Don King and Roy Jones Jr. will travel to San Juan, Puerto Rico on Thursday, Dec. 6 to meet up with Felix "Tito" Trinidad on his island for a special Trinidad vs. Jones open-to-the-public press conference at Roberto Clemente Coliseum.
:: :: I still don't know why Bernard did this ?? As if Puerto Rico was some kind of rival country or something that we might go to war with ...
Hopkins said his intent was to make Trinidad angry, as "an angry fighter makes mistakes". Tito makes enough mistakes anyway for a fighter as smart and crafty as Hopkins, maybe the act made Tito even worse in this regard.
yeah i was gonna say, PR's already weren't very fond of the US at the time (hence, booing the national anthem prior to Tito-Joppy, though that singer was terrible) for that very reason. Hopkins' doing what he did poured gas on the fire, but not what ignited it.
Flag incident all SYMBOLIC. Tito=Puerto Rico. By throwing down the flag, Hopkins was throwing down Tito, knowing how wrapped up he was in the flag.
Crying incident all SYMBOLIC Freitas=crying bitch By crying after easy wins, Freitas was putting the world on notice that he was emotional and couldn't handle challenges.
Not saying it was the RIGHT or smart thing to do. Disrespect the 51st state. But that was probably his thinking. I'll disrespect Puerto Rico or Tito, SAME thing. He had to run for his life though after he did it. Notice how I IGNORE the way off base analogy. Freitas is a thing of the past that had NOTHING to do with a great middleweight unification fight. HISTORIC in fact. Moving on...Chavez Jr, Tarver, Forrest this weekend. Hatton, Mayweather next weekend. Life is good....