Whatever opinions you hold for Mayorga, nothing pisses me off more than idiots who think Mayorga got robbed in the Spinks fight. I don't know what some of you were watching but I saw Spinks put on a clinic against Mayorga. He was blocking and dodging most of Mayorgas shots all night while landing his own! How the fuck is that a close fight? Oh yeah, I forgot, Spinks was running so the punches he was landing didn't count since Mayorga was coming forward. And for the record Karmazin clearly lost to Spinks too. By the way, Mayorga is a bum. I wouldn't pick him against any 147lber in the top 10 and that includes Zab Judah, and trust me, that's saying something.
To me Mayorga is a decent win for a good fighter. He's nothing special but I can't agree with you that he is a bum. As far as the Spinks fight , well in case you didn't notice , it was the fight Vs Mayorga that created the nick name "Stinks" and that was also the fight that gave him the reputation of being a boring runner not to mention a pussy. If you actually think Spinks put on a boxing clinic , sorry to say then you don't really know what boxing is. I'm all for the hit and don't be hit type of boxing skill. Whitaker is one of my favorites. Sorry to say though that Spinks did not display skilled boxing. He displayed a disgusting act of avoiding an entire boxing match. He should be embarrassed of himself for the Mayorga fight.
yeh wtf Spinks was a disgrace in that fight Mayorga should have been allowed to foul to counter Spink's foul of not fighting.....then there's the knockdown in the 12th from a bodyshot that wasn't called...and you have Mayorga winning ________ NEW MEXICO MARIJUANA DISPENSARY
How can you say something like this when if not for the two point deductions , the fight was a draw. The word draw itself tells you its up for debate. Mayo has a point taken away for holding and hitting yet Spinks is allowed to turn his back a literally run away.
i thought spinks won, but some of the rounds were close and mayorga should've been credited w/ a knockdown in the 12th.
It's called bad judges. If Spinks turns and runs away, or he fights like a complete bitch, that doesn't mean Mayorga wins that rd. Holding and hitting is a much bigger offense than turning and running which is something Spinks did once maybe the whole fight, whereas Mayorga was so frustrated he was fouling all night and made B-Hops proud. Scoring punches and not getting hit is why Spinks won that fight by a landslide on my card. If Spinks fights with stink, you can't call his fight a defeat just because you don't like his style.
Well as you can see , there are several people just in this thread that thought Mayo should have or atleast could have won that fight. IMO , Mayo wasn't frustrated and fouling because of that , it was Spinks who caused the fouling. Not to mention his KD wasn't even counted. I mean why is the guy who puts a hault to the actual fighting action given credit ? I like Whitaker , Jones , Hopkins , and so many others that the list goes on and on. I prefer a boxing style over a brawling style. However there are limits and IMO Spinks crossed them that night. We will agree to disagree.
Well I mostly just remember Spinks looking almost Mayweather like in how bad he was making Mayorga miss. If he had to practically run to keep Mayorga from closing the distance so be it, but I don't remember it beeing so bad until the later rds when Spinks started to tire. I'd like to see this fight again just to be sure I'd feel the same way about it, but yeah, we'll just have to agree to disagree.
Vernon wins a third fight WITHOUT A SHADOW OF A DOUBT! The Mayorga of 2007 IS NOT the Mayorga who beat Vernon those two times.
you must have never seen spinks before if you think that was the fight where he earned his boring reputation.
I dont' know why people debate weather Spinks beat Mayorga. Mayorga himself took the belts and gave them to Spinks and gave him his props.:dunno: