It looks like Floyd is already trying to people to look out for Hatton's holding and get a ref that won't allow so much wrestling. Hatton and his team should speak about Floyd's elbow and forearms to try to even it out. [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]from fightnews[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]WBC welterweight champion Floyd Mayweather says he doesn't expect officials in Las Vegas to put up with any roughhouse tactics from IBO jr welter king Ricky Hatton when they meet December 8th at the MGM Grand Garden Arena. "In Vegas they don't play that crap," stated Mayweather. "They're firm but they're fair and I just want to go out there and fight a good fight man, and keep it clean. But if he gets dirty, I don't mind getting dirty. It's whatever he wants to do." Floyd says he has nothing to fear from Hatton's style of 'punch/hold.' "From what I've seen it's extremely dirty and you know me, I truly believe in an eye for an eye. If you hit me low, I'm going to hit you low. And I'm just saying he's s dirty fighter."[/FONT]
Yeah Mayweather uses his elbow from time to time probably like 5 times tops a fight. Hatton is a disgraceful cheat he clinches like 20 times a round. So Floyd is right the ref needs to get on Hatton right away to stop the clinching, remember that shit ruins fights. Nady should get this fight because he doesn't allow that wrestling bullshit.
Seems to me like Floyd is trying to look out for viewer's best interest.....Surely, whoever pays the money to see the fight don't want to see endless clinching? Floyd's just trying to get people their money worth...:dunno:
He know that thats Hattons ONLY chance to win. If they are forced to box, landslide win for floyd. ________ Coach Purses
I think Floyd will win but , I fully expect Floyd to initiate just about all the clinches that will take place in this fight. As soon as Hatton gets close , Floyd will stop the action with a clinch .. I think many people here aren't really understanding . IMO clinch is probably the last thing Hatton will want to happen and the first thing Floyd will want to happen once Hatton gets to close to him ..
All he cared in that fight was whipping ODLH and embarassing him..... he achieved both.... In Hatton's fight, he's looking out for viewers, and humiliating Zoo's daddy, that's all.....
please. ODH gave a very good account of himself, and PBF is the one who stunk the joint out and who by the end of the fight everyone but nut-huggers such as yourself hoped would lose.
What does "hope" have to do with anything? People hoped Castillo would stop Hatton......but the difference in skill level was too much for Castillo to overcome...
Hatton should complain about Mayweather shoulder roll "defense".....the turning your back toward your opponent..:nono:
dsimon writes; The bottom line is that Oscar started wearing women's neglige after Floyd got through with him. He became property of Floyd and he became feminine in nature. Hatton will also be wearing a dress and going to strippers who will put his make up on after this fight.
Good boy,.. you and Erratic are a nice pair of honest groupies,.. this fight will be a static ball of illegal impliments in close,.. on the counter Hatton needs to complain about the following,.. * Forearms to the throat * Flicking of the elbow * Palming / Pushing of the head * Turning of the back / head below belt level * Excessive running
Hatton was just on Sky Sports in the UK at the end of the jamie moore-andrew facey fight...He looked in good shape, apparently the weight is going well, and he intends to come into the ring lighter than he did in the collazo fight, somehwere around 10 stone...
Uh, uh uh uh,..:nono: reason being you didn't list all of the above felonies, and you excluded them deliberately,.... still, in proportion to the rest of the commune, your daring half concession ranks you where common groupies fear to tread, thats enough to cause a commital ruckus, so it's still an admireable move :nono: , just remember that all the angry personal messages entitled "sellout", are worth the purity of your honourable stance.
That is total bs. Incidently i just watched the first 5 rounds. There have been like 10 clinches tops.