nope :doh: Tackie is shot and Gomez never was, this is a clubshow at best, Mora got the worst of it, he is on espn classic due to time restaints ::::
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i don't think tackie is shot - he's just fighing bigger guys now that he can't knock out - even at his best he was known to lose round after round - molina schooled his azz b4 tszyu ever did
Double L, what do you think of the fact Zoo defended his title against Tackie, instead of fighting guys like ODLH, Tito, Cotto, Whitaker, Quartey, PBF, Mosley, etc?
i remember at the time a lot of people were picking Tackie over was seen as a dangerous fight to take
This was the most propaganda laden television show I've seen in years. They worked so hard to put Gomez over it was sickening. Gomez doesn't seem like a bad fighter...actually he seems quite good to me. And he seems like a real nice guy. But enough about how he's "captured the heart of America" and the "he's done it time and time again" bullshit.
I couldn't watch either fight for long. Mora flat out sucks and proved it once again last night. He should have taken the money and gotten his ass kicked by Jermain last May.
Was it the same people who picked Barrera to beat Packio just recently? The fact remains that Tackie is just one bum in a long string of bums, against whom Zoo defended his titles again and again and again.....
Is this a serious question? Certainly no one who followed/follows boxing would ask such a silly question.
Dymipepel is trolling..if indeed he is belorussian, he is living proof that the belorussians stalin dumped in the mass graves of kurapaty were the intelligent ones...
:doh: It wasn't "Kuropaty", it was Katyn, and it wasn't belorussians, it was polish folks...get your history straight, "Der Retard"
Ok, if you don't like the choice of Tackie, let's change the question a little bit... Double L, what do you think of the fact Zoo fought against the likes of Roger Mayweather, Vince Philips, Bergman, Grove, MAGO, Santos, Leija, Urkal, etc, instead of fighting guys like ODLH, Tito, Cotto, Whitaker, Quartey, PBF, Mosley, etc? is there an answer why Zoo never fought an elite fighter?
I'll say this again... If you're asking such a question, it's painfully obvious you have no idea of what happened during the timeframes and why those fights didn't happen. Perhaps you should do your homework then come back so you'll be able to participate in a conversation with adults.
about 1/4 full but its a 7500 seat stadium so about 1700 showed. Not bad considering there was poor promoting of this card both locally and by ESPN. Put this in a ballroom such as ESPN is used to showing and its capacity.
It's actually terrible - by far the worst turnout for any Contender-related show (aside from the oversized cardboard box a/k/a The Contender Arena that they use for the taped shows). And the other Contender specials have all taken place on ESPN, so that excuse really doesn't apply. It could be due to poor promotion, or simply that the novelty has worn off and in the grand scheme of things, a fight like Gomez-Tackie just isn't on anyone's radar.
Surely like any other reality TV stars, their face value and opportunity to establish themselves is reasonably short-lived...I would bet that most would have a hard time remembering who even won the second series of the contrast, the runner up forbes has resurrected his dead end career and got some reasonably big fights by striking while the iron was hot...
what excuse?:dunno: honestly I dont think in those terms about guys like Gomez or Mora anymore. I think of them as regular fighters on the LA fight scene and for a show like this the turnout was good considering no one knew about the card until late. Arreola's Telefutura fight drew less, Ponce's Telefutura show drew even less.
that's kind of what I was hinting at - the new penny shine is gone, and all of these guys are just back to being clubfighters and/or local prospects. The more I think on it, the Manfredo-Spina card (with Green-Ravelo on the undercard) also had a weak turnout, something almost unheard of for a Manfredo fight in New England. But that said, it's worth saying that a Contender card comes with a far greater financial investment than your standard Telefutura show. So to consider this show even respectable in comparing the two is a bit misleading, even if the fighters within the shows are part of the same boxing scene. If nothing else, it bring the TOC brass back down to reality (no pun intended). I think they depended on this season of The Contender to assist in the promotion, but it seems like this season has generated the least amount of buzz of the three.