1st of All, this Fight went the Complete OPPOSITE of how REED Thought it Would Go... REED & Most Everybody Else Figured SHANE would Start FAST,then have to Fend Off a LATE Charge from Cotto, but the OPPOSITE Occured...Shane Had Perhaps THE SLOWEST Start of his ENTIRE Career & was EATING Left Jabs & LEAD Right Hands from Cotto Early...He LOOKED 36 During that Stretch... Early On, it Looked like Shane was on the Verge of Being KO'ed, Honestly...But to his Credit, Shane Sucked it Up, HURT Cotto to the Body & DRAMATICALLY Turned the Tide N the Latter Half of the Bout... Towards the End, it was Cotto who was ANXIOUSLY AVOIDING Contact & Awaiting the Final Bell, NOT Sugar Shane...REED PICKED Cotto & Miguel Certainly DIDN'T LOSE the Fight, but a DRAW Might have Been the FAIREST Verdict... On that Note, REED Thinks Cotto & Mosley Need to have a RE Before EITHER of them Campaign for a Fight w/the Winner of Floyd-Hatton (Which'll B Floyd, EASILY)... Thoughts???...Opinions???... REED:dunno:
Ohhh NO.... Mayweather needs to stop being a girl and fight Cotto..fuck Arum...fuck all that.... "I thought MOsley was going to win by KO early..and easy"...:: you wish Mayweather...:shit:
Provided PBF gets past Hatton, I think we'll see Mayweather-Mosley in the spring of 2008. Mayweather and Arum hate each other. Cotto will fight DLH in May 08' and the Golden Snaggle Tooth Mafia will entice Floyd with the lure of the payday of a DLH rematch but want him to go through Mosley first. Mosley fought a good fight against one of the top WWs in the world and it was a real close fight. Mosley's stock shouldn't drop, he's still a very good fighter and one of top WWs. If Cotto fights DLH in May and wins, his popularity will increase substantially, HBO will want Mayweather-Cotto, and Arum and Floyd will have more money in the pot and be more likely to kiss and make up like Arum and Oscar did.
They'll be no rematch. Its clear that Shane is wanting to retire now, and none can fault him for it. He had a great career, and went out in a good fight where he NEARLY beat a young lion. I disagree with you however. After Floyd beats Hatton, Cotto is the fight that makes the most sense, and that I'd most like to see.
Thats exactly the fight I saw. At one point it looked like Shane was on his pony and just desperately trying to keep away, It ended with Cotto moving and sliding to avoid contact. Its not for me to say who deserves what...but Cotto is still 1. Undefeated. 2. A Champion. And thats a might attractive carrot to offer to the promoters, considering that on December 9th, those criteria will also apply to either of Hatton or Floyd.
After Hatton gets rid of the womanbeater once and for all, as big as a Cotto-Hatton fight would be, I'd still like to see him shut Junior Witter up first. Then take on Cotto if he's still champ. I imagine Cintron/Williams winnder will probably give Maragarito a shot. So that winner will be around. After that if Berto is still around he may be ready, then a rematch with Mayweather is he's still alive and not in jail.
Is there any doubt that MW would embarass Cotto? If I were arum, I would keep Cotto fighting guys he can beat. Cotto has 0.00000000002% chance of winning a fight with MW. Thats only if Floyd's eyeballs fall out of their sockets and he cant see. ________ Rhode Island Marijuana Dispensary
REED!! Shane didn't win more than four rounds. Cotto handled him with relative ease. EVEN when Cotto starting to "box" in the latter rounds and Shane was advacing, Cotto still won the majority of those.
I think people are making way too much of Cotto's supposed wanting to "avoid contact" the last four rounds. It's being equated to Trinidad-DLH and they are simply not equal. Cotto was picking his spots, showing defense and footwork, and most importantly, timing and hitting Shane with CLEAN counters and volleys/shots off the ropes. No biggie here. I thought he won clear. Competitive and close, but clear. It was a beautiful fight as it was action-packed and both guys adjusted several times - often negating their supposed strengths and taking over the role of the opponent! As to Mayweather....I think both Cotto and Shane pose problems for PBF at 147. Peace.
Yeah...it was a CLEAR win for Cotto. I don't know what fight people were watching. It is true that both Cotto and Shane would give Floyd problems, but not as many problems as De La Hoya did and as such Floyd would not lose to either...
Here we go... After this great fight, neither guy is WORTHY of a fight with the winner of Mayweather-Hatton? That's absolute nonsense! Perhaps BOTH fighters, if Shane wants to fight on, DESERVE to fight the winner to further CLARIFY the welterweight division. I have a SOLUTION: Everyone fights each other and make great fights!!! Instead, I'm the best, I'm undefeated, and you're not worthy of a title shot. Shane fought a great, perhaps the wrong fight in the beginning. It was HE not Cotto, the first to move away and started jabbing and moving, losing the rounds in the process. Cotto, sensed he was ahead, then he started moving and countering very effectively. Throw Margarito, Cintron, Williams in there as well!!! Let's see what happens instead of listening to LIP service all the time.
