For all you fags who badmouth junior for this fight, get a fucking clue. Witter had 9 days notice and was a novice with FOUR KO'S to his name. Stepping up many levels. AND THE FIGHT WAS CLOSER THAN ANYONE HERE SAYS AND I CAN PROVE IT. Judah: 1,5,6, 7, 9, 11, 12 Witter: 2, 3, 4, 8, 10 Thats my scorecard and that 115-113. PLEASE watch this fight here and debate any of the rounds. Just goes to show how much people get SWAYED by COMMENTARY.,1144.0.html
I think I had it 116-112 or 117-111. I think people take greater issue with the way Junior fought (and the fact that the fight was a total stinker), thus perhaps creating the misconception that Zab pitched a shutout.
No he wouldn't. In fact I give Witter a good chance of beating Zab right now, and even greater chance next year and beyond.
Witter always complains about not getting respect and Hatton is ducking him. I have always been a believer that if you want respect then take it, don't ask for it. Witter needs to clean out 140 if he wants real respect. Its a weak talent pool with Paulie standing at the top right now.(I am excluding Hatton for the time being until we see if he will fight there or not after the Floyd fight) If Witter was the unified champ at 140 he could demand his fight with Hatton and Hatton would look like a coward if he didn't fight him. Right now he just looks like the little brother crying "What about ME!!!???"
I haven't been too critical of Witter. He was on short notice and not used to 12 rounders. However, this was one of the worst fights of all-time. My god this fight was dreadful. I give credit to anyone who can actually sit through this fight.
I think he would Zab hits hard and is fast enough to catch witter on that soft chin. I dont put much merit in the harris win. Harris was drugged.
dsimon writes: I like it! I use it all the time Buddy. My son: "I want to buy that toy why can't I have it?" me: "because you got your allowance and did not earn it, lets see how things go this week in school." My son: "Not good enough dad." me: "Your right son... you can't have the toy because I SAID SO!" ::
where's the proof that Witter has a soft chin, though? Zab is chinny and seriously declining. Not to mention that he's hit the deck in various stages of his career - early, prime, and post-prime. Witter's pretty much at the peak of his career.
Zab took decent shots from Cotto. Witter seems to be rocked by any solid punch he receives. And being his peak doesnt mean much when your list of oppenents are on the what have you done lately in boxing list. Its just my opinion.
:: Witter took a few good ones from Harris and took them well. Also got hit clean by Judah (mouthpiece dislodged) and didn't go down. He has an excellent chin in fact.
Godfather, I have to agree with the others - there is really nothing to suggest Witter has a soft chin. He took the odd clean shot from Zab and Harris and took them fine, I think his chin is OK. Zab is the one who's never reacted well to being hit clean, Witter certainly has the better chin. After their first fight, short notice or not, I would have to pick Zab again. And no Witter didn't win 5 rounds :: He won 2 rounds early on, and basically ran almost non stop after that. However, Witter has obviously got better, and Zab possibly worse, so right now Witter would certainly have the chance to avenge that loss.
I stand by my statement. Zab beats him again. Witter's caliber of opponents doesnt give me confidence in his abilities to handle an elite.
Yeah, but after the fight Zab said (and recently resaid) how difficult it is to fight Witter. So if he thought it was hard when Witter didn't throw punches, how's Zab going to manage when Witter is in there trying to bomb Zab's underconfident ass into the ground? I don't think Zab will beat any major contenders now until he addresses his confidence problems. He didn't even look that good I heard in his little ESPN tuneup, so yeah I'd say especially right now that Witter would beat Zab.
dsimon writes: I had Witter winning the fight Witter: 1,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 Judah 2 Draw: round 3 :: :: ::
That was the night Tyson shelled Lou, and I had it 10-2 for Zab. I gave Witter two rounds for showing up.