Why, because I dont watch football? I just dont care about that game or anyone who plays it.:dunno: I would much rather watch Ice Hockey of Soccer.
Ghandi's best quote is probably this... "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." And it's absolutely true. Look at the difference between say, China and Japan. If what you're saying is true bigdawg, you're truly a fucked up and soulless individual. If your dog growled at you you'd kill it? Um, is that not a bit rash? We're talking about growling, not trying to maul one of your kids. I think most civilized people would smack it on the nose, tie it up, and make it know that it can't growl, teach it and train it, not kill it. My dog growls at me sometimes, half playing, big deal, I just give him a little smack on the nose, pick him up and he starts licking my face etc. And if someone tried to hurt my dog, I'd beat the absolute shit out of them, just as I would if someone tried to hurt my girlfriend. So this dog, that would probably protect you and your kids with it's life, if it so much as gave a little growl at you, you would kill it? Please tell me you're not serious. And in your opinion bigdawg - it's ok to just torture and kill dogs for fun? It's something that shouldn't be a crime? People shouldn't be told not to do that? If one of your kids electrocuted or drowned your dog to death, would you not tell them off? Would you just say "it's ok son, it's just a fuken animal"? If I walked past your house, and your dog was outside your hosue protecting it, and it growled at me, and I killed it, and gave you the money for a new one - would you not care because it's just a fuken animal? In modern, civilized countries dogs are generally treated very well. The only poor treatment of dogs I have experienced has been here in Spain, by fairly poor, uneducated, ignorant Spaniards who can barely read or write and are just thick as shit. What's your excuse?
First off, That is a great looking dog. I agree with you if the dog stepped out of line. I would do the same to mine. But trying to compare a dog stepping out of line and dogfighting and executing the dog that didnt test well. Bullshit.
they treat animals no worst then the US does, ohh they are evil because they eat different animals then us? an animal is an animal
a gangster can kill without remorse, but do you actually think that they all do so? have you ever spoken to someone whos taken someones life?
these are the same people who lable people like judah and floyd gangstas and thugs, when in reality they are professional athletes, probly think iverson is one as well
Im not sure if Judah is a gangster but he definitely is a retarded thug. Also if the NFL wants to ban Vick for life, then so be it. Its an organisation, theyre trying to make money and if they believe Vick would be bad for the sport, than theres fuck all he can do about it. He has no one to blame but himself.
& that's the PROBLEM REED has w/All this... The INCONSISTENCY of these Wannabe Animal Rights Activists... "Oh,but it's NOT Against the Law to HUNT" ...U're STILL Killing an Animal,Aren't U???:dunno: ...U're STILL Doing what Michael Vick is Being Accused of Doing...What's the Difference???...An Animal's an Animal... "Oh,well,he's Killing Animals for FOOD"...OK,so that's Why PETA Doesn't Picket Outside of Burger Joints,like they Did the Falcons Practice??? ...But U're STILL KILLING ANIMALS,Right???... "But Pigs,Cows & Chickens R DIFFERENT...They're a Source of FOOD"...But they're STILL ANIMALS,Right???:dunno: ... Dogs R a Source of FOOD N Some Countries...R those People Also "Scumbags",like Vick is Being Labeled???... The PROBLEM is,ALOT of Ya'll R On your Moral HighHorses,yet on a DAILYfuckingBASIS,U COMPROMISE YOUR OWN Animal Rights Beliefs...The Shit SHOULDN'T B Conditional,Especially when U Wish Death & Torture Upon Vick N the Next Breath... REED ps. Vick Said he WILL NOT Plead Guilty to KILLING Dogs or BETTING on DogFights...So Like REED has Said ALL ALONG,Vick was just the Guy w/the Money,but his Hands WERE NOT Dirty...PAYING a Guy to Murder DOESN'T Make YOU a Murderer:nono: ...
