he never admitted to it. But last night on Showtime he was waving like a fag to the camera during the JMM fight.:laughing:
I think the chick has suggested he meet up with her for repeat performances and she won't say anything else.
oscar's people mentioned something about taking legal action but i bet you they ain't gonna do shit cause those images of oscar were indeed real! they just waiting for time to pass by so its all forgotten about and swept under the rug!
I don't think this means that Oscar is gay, it just means that he's a big fake scumbag just like A-Rod.
Ok Look at it this way. Oscar did ADMIT to being in the hotel room with her, and those pictures were taken. Now you're saying they were photoshopped but if they were then oscar still had to take those poses he did right? Except he wasn't wearing women's clothes and wigs and such but poses and his expressions have to be real since you can't photoshopp THAT..so look at those pics again and block out the clothes and wigs and do you really see Oscar doing those facial expressiosn and poses if he was wearing some regular guy clothes? NO. Photos are real
You guys aren't serious are you? I mean look at an Oscar fight and look at his hairy legs and then compare them to the ones in that photo and then never discuss this again. THose are obviously womens legs in that photo.
Hasn't Oscar been through enough without someone now pointing out that his legs aren't even manly anymore? It's just gotten mean.
To be honest I don't know. I'm not that big of a fan. However, I can tell the difference between a man's legs as opposed to a woman's legs photoshopped onto a man.