Joe Calzaghe should never ever be called that again.! Tonight he showed against a bigger so called stronger fighter he wa supposed to get KO'd. BUT he showed why RJJ and B-hop never fought him he is an adjusting machine....that can just fucking fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also never thought i would say that about Joe, he is the best i ever saw at that weight Period just a great counter puncher!
REED has Also JOINED the Calzaghe Bandwagon... "However"... Roy & BHop Didn't Fight Calzaghe Cause Calzaghe AND Frank Warren were RELUCTANT to Match him Up w/LEGITIMATE Threats... Let's NOT Pretend that Roy & Bernard were "Ducking" Calzaghe, Cause they WEREN'T... REED:nono:
he would have a slight chance against HOpkins.....but he will still lose to Roy Jones....8-4 prime vs prime
Well, Against Roy, Calzaghe would B @ a Speed DISadvantage for the 1st Time in his LIFE... vs. a PRIME Roy Jones, Calzaghe MAY have Went the Distance, but he WOULDN'T have Won the Fight:nono: ... Calzaghe & Roy have the SAME Strengths, yet Roy was even STRONGER in those Same Areas... REED
agREED. I hope we don't see any historical revision from the Calzaghe fans claiming that those fighters "ducked" Calzaghe.
It's only because Jones was virtually Superman that I'd pick him over Calzaghe. But Joe would push a prime Jones harder than anyone else in around that weight class could have...and it would have been a competitive fight. That's how good Calzaghe is. However....Neither Jones nor Bernard ducked him. That's ludicrous. Cazaghe was a ty[pical overprotected Warren/Hearn type fighter.
Unfortunately, REED has a Feeling U're Gonna have to SHARPEN your Weapons to FIGHT that Battle AGAINST Revisionists, JOE NAMATH... REED::
I definitely think Roy would have beaten Calzaghe, but one of Joe's strengths is a pretty bulletproof chin and he's also teak-tough. I don't think many would claim those attributes to be part of Roy's main "Strengths".
Hopkins turned Joe down flat, and as I recall it had americans desperately scrambling to make up excuses, as it was a reportedly very clean and genuine offer.
Calzaghe is Sooooooo "Bulletproof" that Byron Mitchell DROPPED & BADLY HURT him??:dunno: ...Roy was a BETTER Puncher @ 168 than Mitchell... U're Guaging Roy's Chin Against BIGGER Men than Calzaghe's EVER Faced...How is That a FAIR Comparison???:dunno: ... PLEASE, let's Keep Shit in PERSPECTIVE... REED
I think it silly to suggest that RJJ ducked Joe: and I am a big JC fan. However, it is likely that BH DID duck him, and continues to do so. Joe has been seriously underestimated for a long time, and whilst I agree that it is his/warren's fault, it is still absurd that only know he is taken seriously... IMO JC beats Bernard by UD, and in good order, but RJJ (prime, and it has to be prime) beats Joe 113-115. ...and to answer/comment on the title of this thread...this calslappy thing is ridiculous. He had roughly the same KO% as Mikkel before tonight (72ish%), and yet he 'slaps'. His two toughest fighters, Lacy and Kessler, both walk home marked and bruised. Seriously- what's the bloke to do? MTF :dunno:
I am just responding to your post where you said they have the same strengths, but Roy was "stronger in those areas". Most people would agree that Calzaghe has an excellent chin, great recuperative powers and is a tough bastard. I just don't think Roy ever displayed those characteristics because he was too fast and elusive when at his best and flat out unconscious on his back when he slipped enough to start getting tagged.
Sorry, but Roy was "Tagged" in Practically EVERY Fight he's Ever Had...RE-Watch the Fights CLOSELY... Even Toney & Hopkins Caught Roy FLUSH, Leaping In w/Shots... Do U Realize just HOW HARD it is to Go an ENTIRE Fight w/Out Getting Hit FLUSH???...Especially w/the Type of Style that Roy Employed???... REED
In his prime, he got tagged a bit sure, but REALLY flush and by surprise? I'm not so sure. Even toney didn't really catch him flush.
In Round 8 or 9 of the Toney Fight, Roy was Caught FLUSH, as he Leaped In w/a Shot...It was a PERFECT Counter from Toney... Bernard Caught Roy FLUSH 1nce or Twice in their Fight...Merqui Sosa Did Likewise... REED Could Go On, but the POINT is, to Say that Roy was NEVER "Hit" During his Prime is GROSSLY Incorrect... Again, it's Virtually IMPOSSIBLE for ANY Prizefighter to Go an ENTIRE Bout w/out Getting Hit FLUSH... REED
We'll have to agree to disagree. I opened my initial post by saying that I was sure Roy would have beaten Calzaghe anyway. He has the edge in pretty much every department, except IMO the chin/durability one. Calzaghe might get stunned or even dropped, but he usually seems to have this Energizer-Bunny type reaction, where he comes slapping his way straight back into the fight, just when it looks like the tide might be turning against him.
'Cause he slaps, end of story, my brother. :: Doesn't mean he's not a "big puncher"....though I would posit that Joe gets his stoppages by accumulation more than by single-shot devastation. I HAVE said in the past that he doesn't slap ALL the time - he does often turn over his shots. And he has heavy hands. But he does have a tendency to not turn fully over and "slap" his shots, especially during flurries. And his unorthodoxy makes him sloppy alot - though he puts it all together very effectively. Peace.
I'd pick Jones over him, but I'd pick prime Jones over anybody at tht weight,in his prime he was perhaps THE best ever. But Calzaghe is definitely a great also