Curry by a wide decision. Curry would have a significant size and power advantage. I don't see Floyd being able to jump in and out without being tapped a few times to the point where he'd be in full retreat.
I agree. How could Mayweather win the fight? Be real's a mismatch. Curry was one of the most talented WELTERWEIGHTS of all-time. Floyd? One of the most talented JUNIOR and LIGHTWEIGHT fighters of all-time. Curry wins either via wide decision (118-109, 108 with a couple of knockdowns) or, he knocks Floyd out.
Anyone who can pick Curry to win with ease and/or KO is ridiculously underrating Floyd Mayweather. Curry wasn't significantly better than the version of De La Hoya who Mayweather just beat.
I think a 147 pound Donald Curry would have knocked down (or out) the shell of Oscar De La Hoya that was in the ring with Floyd, IMO.
He would have knocked out Honeyghan as well in a Mythical Matchup. De La Hoya has only been stopped once..and that was by a much bigger fighter. Even.."the shell of Oscar De La Hoya" has a solid chin, decent power and fast hands. Oscar would have COLD-COCKED Milton McCrory as well IMO.
Curry at his peak, was slightly better than the DLH of the late 90s, and considerably better than the DLH of 2007.
:: :bears: :bears: I haven't seen but 1 Curry fight but isn't he a tad overrated? Did he beat anyone of significance? I thought he lost as soon as he stepped up his comp. :dunno:
yes. he's over-rated. especially lately for some reason. people talk about him like he was unbeatable. and they talk about his 147 days versus his days at 154 like he was two different people - like we can't judge him by his fights at 154 because he was unbeaten at 147. wtf? his last fight before his first fight at 154 was at 147. and the best fighter he beat was McCrory, who for McCallum was a casual title defense.
This sounds about right. Curry at his peak was a better Welterweight than Mayweather and was a MUCH better fighter than the past his peak & semi-retired DLH that Mayweather faced. I don't even see this as all that good of a fight.
Really? Exactly when and against whom did Curry prove he was a great fighter? I'm sure he looked great beating up pretty good fighters but then so did guys like Bojado. Did Curry even maintain a respectable # of title defenses?
First of've already said that you've only seen one Curry fight ever. Before you go trying to claim that he was overrated, you might want to try watching some of his fights. BoxRec only helps so much when trying to understand a fighter's career and quality of opposition. I'm not trying to be mean about this...but I have a hard time even wanting to respond to you when you don't know very much about the fighter we are discussing. Curry made 7 title defenses (including a unification fight), and he faced the best Welters of his time: Top flight opposition like McCrory and Starling (2x - 1x in a title fight) and good top ten contenders like Roger Stafford, Colin Jones and Nino LaRocca. And the reason that it's important to have actually seen Curry fight is not just that he beat the best around...the manner in which he won was important as well. Only one of his successful title defenses (until the Honeyghan fight in which there was clearly something physically wrong with Curry) went the distance and even that fight (the Starling rematch) was a clear win for Curry. Curry not only beat good opposition, but he did so in impressive fashion. Again...I think it's important to have actually seen the fighter before attempting to make judgements on his career or before disputing someone who has seen nearly all of his fights. And if we're going to discuss opposition...Mayweather's opposition at Welterweight (Judah, Baldomir & Mitchell) is not the stuff of Legends. Starling and McCrory are significantly better than anyone Mayweather faced at Welterweight...despite Jaws' claim that Baldomir would beat Jake LaMotta. ::
I wasn't claiming Curry was overrated. I was asking questions, not making statements or opinions. I was merely trying to have someone let me know if Curry was as good as he is whenever he's brought up in a MM matchup. To be honest though, the one fight I saw him in I came away less than impressed. That fight won't be my overall opinion of him though, and I would like to see more of his past fights.
Which Curry fight have you seen? Was it from his time at 147 or later on at 154 or 160? If you can get your hands on some of this 147 lb title fights, you will get a good picture of why he is so highly regarded despite having a relatively short time at the top of the sport.
I think Curry beats PBF at 147 too. But I still think he's over-rated. I just think there's a lot of pretty good welter-weights who would've beaten Fraud Mayweather.
I don't even remember who it was against. Somebody posted one of his fights on here in a thread and I watched it. It was a while ago and way past the 6 month thread deletion cutoff we go through on this site.
You mean the version of DeLaHoya that just beat Mayweather. Lets keep it real now and be serious here.
Curry is one overrated motherfucker, with all due respect. He was cold cocked by McCalum and beaten up by Honeyghan....and his entire reputation is built primarily on the McCrory fight. McCrory wasn't all that and never amounted to anything special.
McCrory is no worse then Castillo or Corrales and lets face it , PBF lost the first fight to Castillo and beat up an unfocused Corrales. Please , don't even mention DLH.
Curry was actually getting the better of the fight when McCallum "coldcocked" him. McCallum said that he'd never been as badly hurt as he was by Curry, and he was relieved to get him out of there. Also, Starling who was a REALLY bad loser, said the only guy to ever beat him fair and square was Donald Curry. For some reason Curry's career suddenly nosedived, but for a few years when he was on fire, he was pretty damn impressive to watch.
Floyd would have a good chance if Curry was half-dead from making weight and tired from sucking penis all day long.