"Like I Said Before"... Roy Jones BEAT Bernard Hopkins @ Bernard's "Greatest" Weight...Some Act like Hopkins RE-Invented the Wheel After LOSING to Roy & Became a DRASTICALLY Different Fighter,Upon LOSING to Roy... But the FACT Remains,Roy Jones BEAT Bernard Hopkins AT MIDDLEWEIGHT...No Matter WHAT Spin U Put on it... In Addition to that,Roy Jones was DOMINANT @ No Fewer than 2 OTHER Weight Classes....Bernard WASN'T...& if U Wanna Reference Bernard's "Reign" @ 175, REED's Gonna Reference Roy's HEAVYWEIGHT Victory... Roy Jones is a GREAT Lightheavyweight,who was UNDERsized More Times than Not...Bernard Hopkins is a Great MIDDLEWEIGHT who's BIGGEST Wins Came over WELTERS... No Doubt about it,Bernard IS "Great",but Roy Jones was THE BEST Fighter of his Era & that Era INCLUDED Bernard Hopkins... REED
"Ya'll musta forgot." Plus, I have issues with how 'Nard's fighting these days. 'Nard's fighting just north of how Jones fought Tarver in the rubbermatch. Don't get hurt, don't risk much but I'll add a twist by grabbing you whenever I get close.
oh yeah some clown comes along makes the 1000000th thread about it and THAT will end this shit once and for all...
You can't say P4P because both are the same size, only difference is Roy moved way before Bernard decided to move up. Roy is the better fighter, beat him, and have a better resume considering he always beat on people his own size and in their respective weight class AND beat Ruiz, who beat many decent Heavyweights, and did it convincingly, while Hops have the names...including Tarver and Winky....but....He beat Winky, Hoya and Trinidad in a weight class not suited for them.
I just wish they'd get the hell in the ring and settle it. Obviously it will be a lucrative fight when/if it ever happens. Even with the role reversal I would guess the biggest problem will again be the split. IMO p4p includes CHIN ...RJ doesn't fair well there anymore. So arguement could well put him ahead.