Funny how programs like HBO's Legendary Nights portray Teddy as some great motivator in the corner. Michael Moorer basically slept-walk his way to a decision over Evander Holyfield in the first fight, and didn't do shit in the rounds immediately after Teddy's dramatic Tony Robbins-esque speeches (watch the fight and see how Moorer responded to them by sleep walking some more), but somehow Atlas got this reputation as a great motivator. Moorer, before having Mr. "You Must Fight Tall!"" in his corner, showed a lot of heart and desire in his fight with Bert Cooper, and afterwards, fought his heart out in the Holyfield rematch with Freddie Roach in the corner. Shannon Briggs, with Scarface in the corner, collapsed and fell apart against Darroll Wilson. A couple of years later, Briggs fought his heart out against Lennox Lewis. Good thing Henry Maske didn't have Atlas in the corner for his comeback fight after a decade off. He would've lost if Atlas was there. Fuck Teddy Atlas.
Atlas is a fucking flake. See his scar...he got that from flaking and some homeys cut him a new one. See his bust up with Kirk Johnson and Johnsons conditioner?? Thats cos Monday came early, Punk. See his flake session when Alien Grant got laid out by Adolf Butler?? More hyperbole and guff from Teddy. See that time he put a gun to Mike Tysons head?? See....more flakeiness from Teddy. Teddy has more flakes than your average dandruff victim.
I started a thread once entitled "Teddy Atlas is the most overrated trainer of all time", and I raised basically the same points you're raising now. It seems that the guy's whole "reputation" as a great trainer comes from screaming at Michael Moorer in the first Holyfield fight, and people giving him credit for winning that fight for Moorer. What almost everyone seems to forget is that Moorer DID NOT follow Atlas' advice and continued to fight tentatively and give away rounds, and only got the decision because of some bullshit scoring. And what the hell has Atlas done since then? Moorer got KO'd in his first defense and Atlas abandoned him a fight or two later, claiming he was untrainable and had no heart (a fact he clearly DISPROVED with his gutty losing effort against Holyfield)... and then he ruined Michael Grant. :dunno: Also, the guy is clearly a phoney IMO. He always makes sure to put on his "tough guy" comedy routines when the red light is on on the camera.
Pretty much agree, except I don't think that he ruined Michael Grant. You can blame Lennox Lewis for that one.
To the beat of "Fight the power": Teddy is respected by most, but he never meant shit to me He's a straight out bum His opinions are as meaningful as dirt Motherfuck him and Buddy McGirt
I seriously don't understand how yelling at a fighter in the corner motivates them. To me in the corner you should be telling the fighter what hes doing right or what hes doing wrong and how to make the adjustments.
The track record doesn't look good on Teddy's inspirational and motivational skills in the corner. But because of HBO Legendary Nights, there's some myth going around that Teddy is some great motivator in the corner. The facts show otherwise.
They hype Manny up too. I don't debate he was a great trainer at 1 time but now he is just living on his name.
He appeared ovewhelmed by the moment on his way to the ring and was exposed in that fight...but I don't think the Lewis fight ruined him mentally. I do his time with Atlas did. He became more hesitant and gun-shy the longer he was with him, and seemed to eventually lose all of his confidence. He looked like a fighter afraid to make mistakes and eventually just stopped doing much of anything. That was devastating to what was once a natural athlete. Despite his shortcomings - he didn't have much experience or great technique, as expected with a short amateur career - he was at one time a good prospect and could fight on the inside (though he was doing it average fighters) and could put his punches together well.
I think the fight that ruined him was the Golota fight by destroying his confidence. Yeah, he won. Yeah, Atlas and others thought the fact that he 'came through adversity' would help him beat Lewis, but... He fought Lennox like an idiot and has never looked close to as good (skill and punch resistance) as he did before the Golota fight.
I don't think the Golota fight ruined him...but the best thing would have probably been to take a step, or two, back when choosing his next opponent(s). It certainly wouldn't been to let the champ, who was sitting ringside licking his chops, get him his next fight.
Agreed. As devastating a loss as the Lewis one was, ONE bad loss to the top heavyweight in the world (and maybe one of the best heavyweights of all time) didn't have to be the end for a young fighter with a lot of heart, as Grant was. His comeback could've been handled better.