Mayweather was waiting for Hatton to throw that lead right hand....before early in the fight..Hatton was coming in with a jab..which was harder for Mayweather to counter..but the last round or so..Hatton was jumping in with the right hand..Mayweather blocked/avoided most of them, but didn't counter any...until the knockdown...
Seriously, that first knockdown, the punch, leading him right into the corner (the same thing ALL NIGHT, just with a different spin, LITERALLY) and down he went. I was concerned that nobody else saw the intense accurate punching that Mayweather was doing on the inside all night (which he has NEVER RECEIVED ANY CREDIT...EVER...jesus :doh:) since it was a mauling fight (and that must mean that Hatton is winning, if you go by HBO announcers ld:) but Floyd made that all moot. That ending is going to be in a permanent highlight reel.
.... LOL @ some of you clowns that just don't learn. Floyd would have very little problem with Cotto. The speed difference is to great. If you want to see Floyd against a guy with a stylistic advantage you should want to see him fight Paul Williams. Nobody else in the division has a chance against Floyd.
Mayweather punches harder than people gave him credit for. If you listen to'd think his name was Cory Spinks or something. Mayweather's punches are damaging...make no mistake. Hatton is not an easy guy to KO.
I probably shuld pull a karl and put you on ignore but Tszyu did lose after getting old. Still it was an even fight for 8 rounds (just like this one) and fought at Hatton's best weight Mayweather did not have easy time in there until the eight round where he took over Just watch the fight and see who held. And who landed the elbows. The fouling didn't decide anything tonight but PBF fought the dirtier fight
He fought hatton's fight and won But hatton dictated most of the fight and it was close except for one round up until the ko. Hatton is a mauler. He does it almost every fight. I never though mayweather could ko him. never. After fighting heavy hitters then lose by ko to mayweather?!?
Are you kidding me. Fatton done all the clinching. The only round he won was the round he held Floyd in the corner for 3 minutes. Floyd landed inside and outside on Vicky whenever he wanted. EEESeeee Work.
You realize by degrading Mayweather's competition you degrade him right? :laughing: Hatton is a damn good fighter, just lost to a better 1.
WTF?! Didn't you see Mayweather's expression from the 2nd round on? The usual smirk on his face was missing and in his corner he didn't look ahppy at all. he was IN A FIGHT!! Hatton extended him and Floyd proved his mettle!
Yep, the HBO gang missed it. Floyd, as usual, was making Hatton miss inside and countering beautifully. However, all the HBO crew talked about was Hatton making Mayweather work for a full 180 seconds every round. Work my ass. He crowded Floyd, but didn't make him work.
That wasn't close to make a fight close you actually have to land some punches. Mayweather snapped Fattons head back with regularity. Hatton missed from outside and he had his shit blocked inside.
Couldn't agree more....I just said the EXACT same thing in another thread. Immensely frustrating. Good post.
I'm just being REALISTIC. Who will generate more benjamins? Cotto or Williams? Cotto would get the fight FIRST.
Honestly sometimes i really ask myself if Manny understands boxing. Too bad Roy Jones never showed up he is 1000x better then Manny.
So he wasn't in a "A FIGHT" vs. Castillo in their first match? Come on, Sly. Hatton gave a good accounting but there was a sense that Mayweather was almost always in control....Ricky didn't win more than 3 rounds at best. AND Mayweather was able to leverage his bigger size and strength at 147, where he is more natural and much more acclimated. Vs. Castillo, PBF took some pounding...and was surprised when even at center ring, Castillo was able to time him with jabs and right hands (Castillo was a better boxer than Hatton is, and had more height/reach and was stronger at 135). The outcome for PBF-Castillo I was very much in doubt all the way to the end. Not here. Peace.
Even though castillo came close i still think hatton manhandled floyd more than any other fighter did. he landed some good shots, but floyd is hard to hit.
You are either a liar, an idiot or just plain dumb. Tell me lunatic, have you ever visited the planet Earth? :dunno:
I disagree. Hatton may have pressed and pushed but he never manhandled Floyd. I personally think Oscar was more effective inside against Mayweather. Nevertheless, all the rough house tactics and attempts to manhandle Floyd is what ultimately cost Ricky. The effect on his stamina was great than on Floyd's.
Agree. I can't believe how much Paul Williams is being slept on and I think he would be a very tough match-up for Mayweather.
DING! Ding! That should ring the bell for Mayweather. Less risk more money. That's the kind of equation Floyd likes. No excuses. Then it's Cotto.
A five year olds thread, about a mans fight and result. Please, grow up. Mayweather was superb, this thread and all like it, do him little justice. For shame.
:bears: I think Cotto at this point would be easier than Hatton for Floyd. Cotto isn't necessarily an in-fighting body puncher. He likes to throw that big left to the body from a distance so he can get leverage and turn. That distance would get him pounded by Mayweather. And if he waits for Floyd to tire out, good luck. Floyd has unnatural endurance in high-pressure fights. Nope, I think Cotto gets hit a bunch and eventually wilts against Mayweather. That is provided the fight happens before Floyd is 35...