Particularly,the Floyd vs Genaro Hernandez AND the Floyd vs Carlos Gerena Fight Posters... Any LINKs to them??? REED:dunno:
I got the program for the hernandez fight. pretty plain/ standard. red background with mayweather and hernandez's pictures in black&white. usually the poster is the same as the program.
REED Makes COLLAGES of Fighters he Likes...& he Does So N Chronological Order... Roy,Sugar Shane,Prince Naseem,Tyson...REED Started a Floyd Collage Several Years ago... REED likes to Incorporate the Fight Posters themselves into the Collages...Of the Fights that Floyd has HEADLINED,REED has Posters of All EXCEPT his Bouts w/Genaro Hernandez & Carlos Gerena... That's the REAL Reason... REED:dunno:
What about the Gerena Bout??... If U Could Scan that Program Pic & Email it,REED would GREATLY Appreciate it,NEIL... REED
Prince Naseem Hamed is clearly not a black fighter, yet he is one of your favorite fighters. You like some types, styles and personalities of fighters and most of these fighters happen to be black. In general you like slick boxers and boxers that are able to put up a show. You are a fan of Pacman, an asian aswell. You like attacking guys with power and skill aswell. That is why you like Tyson and Pacman. Do you agree with my analysis mr REED?