Agree, Floyd needs his Leonard/Hearns type moment. I think Floyd would gain a ton of fans if he could get the chance to prove he could come back from a loss or near loss situation.
dsimon writes: You are seriously deluded. Now way is Mosley or Cotto a more dangerous fight than Hatton. Cotto may be a dangerous fight as he gets better defensively, but at the present moment? :dunno: And then you want to dictate how Mayweather should win his fights? :: Your right Muze Mayweather should become a brawler to satisfy. ::
dsimon writes: No fans always knew who the real pound for pound king was. Roy's hard fall from grace just sealed the deal in spectacular fashion. Pretty boy continies to prove his detractors wrong as he glides his way to easy victories. I don't hear De La Hoya asking for a rematch. Face it, Roy is in Mayweather's shadow now. He better hope Hatton does a number on the pretty boy.
They say you're only as good as your last fight. If Hatton buries Floyd, all that p4p and legacy goes out the window. Nobody will care about Floyd anymore. This isn't a Mike Tyson type of following he's got where he could lose fights and people will still ride his jock and make excuses for him. If he loses, the fans are done with him. That's the way it's gonna be. Then they'll only refer to Floyd's flaws moreso than his positives and will consider most of his career as being a sham.
I was pretty damn surprised. ringside at the fight that was the most stunned I've ever seen an entire arena. no one left for 30 or 45 minutes. I was also pissed since I had a g on jones by decision. I had long since given tarver a decent shot at beating jones so I wasn't completely shocked that he won. nonetheless, it was strange seeing a guy you've watched for damn near your entire life dominating opponents, just laying there on the canvas knocked out.
That's kind of how I felt about it. Roy and I are roughly the same age so when he was a teen fighting on ABC, I saw all those fights. So I literally grew up watching him. For guys like myself, Jake, REED, Bigdawg, Phonetap and Sly...I believe we're all about the same age and probably have the same experience as far as watching Jones from his progress through the ammy's until the end of his career.
Both fighters (Cotto & Mosely) are BOTH twice as dangerous as Hatton. PBF will probably Squeak by Hatton and when Mosely is like 38 years old and completely shop worn , PBF might make a go at him. He will retire completely before ever fighting Cotto. This Cotto/Mosely fight is just really to let Mosely get beat up some more (win or lose) and put more miles on his already aging body before PBF decides if he wants to take a chance against him. PBF picked the lesser of the 3 evils.
I remember jumping up screaming for joy, then running out into the street like a lunatic on crack. best boxing moment of my life
dsimon writes: You really think Hatton will beat Floyd? I have not totally made up my mind about this fight yet. might wind up going with Hatton as well. How strong will Rickey be at the weight they are fighting? Floyd's footwork has been getting lazier the last few fights and if he gets pinned on the ropes against Hatton he may get in trouble. Hatton might be as good a body puncher as Cotto.
dsimon writes: The truth is that Hatton will be a tough fight that Floyd could lose. If he loses it will be like Roy IMO. As I told Dimapimpel I don't know who I am going with on this fight yet. There is a lot of strengths that tilt towards Hatton. Floyd needs more mobility than he had against De La Hoya to punch Rickey coming in and because Hatton punches at weird angles Floyd will have a problem countering him.
dsimon writes: Your entitled to your opinion. Cotto might develop to be a great fighter but his lack of Defense makes him the least dangerous of the 3 imo. Mosley is just in the twilight of his career. Hatton has body punching that might be on a par with Cotto, has good footwork, punches at weird angles, and is physically strong. I can't believe that people are setting up a situation where if Floyd beats Hatton he could be accused of taking an easy way out.:dunno:
Nah..Ricky isn't knocking Floyd out. I believe that Hatton is certainly his toughest opponent outside of De La Hoya. Hatton's stamina, toughness and dirty tactics make it a very hard fight. Cotto and Mosley may each have more "talent" than Hatton but they are straight foward fairly predictable fighters and as such Floyd would handle them, 8 rounds to 4 each. Hatton though...could be a rough fight. I can see a "Brawl in montreal" type scenario.
Hatton's gonna kill that arrogant f*ck! BTW, you should be supporting your fellow englishman, staff. Even if he's not a black man.
Oh yeah, I forgot. You didn't have a joyous time growing up in those parts. Those damned racist englishmen! F*ck em all!
I was hurt for two months after the fight. I walked around in a daze so long I started to wonder if I'd ever straighten out... I'm not kidding.
dsimon writes: Yeah probably not. Hatton is deceptively good in some areas though. He cuts the ring off well, he has really good body punching and is pretty good defense.
DEVASTATED!! Not because i'm a fan of Roy Jones...but because it was Milk dud that finally broke Jones...:doh:
I can't believe people are acting like Hatton is so great to prove Floyd's greatness when he squeeks out another close decision on an overrated Hatton :dunno: How long can Hatton live off beating Tszyu :nono:
I'm by no means a PBF apologist, but I thought he clearly beat DLH. And do you really believe what his old man says, especially after the way things went down pre-fight? Hell, Floyd Sr. retracted himself already. Also, what you are saying is not quite true....PBF was already firmly esconced in the top 3-5 PxP by 2001-02; and there were even some arguments for making him #1 surfacing already.
Hatton's body punching is not on par with Cotto's, IMHO...especially not at 147. Hatton wears you out...Cotto BREAKS you down (and with less rough-housing and mauling tactics, I might add). And folks continuallly underestimate PBF's physical strength. Let's all remember just how "strong" Hatton looked against Collazo at 147. Hatton does have more speed and faster feet than Cotto...but Mayweather very well knows that he just needs to extend Ricky past 6 rounds; and he will do that. Once that happens, Hatton will open up and all sorts of opportunities will be present. Lastly....I kinda see where Musze is coming from. I don't and will not underestimate Hatton - but Mosley and Cotto in terms of style and physical make-up represent some huge threats to PBF that Hatton cannot match. In Mosley, you have a bigger guy, with comparable single-shot speed to PBF; fast feet and good footwork and good defense/reflexes....who could hold his own in a tactical fight with PBF - and who could open up with combinations without that much fear of getting hurt; and can also punch very quickly from odd angles to head and body. In Cotto, you have a solid, dense, strong fighter with very underrated defense (and IMHO, better than Hatton's); who knows how to bully and pressure intelligently; can punch through gloves/arms (parries/blocks) and make it hurt; and is underrated at timing opponents center ring with his jab, quick right hand and left hooks. He also covers the ring very well - much better than given credit for. He will hold PBF to the outside because of his constant threat. He will likely begin walking through most of what PBF offers as the rounds wear on...while Hatton will tire and seek to grapple. All three are threats to PBF....but I can see the logic. Peace.
dsimon writes: And Castillo? and remaining undefeated? and beating a tough fighter like Maussa who beat Harris? gee I don't know! ::