I would lean to Morales because what may otherwise be close is swung in Morales' favour by the fact that schooling Pacman is worth more than schooling the space monkey. And knocking Jones out in 4 rounds is better than being flattened once and outpointed once by Jones, no doubt. Morales, by a bit.
Talk about beating a dead horse. So many arguments can be made for both guys. I´d give a slight edge to Morales, but I don´t fault people, who think Barrera is greater... ....but I know who you are....:warning: :warning:
i thought barrera won their first fight by a skin of teeth and vice versa i thought morales won the rematch. the third fight was also competitive although barrera deserved the nod. with that said, morales also had slightly better competition and beat two men who barrera could not beat. but then again, barrera has that huge win over naseem hamed. i guess they're about even.
I always considered them even. BAsed on similar competition from 122 - 130. I also think their trilogy should be 1 - 1 - 1
Barrera in my opinion. I believe he should be 3-0 in his fights against Morales. His losses against Pac don't mean alot since he was clearly well past it. The way he schooled Hamed will always be remembered.
Both guys are legends and its a close call. I think this depends on what style you like to watch. I'd have to say MAB.
So his first loss against Pacquiao doesn´t count, which means his second win over Morales doesn´t count either, right? What about his loss to Juan Manuel Marquez, were the Jr. Jones fights in some sort of vacuum as well? ::
Barrera because he beat Morales twice and Barrera didn't cry when he lost the second time, like a fighter that will go nameless.