there is a confidence in hatton that i ain't seen before ever and i've followed everything. if he loses then fair due no excuses. i can't see that happening though, he wants it too much and there is a calmness in his confidence. war hatton. fucking come on ricky lad.
I want Hatton beaten to a bloody pulp. There was quiet confidence in Antonio Tarver before he fought Bernard Hopkins too....
:: No there wasn't. I still laugh about Tarver during the lead up for Hopkins... IMA PUNISH YOU. :laughing:
are you kidding me with that? All Tarver did was talk shit throughout, and continously get put in his place by Hopkins. Muthafucka was anything but quiet - or confident for that matter. Also, Tarver didn't bring 16,000 people into town with him. Hell, he probably didn't bring 16 people.
Hatton has looked like he's ready for about a week or so... I can't fucking wait for this fight now :cheer: WAR HATTON!!!
i hope he hasn't peaked training early like. aye, me only main concern for the fight is cuts like, other than that easy pet.
One thing I will say, for all of those who insist Calzaghe-Hopkins MUST happen over here in order to be relevant... Hatton's getting a percentage of the PPV from both sides of the pond. Not sure what deal Floyd has worked out, but with Hatton, they're talking about him walking away with over $20 million once all of the receipts are tallied between HBO PPV and Sky Sports PPV. THAT is what Calzaghe would bring to the table for a Hopkins fight (of course nowhere the level of this fight,but still). Bring it over and just base it on US numbers, it probably does the same as every other mid-level PPV these days. Factor in overseas revenue, and everyone gets paid. PUT THE FIGHT overseas, and everyone retires richer than they already are.
Oh, believe me, I have plenty of concerns as well as cuts...but that doesn't detract from my anticipation, nor my desire for Hatton to bust Mayweather's ribs :blobbox: Please GOD let him have learned from the Collazo fight...
Much as it sounds obvious (though some seriously don't see it), this is 100% right. Calzaghe is HUGE in the UK (and Europe) but I really don't think there is much difference between him and Hatton here in terms of fan base and potential revenue. Put either on Sky Sports PPV and you make BIG $$$ MTF
Of whom there may be at least two, unless you listen to Rickys opponent, who is apparently called Floyd Sinclair or something.
If you watch Fraud's last 3 fights, it's really easy to tell why Fraud is so unbeateable and so awesome, A draw with Judah, a split decision to Oscar, and he went one up on Vernon Forrest I believe when he ran the clock out over Scrubdomir, who has recently earned a hard fought Majority decision over a 9 - 13 fucken tomato can,..:: how overrated is Fraud?.....:: come on, this is just a desperate celebration of America's last remaining hero with a 'zero' at Castillo's expense.