Former champion Reggie Johnson battles former champion Glen Johnson in the "Fight Night for Climate Change" Pay-per-View extravaganza on November 17, from the Burton Coliseum in Lake Charles, Louisiana <!-- m -->
I'm sorry but this fight, and quite frankly, Glen Johnson's post-Roy/Tarver campaign, is disgraceful. To sell Reggie Johnson's chances on exposing a bum almost ten years ago? C'mon ::
Gosh - I dont think its thatmuch a disgrace. Two b guys giving it oNe last shot at the top - Dont see where harm is. I also dont see where else Glen was going Jake... For me its 50-50 fight and one that I am quite glad to see..
I don't mind as long as he isn't fighting Clinton Woods again...hard to see where Johnson goes from here, was he offered a Dawson fight?
Johnson has now become avoided, I dont understand why. Jones fight aside its obvious he is a gatekeeper. You serious - then UD Johnson - Surely thats how I see it.He is merely a better Julio Gonzalez and no-one gives him a hard time for going around the globe being secind best.
He was offered it. Shaw offered shit, Margoules demanded 3x market value... in came Epifanio Mendoza. The end.
I would think Dawson should give Johnson near what he wants, Dawson will beat him handily and he needs a bigger name opponent/s to make him impossible to ignore at 168/175..otherwise it makes it too easy for the Hopkins, Calzaghe money etc. to pass him by..