i dont think they should do it, but i dont feel bad for him if it happens, i also dont feel bad hes goign to jail, even though i dont care about the dogs, he might as well been selling crack, illegal is illegal, all that money, you got to stay away from illegal activities, i know people who are criminals who wont speed or do other illegal activities, because why set yourself up to loose so much
I think you need to go back and read that Law book. Yes, if you pay a guy to murder, you are a murderer. I cant believe you even posted that.:laughing:
There is less animal cruelty in Japan than America. And that was completely not my point. My point was you can also judge an individual in the way they see animals. And that's not entirely true anyway Mass, you wouldn't think twice about killing an insect or a fish, they are also animals. But I assume you don't walk down the street randomly killing dogs. A dog is an evolved creature that loves and protects humans, and is one of the only animals that's accepted being domesticated by humans. They like us and rely on us for care, most of them would also lay their life on the line to protect their master. So for cunts like vick and many others to turn around that treat them like that is sick in the head, and hardly different to child abuse etc, it's just easier to get away with, and is more cowardly.
REED Knows what the LAW States,but REED is Stating HIS Opinion... If YOU'RE Face to Face w/a Guy who PAID Someone to Kill Somebody OR an Actual MURDERER,who's Gonna "Scare" YOU More???... The Moneyman or the Murderer???:dunno: ... REED's Gonna B MUCH More LEERY of the Actual MURDERER,Personally... REED
why is that? because we are conditioned to think its ok to kill this animal, and not this one, lets cook this lobster live, but if we did it to a dog its different ? why? other countries dont see it that way, fishing is fucked up, stick a hook threw a animals face, then reel them in as they try to fight back with all there bodys energy, to be pulled out their life giving water, to flap around until they are dead. let me hook a dog in the face reel it in, would it be cool as long as i ate it? those a dog in a big pot of boiling water while its alive, and throw a lid over the pot a pig is an animal that loves to protect humans too, but we feed them shit and chop thier heads off your basically openly saying dogs are higher then other animals being mistreated, and i dont agree with that
I agree with you on that bro, I was just busting your chops a little. I will give my true feelings on why I feel the way I do on this case. If I were to get caught doing the exact same thing Vick has done, killing multiple dogs and having a dogfighting ring and breeding dogs just to fight, I would get the max 6 years and what ever the fine is. I would still be in jail from the first arrest. Just because he is an nfl athlete he has not even stepped foot into a jail. I doubt he gets any real time for this. Kinda like Lindsey Lohan just had her Cocaine charges dropped. How? Its a controled substance. How can you just drop that. There are plenty of people in jail right now on the "EXACT" same charges as her, but because she is a celeb, she gets the charges dropped. Fuck that.
Personally I think fishing is fucked up too, so I am not going to argue with you. I keep predatory fish, I think they are great animals. Some of them are very intelligent and have personalities. I like pigs too. I think in some cases you CAN differentiate. I mean, I love snakes and alligators, but a snake or gator would gladly kill a human any day of the week. They don't like humans, and they are not domesticated. Dogs are our friends, mistreatment of dogs especially is fucking sick, and not much different to the mentality that could abuse a child etc too. Although on one hand I agree with your point Mass, I am sure you can see my point too, that there is a difference between animals. Would you rather kill a beetle or a dog?
Dog fighting is for lowlifes. I was watching a story on Real Sports where these scum bags were duct taping small dogs mouths shut and throwing them in with the pit bulls so that they could learn how to kill. This guy on the show, had his puppy stolen and thrown in with fighting dogs. The guys that stole it smashed the puppies hip so that it couldn't run away once they sicked their dogs on it. If the dogs weren't performing up to standards(if they were showing tendencies to quit) they would kill them. It was disgusting.
agREED 100%... More than That,your Place of Employment would have ALREADY Cut Ties w/U,w/NO Chance of Returning EVER...There Wouldn't B any Suspensions or Any of that Shit...U'd B Unemployed AND Incarcerated as we Speak... True Enough,Vick IS Benefitting from his Celebrity...& even the Feds AREN'T Above Taking Under the Table Payments,for Leniency... That's THE ONLY Thing Saving Vick's Ass N this Case.... REED