I think Barrera would get a lot more respect if he did win the second fight at this stage of his career.When Manny beat him first time around Barrera was still considered a top fighter , on most people's P4P list's.I can't see it happening myself unless the reports of Manny's training patterns are true and he did suffer a cold didn't he ? If the usual Pacquiao shows up it's a quicker stoppage second time around maybe round 7 or 8.
I'll give you the DA answer. Manny is prime, Barrera is past. Now THINK very clearly here... If a past prime fighter beats a prime fighter... HELLO!!! I don't see Barrera winning...but if by some miracle he does...Barrera will be greater than Manny, no ifs or buts about it. Thank you and good night. opcorn:
But what if Barrera just edges a win? You and I both know that Barrera can only win if Manny comes in unprepared. Doesthat make Barrera greater?:dunno:
The sign of a great champion is being prepared, if you don't prepare and lose, you don't deserve to be great...oh...and NO excuses either.
if Manny somehow loses and starts making excuses as to why he lost then it will give support to everything Barrera said about his distractions during their camp for their first fight as well.
That's a huge assumption. That's why they fight the fights. And if anyone had the credibility to claim pre-fight distractions and issues leading to a poor performance, it was Barrera himself leading into their first fight. So if you are going to 'asterisk' a Pacquiao loss - you also have to 'asterisk' Manny's win the first time around. Manny's "distractions" are self-inflicted...Barrera's were not. Peace.
Im kind of nervouse that Pac will come unprepared. When he fought Jorge Solis he wasnt himself at all. I'm still picking him by brutal beatdown though MAB is a live underdog for sure, you just cant count Marco out he's proven to be someone who can reinvent himself time and time again and hes one of the craftiest fighters out there today.
A couple of questions. What were MAB's distractions? Second question if he had so many issues why not reschedule the fight. I mean why in the fuk would anyone come into a major fight with major distractions and not being fully prepared. That don't make since. The way I see it when fight night comes there are no excuses. That means you ain't hurt nor do you worry about what happened during camp. You need to be 100% focused on your opponent PERIOD! I'll Holla 5000
that's fine in theory. But in reality shit happens so it's hard for a fighter to come in at a 100% every single time. Especially when they get older. I guess it's about what you want to believe. :dunno: personally I think both MAb and Pacquiao have had bullshit excuses for their performances in the past.
I agree with your post. There is no way possible that MAB can ever come into a fight at 100% with all of the wear and tear his body has been through. However, when it's game time you can't have those excuses. And if there are distractions and your body is not 100% you better learn how to redirect them thoughts and focus on your opponent. Cause if you don't then that's when your ass gets pummeled. I'll Holla 5000
I agree which is why I never believed all the bullshit excuses as to why he lost to pacquiao 4 years ago. Blaming the questioning from the media about the metal plate in his head. Blaming the fire at big bear. shit happens and people relocate. :dunno: same thing with Pacquiao after the JMM fight and the first Morales fight. He blamed the cheap socks that fucked up his feet and blamed the gloves for not knocking out morales. Instead he lost.:dunno: I hate excuses. :flip: