Dude,Rahman was NEVER Regarded as a "Winner"... N FACT,he's 1 of the More INCONSISTENT Fighters EVER!!!... NO Race Embraces INCONSISTENCY... PISS POOR Example,Homey... REED:nono:
Come on Reed! At least Rahman fought the best around. Roy's got some great wins and he's a legend but he could've given us a lot more. He could've fought Byrd and unified the WBA/IBF titles after he beat Ruiz. He could've taken more fights at heavyweight. He really was very commanding on the negotiation table. Look at the bs contract he gave Ruiz. Ruiz didn't even know if he'd make a cent for the Jones fight until they broke 500K ppv buys. Roy on the other hand got a guaranteed 10 mill. Roy was so hard to deal with. He talked so much too, remember his interviews on BoxingTalk? What was it he said? Something like "Give me 100 mill and I'll go f*ck up Klitschko!" I don't think black people like trash talkers to that degree. Most times you gotta put up or shut up. Jones talked way too much. Not all blacks like mouthy trash talking rappers.
Rahman Got his ASS KICKED by the "Best Around"...BIGfuckingDEAL...Who COULDN'T Do That???:dunno: Chris Byrd "Could've" Turned Pro @ 168 or 175 & Made a Fight w/Roy FEASIBLE...Instead,Byrd Decided that Being a Career Long,PITTY PATTING Heavyweight was BETTER for his Career...How is that ROY's Fault???...Roy NEVER Claimed to B a Heavy N the 1st Place:nono: ...After Beating Ruiz,he Tried to Get a MONEY Fight @ Heavy,which Byrd Most Certainly WAS NOT... DeLa RAPES EVERY Fighter he Faces @ the Negotiating Table,yet NOBODY Says Shit about It...He's the MASTER of the 75-25 Split,even IF U're a REIGNING Champion & HE'S The Challenger...Bottom Line,Ruiz DIDN'T Have to Sign the Contract if he Felt the Terms were THAT Bad...& Again,How is that ROY's Fault???... Like MOST Roy HATERS,YOU Cast 100% of the Blame on Roy...During his PRIME,U Can BLAME Roy EXCLUSIVELY for Not Facing TWO Opponents...Buster Douglas & Vassily Jirov...That's IT... EVERY OTHER OPPONENT Must take @ LEAST 50% of the Blame,if Not MORE...But AGAIN,Roy Haters Place 100% of that Blame on Roy's Shoulders ... As for your Last Sentence,what Race of People Loooooooooves "TrashTalkers" MORE than Blacks Do???... REED:dunno:
I think your point is to compare black fans to maybe mexicans or puerto ricans and their obvious blind devotion to their athletes like JCC, Tito, or Cotto. The difference is most blacks are americans and there is no doubt that growing up you were exposed mostly to white and black athletes whom you rooted for. That would weed out any racial bias that is seen from places like P.R or the phillipines. You also have to realize every athlete gets criticized and Roy is no exception. It's not like he's conducted himself like a 100% class act. He's routeinly been late for press conferences which thereby makes him responsible for burning his own bridges as far as the press is concerned. He's occasionally made ridiculous contract stipulations, called out guys he seemed to have no intention of fighting, and refused to budge or take chances to make fights happen which is why there was never a Hopkins II or Mickalzweski I. You may think I'm anti Roy Reed but I'm not. He frustrates me at times but I always call it like I see it and I've always rooted for Roy never against him because at 1 time he was my favorite fighter too. Personally, I never hate on Roy, If I'm saying something negative about him, it's usually an opinion, not blind hate.
Perhaps because Roy ducked many fighters during his career. Comparing him to Ali is an insult to Ali and knowledgeable boxing fans. Roy Jones is perhaps the most gifted boxer ever. He lacks the balls of the greats though.
Was nearly the same for me. He used to be my favorite fighter but then I started getting bored wathing him safely dominate guys out of his league while not taking them out. Then there was the waiting for him to fight some real competition. Eventually my focus shifted to Shane Mosley and the rest is history.
there have been mutliple reasons to hate Roy listed in this thread but somehow teenyboppeREED thinks black people should ignore all those factors because Roy shares their skin colour :doh: ________ DEPAKOTE LAWSUIT INFORMATION
there have been multiple reasons to ACCUSE Roll w/the Punches of Being ROBOTO... but somehow teenyboppeROBOTOROLL thinks NOBODY has Caught On to his Act... REED
:: :doh: what reasons are they? this has already been sorted out...with mods proving that roboto and i use different IP's from other sides of the world........had you cleared the semen from your eyes you would have seen ________ HOW TO ROAST
I like REED, and I see nothing wrong with him supporting black fighters - HOWEVER... I also see nothing wrong with a black guy hating a black fighter, for whatever reason. You shouldn't be not allowed to hate someone just because he is the same skin colour. I like Roy, because he was a marvel to watch. And athletic phenom. I don't like him because of his personality or skin colour, I simply liked what he did in the ring. I loathe floyd mayweather, again, nothing to do with his skin colour. There are plenty of white fighters I hate, and there is nothing wrong with that either. The only white fighters I like are Hatton and Pavlik. Again, nothing to do with them being white, I just like their fighting style. They are both beasts in the ring, and highly aggressive which I love. I do think some slight double standards exist with blacks and whites. I have heard someone else other than REED say "You can't root against a brother etc". I think it was possibly Explosive rooting against MOsley or someone, and he was told off for it. I've rooted against white fighters many a time, it's of minor importance to me. I think if I said to someone who was rooting for a black fighter over a white fighter "Hey, you can't root against whitey, you have to support the honkey" - I would probably be labelled or thought of as somewhat racist and a bit of a white supremist. Even I would probably think the same if someone else said that. And thus, the double standards exist.