They did enough to demand the Mayweather Hatton winner aka Floyd Mayweather Jr. I mean who else is the winner Floyd Mayweather suppose to fight next.
What can Shane do to beat Mayweather? Outbox him? :: not happening. Knock him out? :: not happening. Land more punches? :: not happening. Dominate him with the jab? :: not happening. If you really think abotu it..Shane CANNOT POSSIBLY win that fight.
why is fighting the winner of Floyd-Hatton some prestigious thing again? :dunno: Hatton is not a welterweight and Floyd hasn't done anything at welterweight if anything it's the other way around....we'll see whether Hatton or Floyd can demand a fight with Cotto
The winner of Williams-Cintron? If GLH fights Cotto next (which I don't see, esp. at 147, unless Arum unretires his old scales, providing they've been released from FBI custody), then Williams-Cintron would be the logical next choice for Floyd. Of course, he and GPHM will then argue that Shane offered a strong enough showing to deserve one last big fight. From where I'm sitting, it should be either Cotto or Williams-Cintron winner next for Flizzoyd.
REED NEVER Said Anything about "Deserve", REED Said "DEMAND"...& NOBODY Said Anything about Being "Worthy" or UNworthy ... REED's Point is, there's Probably MORE Intrigue in a RE than Cotto-Hatton or Cotto-Floyd... REED
1. So THAT'll B your Excuse After Floyd WAXES him???... 2. U were Probably 1 of those Holding that "Linear" BULLSHIT Against Floyd...But Now that he IS the "Linear" Champ, U Wanna say he "Hasn't Done Anything @ Welter" ??? WHAT Current Welter has Done MORE @ 147??? REED
dsimon writes: Thats correct. Bottom line. I am not being cocky because Cotto did not WIN THOSE ROUNDS THE WAY I THOUGHT HE WOULD!! But he won them. He was ourboxing Shane. I just am very confused now.:dunno: I have no idea how I like Cotto boxing like that. I think it is dangerous because Shane is (as Emmanuel kept saying) at heart a fighter and a puncher, not a jabber. But what if Cotto tries that shit with Floyd?:doh: Edit; Oh and Hatton? I have to think that one through as well.
dsimon writes: Dude this fight was the complete opposite of how God predicted it!:: :: Cotto outboxing Shane as Shane went to the body? Hello? Somewhere in vegas some guy got it right..... not ron though!
ridiculous topic brother REED...why don't you wait until AFTER the mayweather/hatton fight to make this judgement. shane is probably going to retire (anyway) and in phonetap's estimation he needs to. as with roy jones before him, shane has lost his speed advantage over guys and is getting hit far to often. but back to cotto, he deserves the opportunity to fight the winner of that fight...
You can blame Miguel Cotto for making Shane Mosley look 36...because Luis Collazo certainly didn't, which doesn't say a whole lot for Ricky Hatton. As for the topic, given that Cotto and Mosley were ranked 2-3 in a lot of minds before the fight, it was a GIVEN that the winner had a MANDATE to fight the December 8th victor regardless of the margin of victory and while Cotto didn't dominate Mosley it's pretty well accepted (as far as I can tell) that he was the winner. I'm not shocked this is where a Mayweather fan would go after the fight, however.
Yeah i agree. The only logical fights for Floyd is Cotto or the winner of the Williams-Cintron fight aka Williams. I kinda wish that Cintron could win just to hear Stewards rediculous strategy on how to beat Floyd.
so Cotto and Shane didn't do enough to demand the fight with Floyd. but Hatton did by beating Castillo moving up from 135 to 140? :laughing: It may not happen because the promoters might have other plans. But clearly Cotto should fight the winner of Floyd/Hatton if we are talking about the best fighting the best at 147
And it says even fucking less for Kostya Tszyu, which means that Judah must be really shit, which means Mayweather must be really piss poor cos he needed 12 to beat Judah, and if Mayweather is that bad then Castillo must be really shit, and so that means Stevie Johnston is crap, and that means Angel Manfredy is crap-times-ten, but he was Floyds biggest win at one point so that means Floyd is doubly-dang-double-dare-shit, and that means when Hatton beats Floyd Hatton is going to have fuck all to be happy about and its all because Shane looked good vs Collazo and looked shit vs Cotto but Cotto got wobbled by DeMarcus and he lost to Witter and so I guess Witter is pfp#1 when you get right down to it.:clap: :clap:
Cotto - Judah, Mosley Mayweather - Judah, Baldomir i dunno...i'm under the impression that a win over Mosley is maybe slightly more impressive than Baldomir :notallthere:
Who cares about "demanding".... Cotto, Mayweather, Mosley, Cintron, Williams and Margarito are the top welterweights. They should fight each other. And if PBF wants to keep his supposed claim - he needs to fight one, two, or all of those guys. Peace.