OK OK Now it comes clear what the root is for the animosity between Mayweather and his father. Floyd Sr. clearly hates the Sinclair family. And for damn good reason. Also I would like to wager anyone that LaKai Mayweather becomes PFP king one day. He looked great in his shodowboxing and dishwasher punching workouts. ________ married woman Cam
If your brother in law shoots you in the leg, it doesn't necessarily provide the family with good cheer. And for the wife to take the brother's side is a very very COMPLICATED matter. And then your kid takes sides... That was apparently Mayweather's ERROR: He took sides.
it's common for trash families like these to experience life-long rifts, because besides incidents like shootings, they tend to have self-defeating pride and stubborness. PBF is an idiot.
agREED and agREED That was my wife's favorite part of the show, watching LaKai work the dishwasher :: ... but dammit if that kid isn't already on his way. Great show last night, all three episodes have been top shelf.
What i don't get is why he is so caught up on his Mother. Floyd Sr taught him boxing and taught him well he is the best fighter in the world and has at least an 8 fgure bank roll to show for it. Floyd Sr and Floyds Grandmother spent the whole time looking after him or so appears to be the case. Obviously i don't know the whole situation and what has happened but it seems like a strange situation that he hates his Dad so much in this situation.
i wonder if PBF bankrolls his mom's crack habit. she looked a little preoccupied to me in last night's episode - like maybe she needed a hit.
I don't think it's really a laughing matter. Floyd's family is deeply f*cked up. It's sad. Unfortunately people find it entertaining.
Fictional dysfunctional families like the Bundys and the Bluths (god I hate Fox for underpromoting that show) are entertaining......I guess watching dysfunctional families in reality shows can be entertaing too but there is an element that is really messed up and sad when you think about it.
it is when it's aired on TV for financial gain. that makes it funny az hell - just like jerry springer is hilarious.
you would know as well as anyone. I'm sure you mingled with many-a-fiend during your stint(s) in rehab.
crack was never my thing. H only. :: why you always on my case about that shit - it don't make me a bad person. and i'm clean for a long time. so fuck you judgemental bitch. ::
i wasn't judging her - i was speculating that PBF might bankroll her habit, and that during the interview she appeared preoccupied. how is that "judging" her? calling me a "smack junkie." now that's being judgemental.
Floyd definately lacked attention as a child. The kid just STARVES for attention. Its kind of sad actually. Damn attention whore "20 thousand minimum!, mo'money!, wanna see the fast stuff?". I really used to like watching this guy in the ring, but this 24/7 thing is really turning me off to him. Driving like an asshole, mocking hnadicapped people, the played out money playa routine. Getting ridiculous. Just fight man!!