wow..really? Imagine some college division I basketball player going 12 rounds with Floyd Mayweather in the ring... Doesn't happen...
dsimon writes: Gee Hanzy I've never seen you this fired up. This forceful. I've never seen you so masculine, so dominant, so assertive. So manly!! I mean you are laying the law down to mike... "lets just cut the crap!" Wow!! :: :: :: I look at it like this... You know one of those retards that is super strong? Like with Down's syndrome? You could not train them to box but you could make them a hell of a MMA fighter! Then TFK would post a video of them against some boxer with Alzheimer's, like Mercer and proclaim the superiority of MMA for all to see. Dana White would also hype them as the next Lydell. The superfighter-retard might drool a bit, but they would fight for very little.
An MMA fighter is not going to win every time. I'm specifically referring to Lennox against one of the best mma guys, Ortiz. And I'm specifically referring to a 40-something, hasn't-fought-in-4 years, and doesn't have any ground game at all Lennox against Tito who is in shape. Change any of those assumptions and a lot can change, but if those are correct, mY opinion is that the odds of Tito winning a fight between them at a lot more than 90% of the time. But the other point, that got turned into this discussion, is that there isn't any reason to suspect that Tito didn't retaliate against Lennox slapping him because Tito was afraid. That's just a ridiculous assumption. Hell, I'd doubt it if Tito told me himself. There are all kinds of more plausible reasons he didn't (or wouldn't (since this sounds like it didn't happen now)) respond than he was afraid of big bad HOF boxer Lennox Lewis. It wasn't so long ago that I had to stick up for Lennox because people said he was afraid of Bowe when he didn't respond to Bowe's smack talk after a fight way back when.
Lots of mma guys aren't special fighters, fair enough. Lots of boxers with 20+ wins and a few (or zero) losses aren't special fighters, either. It makes sense that it's easier to upset a better mma fighter in an mma match than it is to upset a better boxer. It's the nature of the sport. But, the best mma guys aren't getting upset by guys who have zero ground skills. You say Brad Imes, I say Bonecrusher Smith. Or Tye Fields. Or Jameel McCline. Or Michael Grant. It doesn't prove shit. Some people are just naturally good at boxing or mma and pick it up quickly. That's why we've got some kid Olympic boxers and others who take time to get good.
Tito probably realized there were 2 possible outcomes... He gets knocked the fuck out on live TV by someone he is on record saying he would beat in 2 minutes or less...or he takes him down and the fight is broken up in 5 seconds or less... Not to mention with clothes on it is 100 times easier to hold someone is a defensive position like guard long enough for the fight to be broken up. In the boxing ring Lewis 100 of 100, in MMA Tito 90 of 100 (at least) but in a street fight who knows...and who cares really??
dsimon writes: Lol :: In his day Mercer was solid, he arguably beat Lewis, but for the past years? He is so shot when he went to Midas to have his brakes changed they started to put him on the lift.ld: ::
Botha fought in k-1, and he had some success, beating 2 legends, Lebanner and Aerts, and robbed of a decision ( at the very least a draw ) vs the number one guy at the time Bojansky. But K-1 ain't MMA, it's more like muay thai with some added rules. Botha did fight once in mma and he was subbed by Akiyama, one of the best current fighter in the 180-200 lbs region, but Akiyama only defeat came via a big ko vs someone who's totally clueless on the ground, none other than the said Lebanner.
So whatever the fuck the rules for that Kimbo fight are saying it makes it that much worse of an example?
I personally don't know all the posters here on this board. But if you ACTUALLY believe Tito can beat LL. I would NEVER take any of your advice on picking fights. Seriously your just practicing your arguementive skills hoping to fill in the Rubio Void.... right?
Why don't you practice your argumentative skills and enlighten us as to why Lennox would beat Tito if they fought tomorrow?
Not a certainty at all but some reasons may be size and reach factor, significant edge in handspeed, accuracy, power and skill level, standing. Tito's best chance is to go for a takedown which may not be as easy to execute if Lewis' hands react faster than Tito's lunging body. And seeing Tito's reaction to the cocked hands of Belfort and Liddell, he just may not be so eager and willing when faced with the bare fists of Lewis. Just a wild guess, nothing more.:dunno: Afterall, this is not boxing rules AND it's also not mma rules.
Tito was a big fish in a tiny pond. Now that you see men of his own size coming in, where is he now? Hardly a blip on the radar. Most of his best work was against completely shot old man Ken Shamrock. Any other fight after 2002 was a MASSIVE struggle for Tito. He barely by the skin of his teeth got through Belfort and Griffin and got smacked around like a kid by Couture and Liddell, and looked again like crap against Evans. Although I don't want to cut Evans short, he is the more skilled wrestler. But you're seeing now how Tito's dominance some years back was more a case of crap competition as opposed to skill.
I couldn't even beat you, LOK.:: How am I gonna beat him? I have no rank or substance to be making a claim of beating a pro fighter, even if they are as crap as Ortiz is these days.
Not to make an annoying arguement even more annoying but I think Lennox would beat Ortiz 6 out of 10 times in an octagon and 9 out of 10 in a streetfight.
Come on Hanzy.. forget "training" and all that gay shit.. I'm 195lbs right now.. you are like 330 right? you bench over 600!!! Couldn't you just POUND me OR Tito in to Bolivian?