People are not attracted to cocky fighters, they just want to see them fall hard from their pedestals. Ali was a trash talker, but he wasn't an arrogant cunt like Jones. There's a huge difference. Roy haven't done ANYTHING to get closer to his fans, or being humble. He's kept his aura like this pseudo-gangsta from the countryside. And the bling, cars, music, etc. He's not anynone to like, even though he fought like a god back in his days.
The problem here is Reed thinks all black people think alike. Not every black person likes rap, bling, trash-talk and all that BS. And like I said, we're past the days where black loved blacks and whites loved whites. We're long past that. Black athletes have their share of lovers and haters from all races. Hell even on American Idol, I saw the young black girls in the crowd booing the sh*t out of a black contestant and cheering the white boy.:dunno: You're of the opinion that all blacks cheer for blackie. It's not happenin' anymore Reed.:nono:
it hink he is mr roboto, mr rboto came back 1 day just to say it wasnt him, and hasnt been back since
this is stupid. you're basically saying nyone who's black should like RJJ because he's black. that's stupid. REED, not everyone chooses who they root for based on skin color.
dsimon writes: :: :bears: I see Reed's angle. This thread is no more contraversal than when Sly declared Hatton a torch bearer for the Anglo Saxon race. I for one would be very interested to get some perspective on how some of my Black fight Beat Brothers view Jones through the prism of race. I would add that IMO as a white boy, it is different with Mayweather because the fact is Mayweather is a textbook perfect fighter and that is what gets him by. Straight punches, counters perfectly timed, etc. Roy conforms more to certain stereotypes. He is physically gifted, does things his own way in the ring and has the ability to fight like Ali and other guys who were too big for the mold, the traditional standards of how a fighter does his craft. If Mayweather is a great classical composer Jones would be an improv jazz composer who seemingly pulls rifs out of mid air.
dsimon writes: Kaliber.... "my polish brother, lets show these bitches how it goes down in krakow... with the Kelbosi, the Golata highlite reels, the bad jokes. These black and hispanic bitches don't know where we have come from my Polish brother. :: ::
but i guess i'm responding to the implication of the question. he's basically saying, he's not curious as to why white or asian people hate RJJ. but he's perplexed by the idea that other black people hate him. the implication being, white and asian people hate him because he's black, but what about black people. why do they hate him? basically, the question doesn't allow for the possibility that black people hate RJJ for the same reason that white and asian people do.
:clap: I like that one! Personally I think Jones Jr in his prime is still a league ahead of Mayweather, skill-wise. Jones was something else in that day. Floyd is crap actually, looking at how useless and pathetic he looked against a shot DLH. If DLH had used his jab, Floyd would've had no answers. That style can nullify Floyd, it could never work on a young Jones. That's why I think Jones is a level ahead of Floyd.
dsimon writes: Maybe Roy is better. But the point is that they are different types of talent. Floyd is hardly crap, didn't somoene once say that they didn't like people calling professional fighters crap because of the training they had in the ring? :dunno: I have no need to compare Mayweather to Jones. But in terms of competition Mayweather could well surpass Jones if he fights the top guys and Hatton is a good start.
REED, Maybe you should find out if there are black posters on this board who hate on Roy Jones. Just as a measuring stick to see if your premise is correct... Hence: Are there any black posters on fightbeat who do not like Roy Jones?
First off I just don't understand how Roy Jones Jr is hated on by so many. I mean the dude is a class act inside the ring and outside the ring. Yeah I know he didn't give a shit about the media but so what. I know hella athletes that can't stand the media. And I am black and I am a big time fan of Jones. I love everything he does in the ring. Just a quick question to brotha Mass. How in the hell can you hate on a dude for the area which they grew up in. That's some old east coast west coast type bullshit. That's some shit I truly don't understand. I'll Holla 5000
And before you guys give me a hard time for saying John Ruiz was one of the best at heavyweight... At the time (by Definition) he WAS! He was one of the belt holders and had been winning fights in the division. He was one of the best at the time. Was the time strong, no, but that's not Jones' fault...
I think any brotha who hate on Roy ain't no damn brotha - ain't my brotha at least... and REED's and Bigdawg's either :nono:
Roy fights roosters so any hate McClellan gets should be given to Roy as well ________ Small Tits Cam