Quick video i made today. Should be up shortly. Dsimon i didn't have time to read the book but i will soon and incorporate it into my training next time :) I also need to switch to a heavier bag i think cuz this one flies off too quick..another thing if you notice is i can't seem to get good leverage behind my right hands..left hook comes off better i think
dsimon writes: Your right about the bag. I am not a boxer but I think you have the makings of a good left hook. If you jog the bag it won't fly back so far, but a little more weight is a good idea. If you relax more on the hits you will snap more and push less.
You don't move your torso enough. Pretty much everything you throw looks like arm punches. Don't you have a trainer that teaches you how to appropriately throw each punch? Your one-two could be way harder and you wouldn't need to push the bag to make it look harder.
I see you got some better music. But dammit those light bills still havent been paid? If you are serious about this boxing thing, good luck. Maybe one day you can be champ like my old buddy Superstar Bill Graham.
Seriously, though it takes practice at first, think of your arms as elastic bands, and snap the punches like your fists are wrecking balls at the end of your arms. It takes a while, but when you get used to it, you'll feel like you're casually swatting out with a vicious smash that disorients and confuses your opponent. Flick the jab, snap the right hand, and later you can practice sitting down on your punches. You don't want to try and muscle the punches because that will slow you down. Edit: And for God's sake, don't leave your hands down by your chin when you bring'em back. You're begging to eat return fire.
dsimon writes: I can't tell! :dunno: Regarding Frazier: Before his fight with Foreman there was a video of big george hitting the bag and it was pretty scary. Buddy is giving you some great pointers BTW. Relaxation, extension (proper distance) and body movement to move the hand through (not the arm). When I hit the bag hard I can feel my ass tighten up and my toes dig into the ground... on impact. Before impact I never set at all... but I am practicing not to telegraph, so I don't know if this is right per se.