Margarito throws looping shots...has slow feet, shit foowork...throws the dumbest uppercut lands sometimes but come on...:nono:...even his jab comes out looping...he has a chance if the ring is a small ring..very small.
Ok, we know that anything can happen. 1 punch can change the outcome of any fight. So I wouldnt say he has no chance.
Based on the fact that Floyd is 38-0, unarguably the best fighter P4Per in boxing, and he has made fools of guys that are more talented than Margarito. Sure, I understand that Margarito is bigger than Floyd. But Oscar would RAPE Margarito for sure....and I am supposed to think that he could beat Floyd??
Unorthodox and wrecklessness is what some of Fraud's greatest contradictors say are required to beat Fraud, Margarito possesses this along with an iron chin, relentless workrate and pressure, what did Corley land on Fraud that made him dance that time....was that a 'looper'...:eeeek: ?..
It kills me how haters are.:: :: Corley won ten seconds outta ten rounds.....and the critics are all over that.:: :: And DAMN did he look hurt.:: ::
Look, if ya wanna get technical......nobody knows better than me since I AM a boxing/sports fan that anything can happen. Let me rephrase then. I THINK that Floyd Mayweather would butcher Margarito. ........happy?
If you keep fighting long enough there will be another fighter that will always have you number and kick your ass. Just ask, Trinidad, Mosley, RJ, Delahoya, ect............ If Floyd continues fighting somone will end up kicking his ass.
Ok then. Then give me facts or evidence to make any of us believe that Antonio Margarito would stand a snow ball's chance in hell against Mayweather.::
it's not even about how long. if a fighter keeps challenging himself and fights the best out there, he will lose. and most fighters can afford to lose and still have appeal. other fighters are defined by their undefeated records and will hop skip and jump around weight divisions, avoid certain opponents, and talk a lot of shit to keep their zero. without it, there's no myth. without it, there's no reason to watch.
Yes, everyone loses, Floyd will lose. Guess what? Even when he loses he won't be a fraud as you silly Joe's like to call him. He'll be remembered as one if not the best fighter of his generation.
If it comes from double it's a fact. :nono: Just like the fact that was spread among us months ago that Floyd had no chance to beat DLH. That was a fact, not an opinion that could be proven right or wrong given the time. :nono:
I am catching an underlying meaning here. Are you trying to imply that mayweather has hopped around weight divisions and avoided certain opponents? If so,....who? And if so,...what weight classes? Anyone who has ever laced up a pair of gloves can be beaten. But who do you think could have beaten Floyd, that he didn't fight?
Shane is going to Knock Cotto silly. This will be the fight where we will see if Cotto has what it takes to rally, because he will be hurt for sure.
Margarito needs to prove himself again.....sadly.. -Clottey -Judah -Cintron -Williams -The loser of Cotto vs. Mosley etc...Margarito is on a leash he has defeat some of those guys before but he needs to do it again..Clottey because he didn't beat him the first time convincily enough...Cintron cause he has a title now... Margarito can't go back to fight guys like Lujan, Gomez, Lewis..etc..he needs to prove himself worthy....:dunno:that how it is. Cotto has to prove less than Margarito because he has a big fan base.....and is alot better in the eyes than Margarito..
Margarito was never really very good to begin with. Too many flaws and too damn one dimensional. Right now Cotto would dissect Margarito.
well, i'd favor williams, margarito and mosley over pbf. and tszyu would've been live at 140. are you trying to tell me that PBF fought the best there was at 140 and 147 in Gatti and Baldomir? btw, i picked ODH to beat PBF. and thought he'd knock him out, or win a decision over a shell-shocked PBF. so i give PBF credit for not getting knocked out, despite getting hit with some hard shots.
,'d do well as a Fraud fan. Joshua Clottey, Kermit Cintron and Paul Williams, are the sorts of opponents I'd love to see Cotto and Fraud face,..BUT, they'll avoid them on the account of them being "too risky"...aka "who they beat?" "They're unworthy" "They're unproven"...a victorian styled 'uncle-tom' class system to be precise.
So you are saying that Floyd has ducked Williams, Margarito, Mosley and Tszyu?? Really?? Tszyu would have had the best chance of anyone Floyd's career of beating him. But I am glad it didn't take place,....cuz I hate seeing Kostya lose,./
are you only saying this to put fear in my mind??? like the judah by ko pick over Cotto..or is this one for real? :doh:
Cotto has to prove less than Margarito...doesn't mean he has proven less than Margarito...:nono: Cotto has always been a better fighter than Margarito and after he beats Mosley it's on to "THE KING" PRETTY BOY FLOYD ...I hope is on to HATTON, cause that would be an easier fight for COTTO than Mayweather. Clottey,Cintron,Williams.....two guys that were prospect when Margarito fought 'em..and one guy that was beat by Bumdomir......4-5 years earlier..