tunney boxed in a traditioinal sense behind a jab with discipline. plus, dempsey was one his last legs for those fights. the younger fierce dempsey would smother RJJ with hurt.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VawHgrLvbD4 what up with that dude getting up like a zombie??? :dunno: You see that so often in old timer fights... hurt... 15th round down unsteady legs. If some dude gets punched in that condition today he's out cold for minutes. They can't have all had better chins back then??? :nono:
Roy sits back on the ropes behind a guard at some stage, like he ALWAYS does...and gets fucked up against Dempsey ________ BMW E70 HISTORY
LOL!! I love how back then also you could stand over the guy you dropped and hit him when he's trying to get up::
I don't recall too many fighters being able to hit Roy, let alone fuck him up, when he leaned against the ropes back in his prime. In fact, he would often go there to break his opponent down.
dempsey would've beaten everyone that roy has fought. not sure who wins between the two, but i would probably favor dempsey, who i'm sure was the toughest and roughest guy roy would ever face.
Honestly , Ruiz when allowed to use his illegal wrestling tactics has a good shot at beating almost anyone.
I don't agree there....Roy does not and never has liked infighting. Center ring has always been his domain, where he can use his footwork and speed and reflexes. He would OCCASIONALLY go to the ropes or be put there - but beyond an occasional counter to the body or uppercut; he'd be looking to spin or fight his way out quickly (or tie up) to get back to center ring. He didn't break opponents down there for long periods of time...he was never too comfortable there. He has done it more now because he HAS to, IMHO. Peace.
Whoa there, Steve. Fair comment (minus the insults) - but it should also disgust you that people are using the Tunney fight when Dempsey was quite in decline...and that people are refusing to even acknowledge Dempsey's very quick hands, short punches, and quick feet, which are evident in footage...hell, they won't even acknowledge that Dempsey would be bigger. So let's keep it fair. :nono: :: Peace.
Watching the Sosa and Ruiz fight, there were scenes where Roy obviously enjoyed being on the ropes ducking punches clown with the audience and his opponent, smiling just to counter the shit out of the other guy afterwards (the Sosa fight). U can clearly see he was not uncomfortable there - it looked more bored and amused at the incapability of Sosa in this sequence... Roy wasn't in infighter but on the ropes the most relaxed cat i've ever seen in his prime. topping Mayweather at that.
Well...he rarely spent much time on the ropes vs. Ruiz, but let's not go there, LOL. But again, it wasn't consistently his MO. And saying he went there to "break opponents down" is a stretch. Peace.
This is stupid. This is like asking "How would Barry Sanders fair against the toughest NFL defense of the 40s. As unbeatable as Jones appeared to be at 175 before he moved up to face Ruiz, he would be COMPLETELY unbeatable against any heavyweight of that era.
dempsey once knocked out 6 guys in a 1 on 6 bar room brawl. all the while demspey was intoxicated after consuming 24 pints of ale. not to mention dempsey had fought 13 rounds earlier that evening. he'd destroy a candy ass like jones jr.