looks to be a decent HW prospect, at least offensively. Is anyone mildly impressed with this guy so far like I am?
He's entertaining, no doubt, but has the potential to become vastly overrated in the months and years to come. The Ring already tried a couple of months ago, when they snuck him into their top 10 for a week before everyone (including their own staff members and advisory board) started bitching
yeah i mean, im not gonna pull a typical fightbeat nuthugger here, but he's someone ill root for, and someone who looks to have a decent offense. Who he is, and what he does are yet to be seen.
Now that Oscar rules the place Arreola doesn´t get in the top ten unless he beats Wladimir. :: :: I wonder whether beating the p*ss out of Chris Byrd will be enough for Povetkin to be ranked.
Arreola BLOWS... He has a VERY DUBIOUS "Win" Over the VERY AVERAGE Domonick Jenkins Out of Dallas, Tx... Jenkins was WHIPPING Arreola's Ass & the INSTANT Arreola had his "Moment", the Ref Jumped in, STOPPED the Fight & PRESERVED Arreola's Record... If U Wanna SCARE the Shit Out of Chris Arreola, just Say the Name "Domonick Jenkins" N his Presence... Again, he BLOWS... REED
and since two people from the fightbeat staff have chimed in to say how bad he is,... this is a site that has promoted interest in Chris henry and Lou Savarese.
garbage. good manager apparently. it's easy to be exciting when your opponents are crap. the only reason he gets any attention is that he's hispanic. malik scott, for example, would beat him. hell, larry donald would school him easily. it's all bull-shit. if i had to name one promoter who forces the most bull-shit down the throats of fans, it's Goosen. I'm not sure if he promotes Areiola or not, but Goosen is a buil-shit artist, nothing more.
How anyone is impressed with this guy is beyond my powers of understanding. Chris is about as average a heavyweight as there is. There's simply nothing "impressive" about him. He's a fighter...not much else.
Lou Savareasy SUCKS as Well, but he'd BEAT Chris Arreola... Perhaps U're on his JOCK Cause he Gave U the Time of Day, but that DOESN'T Lessen Arreola's Level of SUCKAGE... REED
Not sure if he STILL Does, but he Did when Arreola Fought Domonic Jenkins... Jenkins was Brought N as a Sacrificial Lamb to Make Arreola Look GOOD...Fox Sports was Gonna Televise it @ Everything...But after the Nature of Arreola's "Win", that Fight Conveniently NEVER Made it on the Fox Airwaves... REED
He looks like a big powerful guy, nothing more and nothing less so far. I have seen him fight just twice though. Maybe if he had an outstanding chin so that he could build his strategy on constant aggression (he doesn't have the slickness to do it otherwise) he might achieve something. From what he looks now is that he is a worse version of Sam Peter and would be easy meat for Ibragimov, Chagaev, Povetkin and all the skilful boxers
again im not a nuthugger. I've never met the guy, I've just seen him a few times and wouldn't mind seeing him more.
dsimon writes: Ohhh yeah. I was wondering and now I remember where I saw the guy. Speaking to the comments on this thread: It takes a lot to develop into a decent prospect. Think for a minute how many guys run the gaunlet through and through. Of the guys who make it pretty far they have to have the capacity to get better. My feeling about Aeriola is that whatever he is doing in the ring now will change considerably if he is able to learn the craft. In the meantime it is hard to judge him aside from saying he has to keep winning fights one way or another. The most important attribute any of these guys can have on their side imo is youth because youth gives you time to learn. Yeah some guys are better right now than others... Potakvin is the front runner perhaps of the young contenders.... but in 5 years time that does not tell us anything about where these guys will be, does it? Aeroial has something Potavkin doesn't btw, size.
Dsimon, For someone who was such a fan of James Toney as a heavyweight, it surprises me that you add credence to Arreola (at the expense of Povetkin) because of their size (only two inches). Povetkin is simply a more skilled fighter.
Fat slow and ugly. You know what that means? It means he's going to be getting a whole lot uglier a whole lot faster. Damn he's ugly.
I remember after the first time I saw him fight I was telling my friend about him...the exact phrasing was "the Mexican Samil Sam."
thats basically the long and short of it. his affiliation with Al Haymon keeps him relevant in the eyes of the network. That said, I'd rather watch him over Malik Scott any day of the week. Zahir Raheem was good enough to beat (that version of) Erik Morales, but it doesn't mean anyone wanted to ever again watch him. Malik Scott is pretty much in the same boat.
dsimon writes: I calls em as I sees em. No I don't think Areola is better... but he does have more natural size. Depending on the long and winding road where these guys wind up that is one advanage that Areola takes with him... Povetkin takes more advantages in at this point.... but my point is that it won't matter in a few years time as these guys get better and have a few more fights because both guys will have changed so much by then.