Molina/Tackie Mosley/Collazo Forrest/Baldomir (more dominant than PBF's win over Baldomir) Mijares/Arce
What about Tito? Also he put on a clinic against Miguez Angel Gonalez. MAGO was not elite, but he was a solid fighter.
what? ODH schooled plenty of people: MAGO Coley Mayorga Trinidad (for 9 rounds) thing is, the calibur opponent that guys like Whitaker schooled (Haugen), ODH got out of there in the first couple of rounds. Also, Castillo schooled: Lazcano Julio Diaz Reyes
Schooling only means something if it is not so confounded by mismatch inequality, age, other have to be able to conclude that fighter A could always beat fighter B due to an enhanced repertoire... Therfore, I certainly don't think Duran-Leonard 3 fits, Forrest-Baldomir does, as does Jones-Ruiz in a different way
Castillo with Diaz and Reyes are OK examples IMO. Castillo-Lazcano was a damn close fight though and an AWFULL example. Lazcano was busted up by the end of that fight but schooled? Fight was much to close to say that.
The Lazcano fight is a poor example. It was fairly even through ten...Castillo beat his ass the last three rounds.
I'm not sure Castillo-Reyes belongs. Castillo did everything to avoid getting cut and being forced to postpone the Chico rubber match (which would get cancelled anyway), and Reyes did all he could to avoid getting knocked out.
yeah but Castillo easily won every round, countered Reyes repeatedly, and otherwise shut him out. he "schooled" him, whether he showed his usual fierceness or not. Reyes was completely neutered by Castillo. That's a schooling.
reyes was completely terrified to fight back. Castillo didn't have to do anything, other than flick a jab and he was going to win the fight. Castillo-Julio Diaz is a better example, if you ask me.
yeah. he was terrified because he kept getting countered when he did try to fight back. still, i agree the Diaz fight is a better example.
nelson was old as fuck. moya almost got KOed the round before he KOed vargas. sanchez-gomez was more of a beatdown, but i guess you could count that as schooling. here's a schooling, buddy mcgirt vs. simon brown.
The real teaching in Tito/dlh came from the guy teaching the other guy that if you quit trying to win rounds, you do it at your own peril.
if neil were here, he'd understand what i'm getting at, as he's probably more familiar with Reyes than anyone else here. Reyes was never going to win that fight. He took the fight for the payday, and anyone who knows him, knew he'd freeze the moment the bell rang.
De Leon had a moment in the 12th where it looked like he'd pull it out, but the previous 11 round he looked like garbage.
i always wonder why De Leon doesn't catch more flak for his apparent unwillingness to rematch Caballero.
exactly. Double L - Ponce has been wanting that rematch. It's Golden Boy who refuses to pursue it (and probably for good reason).
I figured they would now since Caballero looked like shit in his last fight. Vazquez/Marquez will fight sometime in the spring. so there is no other big fight for Ponce until summertime. A rematch/unification fight with Caballero is perfect right now.
Caballero has the misfortune of that stinker fight on showtime. the fight i wanna see is the winner of Vazquez/Marquez vs. Ponce.
I'm not sure Ponce is getting by Penalosa next month. Methinks that's on his mind more so than who he wants to face in '08
I didn't realize the rematch had been made. I never saw the first fight, but didn't most think Penalosa won?
yes, that was the reaction. i saw it after the fact, so perhaps i was watching with a jaded opinion, but i didn't see any way ponce won.
I didn't think so. I think what most people objected to was the one-sided scoring, not the fact that De Leon got the decision. I personally felt De Leon deserved it. Penalosa was too inactive IMO. True he landed the harder and cleaner shots, but there were too many minutes of his doing nothing while De Leon worked his left hand.