How about a mod force you guys to show me where I said. "A boxcutter is not a lethal weapon." just like that. show me.
Is this good enough? <o> </o> <o> </o> You do realize you are doing this to yourself dont you? How are you this fucking retarded? Corky knows better than this.
This is getting really good....who's getting owned more on this forum at the moment: Caligula II or I And I ?
It's really the level of self-ownership that pushes I and I over the top in my opinion... The "I never said" such and such followed by 173 quotes that say otherwise is priceless.
I don't think a million Chubby Checkers can help InI twist his way out of this one. Well done 60\40. TFK
His response to 60/40 won't even be about the box cutter issue. He will pretend he didn't even see that. His response will be about a black box or the word "inject".
Dear lord, he even said it in those words, "a boxcutter is NOT A LETHAL WEAPON". IandI is the ultimate masochist.
This one is my fav Quote: <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Originally Posted by I and I A boxcutter can't cut deep, and you still have slice at the guy many many times before it starts to affect his strength </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> :: :: :: :: :: as if one slice across the jugular would not "affect his strength" :laughing:
Nobody is owning me in anything you filthy, long haired, sleeveless shirt wearing, mullethead motherfucker. Go pump somebody's 'petrol', scumbag fuck. :flip: