:: :clap: During the show, guest Floyd Mayweather Jr. started tossin' money in the air, causing the crowd to dive into the stage-side pool to collect the soggy dollars. As fans pushed in, the stage nearly gave way -- where stacks of electronics lay in wait to electrocute the whole lot! Get rich or die tryin'! Fifty tried to warn the crowd, and when the warnings went unheeded, he ended the show by walking offstage. http://www.tmz.com/2007/09/09/fifty-cent-saves-lives/
Wow......Too bad, 50 stopped those fools from being fried.....Floyd was just trying to teach them a lesson that chasing money is dangerous and that money earned is always better than the money found...
To be honest, I'd have been happy, but slightly dissatisfied, had Fraud died of electricution and took hundreds of his groupies to the grave with him, I really need to see him beatdown in the ring, prefferably with a shot to the back, eg..Cotto - Quintana.
you don't mean that....you are Money Mayweather biggest fan....:nono: don't deny it...you know it..we know it...it's all good.
The thing I find utterly pathetic but also curiously puzzling about Fraud my dear, is the fact that most sociopath's (and Fraud has all the classic symptoms) have a dulled physical sense of feeling, several have been known to relieve themselves pleasureably by sticking pins into thier genitalia, yet, Fraud fights as if he spends time periodically weeping about the air pressure around his muscles on a humid day, he's a strange case my son.
sad to see mayweather throwing his money away to teenyboppers like that they dont know who the hell he is......fifty is much richer, he should be the one paying ________ big women Webcams
Damn, looks like the kids are going to starve again :laughing: Moms' going to have to find a job.....
True, True,.. here's Fraud's Ex attending to her son. The outlook for breast milk doesn't seem to hot either.
Amazing Floyd didn't go to jail for murder hitting his wife that is frail and emaciated like that, but then again Fraud has no punch.
:: Yeah but you know, Fraud could've alteast given Mrs "Baby Mama Drama" a loaf of bread to swell her teats a little bit so that his sons could malnutrify themselves like piglettes, but still, even that humiliating and excrutiating lifestyle appears to be too much to ask of Floyd.
There are more important things in life than ones own kids :nono: There's millions of people out there to impress and could use that money more than his kids. When you add it all up, a million people is alot more than a few kids.
I'm always amazed at the lengths people will go to chase things that are literally thrown at them, no matter what it is. Whether it's Floyd Mayweather throwing one dollar bills or a fan diving out of the Upper Deck of Yankee Stadium to try and catch a foul ball hit by Andy Phillips and worth about 3 bucks. :dunno: