins would beat him up fierce nowadays.
Toney wasn't green, he was in his prime. The only somewhat valid excuse someone could use was that Toney was having a hard time making 168 but he was having a hard time making 160 when he clobbered Nunn too.
disagREED, I think a Roy win over Bernard could be a VERY NICE ending to a HOF career, tainted by his 3 L's Now, more than ever you could say that Roy NEEDS Bernard, not the other way around...
:: Jones fans really hate Hopkins. Probably one of the reasons Bernard is one of my all-time favorite fighters no matter how ugly his fights are. The people saying Bernard is shot are the exact same people who were saying Bernard was shot before the Tito fight 6 years ago. I think Jones fans are pissed Bernard wiped that easy payday of Tito out from under his feet and made Roy go up to Heavy to fight that filthy crotch humper.
Prime vs Prime, Roy schools the shit out of Borenard on any ring or planet for that matter. He doesn't need Borenard, never has, never will. Borenard's style relies on dirty grabbing, elbows, and headbutt tactics to frustrate his opponent. The first time they fought, Roy had a hurt hand and was able to maintain distance landing counter shots, and pot shots at WILL. He was making Borenard look fucking stupid in the mid-late rounds. Even on the inside, Roy was throwing 6-7 punch shoe shine combinations and would be out before Borenard could do anything.
REED Doesn't Hate Bernard & REED's Roy Fandom is Obvious.... & REED Actually BET On Hopkins to BEAT Trinidad... REED Thinks the Ruiz Fight did MORE for Roy's Legacy than the Tito Fight would've... Other than FINANCIALLY,Roy vs Tito was a NO WIN Situation for Roy...If he BEAT Tito,BIG DEAL,U're the # 1 Fighter N the World Lb 4 Lb AND Tito MOVED UP 21 Lbs to Fight U...& if he LOST to Tito,his ENTIRE Career would've Been Reevaluated... Instead, Roy Moved up 33 Lbs & BEAT a Guy who's Registered More SUCCESSFUL Heavyweight Title Defenses than Almost ANY Fighter of his Era.... REED
At least you'll always have that to remember. Too bad Roy's so shot he's already forgotten himself. :tease:
I suppose you think this "borenard" bullshit is remarkably clever. Well dude, sorry to have to enlighten you but it's neither clever or amusing. Bernard Hopkins is one of the greatest fighters in history...and it's no shame that he lost to Jones because THAT'S how good Roy is. Roy would have beaten many other all time greats in the opinion of myself and a great many others. Bernard Hopkins is as multi dimensional as they come. He showed his haert and versatility when fighting the remainder of the 2nd fight with Echols with a damaged right shoulder. He comprehensively outworked and outboxed Joppy, outhustled and shutout Trinidad, adjusted and destroyed Hoya, simply BEAT UP Antonio Tarver on the inside,, name it. 20 defenses of the middlweight title is nothing to sniff at. Show the man some respect, por favor.:doh:
I'm just glad to have lived in an era of boxing that had Roy. He did things in the ring that made his fights interesting to watch. Fraud is a poor P4P King compared to Roy.
Well HorseStaff we'll have to agree to disagree. I'm not saying Borenard is a shitty fighter, but he has a shitty style that is amazingly boring to watch especially in the last 3-4 years. He's a good fighter, but Roy doesn't need to fight Borenard for anything.
Bernard is starting to look 42 years old now. I think Roy can beat him via dec but he must be careful with Hopkins sneaky right hand.
I agree, who cares if Bernard was green or not. Since Saturday Bernard is officially a greater fighter than Roy and Roy can be very proud he holds a win over Hopkins. :clap: :clap:
Agree, but that's what Roy's always had been about until recently. "Financially". Tito was an easy fight for him and he knew it. No way he could have lost to him. I thought it was funny how baaaaaaad he wanted Tito. :: Stylewise Ruiz was the easiest mark for Roy at Heavy and of course Jay Nady gets an assist on that one for making Ruiz fight like an actual boxer for once and not a college wrestler. Of course that fight is also convenient because it gives every Roy fan in the world an excuse for the Tarver and Glencoffe fights afterwards. :nono: Bob Fosters forays into the Heavyweight division didn't ruin him as a Light Heavyweight but apparently Roy's lone foray in the division made him have to lose 30 lbs. of "muscle" to get back down to Light Heavy............thereby deeming him "shot" for all of eternity afterwards.