Moments after Joe Calzaghe put on another virtuoso performance over now former champion Mikkel Kessler, ESPN's Dan Rafael spoke with Bernard Hopkins regarding fighting Joe Calzaghe. Without hesitation Bernard Hopkins said "I would love to entertain his request to fight Bernard Hopkins. I think he understands now and [promoter] Frank Warren understands that he needs that final stamp of approval from the American Boxing writers and the fans. He doesn't have that name of that elite opponent from America on his resume. Jeff Lacy wasn't a veteran fighter who had achieved a lot before he beat him." <!-- m -->
This would be a HUGE fight! :eeeek: Pity Hopkins is so old now. I would have loved to have seen this three/four years ago....
really? How much did Calslappy make for the Kessler fight? :dunno: I always here economics...big venues..etc...but money making/ popolar / arena stacker Ricky Hatton biggest MONEY fight was against Castillo in the States...wasn't IT? :dunno:
2 fighters who have been underestimated for large part of their careers..who knows what can happen...:dunno: Hopkins seems to "almost" always find a way to win...and make it look easy.
Well it's a guarantee that Calzaghe can sell out 51,000 seats in Wales!! Whereas I don't even think BHop can even sell 10,000 seats in Philly,let alone Las Gayass ,MSG or LA!! You do the math on what you think is more feasable:bears:
dsimon writes: Hopkins sees an opportunity because calzighe has not fought a guy who can press him and fight him on the inside. WE will see how many punches joe throws when Hopkins is so far up his ass that when he opens his mouth Hopkins Toothy grin is where his tongue should be. This will be a great fight and it will be a real war. Unlike Kessler if Hopkins rocks Joe he will keep rocking and rolling. Joe will be forced to fight in the trenches Fiiiiiiillllllyyyy style! ::
I think you're drunk, dsimon.:: This fight has 'sh*t' written all over it just like all the other Hopkins fights. He's gonna stink it out and the fight will be close, a lot of grabbing, a lot of stalling, pretty much a stink fest. This is a bad matchup for the fans. Calzaghe will enjoy charging and holding just as much. It's gonna be as crap as the Hops/Winky fight.
Well how much are they CHARGING for those 51,000 seats? Plus Hopkins brings ppv..if the fight happens it will be on ppv...and if the fight happens in the Wales they will have to show it at 2-3 in the this side of the world gets it at 9-10 pm
:dunno: It all depends if Jermaine decides to sign his permission slip I guess?. What a pity Hopkins punked out of this fight years ago, it would've only been a semi-sided beatdown instead of a one sided one as it will be, infact, Hopkins loses to Pavlik, Kessler, Dawson and ofcourse, his dad if he's ever serious about persuing these fights, and doesn't call up one day after agreed negotiations demanding twice the perce and all the options as this loveable character does so often.
Hops ain't gonna win jack shit. You guys already forgot Hops as a natural as an old man, you guys really think he can beat a still prime Calzaghe at a higher weight? Get real. Calzaghe wins this one E A S I L Y. opcorn:
I'd rather watch Hopkins vs. Chad Dawson, or Calzaghe vs. Pavlik, hell even calzaghe vs. glen johnson, roy jones, or even tarver would be better. I think Dawson can KO Hopkins, and I think Calzaghe has more options than fight hopkins, which for sure will be a stinker, and hops will most likely win.
Calzaghe said he wants Hopkins and he is willing to come to the States. he said he would fight him in Philly as long as he can get the fight. :bears:
Wales uses the sterling pound as currency, so the same as Manchester arena. The Dollar has been pounded by the British currency as well as other currencies in the last few years, thanks to the deficit spending of the Republicans clowns and the chimp in the White House. Unless they are charging less than $5 bucks to get in those packed venues, or HBO has prepaid the fighters regardless of gate THEN Hatton made more in the USA and Calzaghe could do the same...
Let's be honest here... Bernard couldn't handle speed when he was 28, what makes anyone think he can deal with it at 43 while throwing 10 punches per round? :dunno: