Honestly I agree. Funny I have never seen him move that fluidly in his fights. I have always thought he is kinda robotic. Weird. Regardless, he has legit results that can't be argued with to much. Mosquera is a pretty decent fighter. Valero beat him without really beating anyone worth a damn beforehand. he shouldn;t have been ready for a title shot yet he was, and he won.
I see nothing bad about what Karl said. He just gave an accurate critique about Valero's technical deficiencies. Doesn't mean he's a bad fighter, but he's not like the guy doesn't have any flaws either.
But that's exactly what Karl said, plus that he would beat Valero in two rounds, which is downright ridiculous. Of course I understand that anybody who has ever sparred overrates themselves (boxing is that type of a game: everybody thinks they are world champs). However when a regional level boxer who lost every fourth amateur match e ever had claiming he would make easy work of an actual professional world champ, that is a joke
Fair enough point. But people criticize Mayorga for being a wild swinging amateur all the time. What's the difference?
The difference is that Mayorga's style has lead to some heavy losses while Valero's record is unblemished. If some casual boxing fan would claim he could beat Mayorga, that would naturally be just as ridiculous
Novice Valero Where was this bum 25 years ago when I was a Jr. Lightweight??? I would have knocked him from Guam to Caracas, and you can take that to the bank!
Karl, Valero was good enough to go undefeated in like 25 pro fights, and win a world title. He has also won all of his fights by knockout. You can't possibly be serious when you say that you would kick his ass, now, or 25 years ago.
If you were in fact an amatuer who trained with world class fighters.......you are an embarassment to them. Grow up asshole head.
maybe that would change if he takes on the likes of Spinks, Trinidad or de la Hoya of his weight class??? :dunno:
Disgraceful commentary towards an undefeated professional world champion. Cupey, watch this troublemaker.ld:
Maybe he's not the best boxer but to say he can't fight is simply retarded. I wouldn't even mind the harsh critics if on the other hand tha guy wouldn't worship people like Chris Henry who have achieved ZERO in boxing as the next Bob Foster... :notallthere:
Hey have you sparred 100 rounds with Stinky Rodriguez back in 1964 beside the carpark next to the hotdog stand in downtown Dallas? If not, please keep your opinions to yourself. Cupey, watch this troublemaker.
Good video. Boxing needs Valero to be licensed again. I don't know if he can beat the Paquiao's and Diaz's of the world, but i sure as hell want to see him try. Fights against those guys and Katsidis, Guzman, and co all have FOTY potential. Valero comes to fight and punches like hell, i can't understand why people dislike him. I think Valero is fighting down to the level of his competition. The guys he's been in with recently are totally overmatched, and he knows it. I'm sure he wouldn't be as reckless against a higher caliber of fighter. It might be a bit unprofessional, but he's still blowing all these guys out in a round, so who can question it. Remember the video of him sparring Morales? He spanked him like a novice. Yeh, Morales might have been rusty as hell, but anyone who has only had a handful of fights should not be able to do that to a PFP fighter regardless. The guy has skills, mad power and fights all out offense. What more do you want? Oh, and if this site wants to gain some respect and credibility, it might want to stop hyping never-were's and never-will-be's, and trashing WORLD CHAMPIONS.
i am an undefeated amateur boxer (3-0 baby) and a blue belt in jiu jitsu bu tI never even claim to be able to hang with even ivan calderon. the fact that someone, good poster or not, thinks they can beat valero not in a fight but in a boxing match is being ridiculous. we've all met the guy at the gym who "ufc fights" and could beat up tyson . i mean seriously karl, whats up?
I said I could have beaten him when I was his weight, and I could have. You are going to have similar thoughts yourself down the road after your career has ended when you watch certain fighters, and think you really could have beaten them after you have analyzed their style. Valero's style is that he has no style and is wide open. Valero is a good puncher with good handspeed, but being able to do a couple of things good and everything else not good dosen't make one a good fighter. He reminds me a lot of Elisha Obed, former junior middleweight champion. Obed ran up a massive undefeated streak with almost all by knockouts, and knocked out a fair champion in Miguel DeOlivera to win his championship, just like Valero knocked out a fair fighter in Mosquera. But the first guy that took his shot, got off the floor, gave it back to him and exploited his non existent defense, the late Eckhard Dagge, was able to beat him just like Valero is going to get beat in similar fashion in the future. Look Obed up on boxrec and take a look at all of the knockouts that he had, very intriguing and garish record much like Valero's. Obed never learned the fundamentals, like Valero has never learned the fundamentals. In Obed's case it was a bit strange as Angelo Dundee worked with him as did several other real top trainers of the time. Being a world champion dosen't necessarily make one a good fighter, and I don't think Valero is a good fighter. A good puncher and a good fighter are two entirely different things. Good luck in your career, sounds like you are doing great and are listening to your coach. Karl
Seeing that you were an ammy fighter who didn't have a pro career (or if you had one, it didn't pan out) and Valero is a world champion...I have to call bullshit on this one.
:: You set yourself up for a hail of abuse with that one. I can't defend you this time homie! You're on your own! ::
Really? The how is it supposed to be proven? By fighting in a "correct" way, never mind if you get your ass whupped every fourth time you fight a novice amateur bout?
It's funny that it's the same several posters getting angry when I tell the truth about Valero.:: I think Ivan Calderon could beat him, he'd never lay a glove on Calderon and Ivan would literally box his ears off and win every round.