All you dickheads slagging him off are probably spotty little teenagers who have never stepped in the ring or middle aged men who can't keep a hard on Makes me sick people who slag a fighter off who had the balls to step in the ring with the best p4p so what if he got in the beat atleast he made a fight of it. I will admit I was 'convinced' Hatton would win and am now gutted but the better/superior man won, but you saw Hatton for the man he is making jokes and taking his beating like a man after defeat. Hatton will be back and dominate the division he was made for at 140!! Show some god damn respect idiots!
Yep bunch of fucking idiots talking shit and talking about world class fighters like their bums in the street stupid bastards
You are asking for too much from the people who view boxing like kids fighting "Hatton ran his mouth, this is what happens, our boy beat your boy, he'd better not show up here anymore.." It was a great sports event between two athletes and the better one won, just like it happens in sports. Didn't need a new thread for this one either, but I completely agree with you
there's only one guy who could get humiliated like this ------> :clap: Hatton will return to 140 rather than attempting to take on these much bigger fighters like Floyd who walks around at a whopping 147lbs :eeeek:
The blown up 130lber. Its ironic these Hatton dickriders complain about weight yet give no credit to Floyd for moving up to 154 from 130. There hero needed a gift to beat Collazo moving up just 7 whole pounds.
Quite simply, Hatton couldn't hack it at 147. I'll always give Floyd props for what he has achieved. He has done time and time again what Hatton simply couldn't do. Before the fight I saw Floyd as no.1 p4p and after the fight I see him as no.1 p4p simply because of what he has done moving through the weight divisions beating the best in each throughout his career. I'm pissed off about the result, I'd be a liar to deny it, but quite simply referee aside, Ricky was beaten by the better man. Floyd might not be loved by the masses like a lot of other boxers are, and have been over the years but anybody in all honesty would be an fool not to recognize his brilliance in our sport.
If the ref done his job the fight wouldn't have gone 10 rounds. He let Hatton clinch alot. The only fighter landing punches was Floyd so being in the clinch where he couldn't land was hurting him. If Jay Nady was the ref Hatton would have gone 5 rounds tops.
yeah, or maybe had Cortez let them fight without stopping the action every three seconds Hatton would have won :notallthere:
So is Cortez suppose to let them stay in the clinch for a minute just to save Hattons ass. Floyd schooled you boy easily get over it already.
would be a fair call if Floyd was a decent sized welter :dunno: but floyd walks around at 147 and could just as easily make 140 i dont see the welterweight excuse work at all
I don't see where I'm making the welterweight excuse at all, I'm simply saying Ricky Hatton couldn't do what Floyd could. That's not making excuses, it's simply giving Mayweather props.
so what's the deal with Hatton's mother and girlfriend? do they both binge eat with Ricky in the off season? opcorn:
Well said :bears: Anyone who now thinks Hatton is a 'bum' has clearly never laced 'em up in their lives MTF
For some reason, Hatton just cannot make the transition to 147. I do not know why that is, but he just can't. That is not an excuse, and it is NOT a way of taking props from Floyd, who was a different class to Hatton last night, but it is an undeniable FACT.
dsimon writes: It was a tough fight for Hatton and both him and Floyd showed grace under pressure. It was geniune... Floyd is in the business of selling tickets and he always respects his opponent after the bout. Hatton as well. 1) Can Hatton fight at 140? or is this a moot point. There are some big fights for him at Welter weight. Hes in a tough spot cause Floyd showed a blueprint and he definitely lets up and gets careless in the later parts of a fight, but he can work this out and fight in this division. The truth is nobody right now in the middle divisions could touch Floyd, so Hatton is got nothing to be ashamed of. Hatton needs to work on refinements
So, you're declaring Mayweather as untouchable by Miguel Cotto, Paul Williams, Antonio Margarito, Vernon Forrest et al? I sitll think you over-estimate Hatton, who if he stayed at 147 probably ends up near the fringes of the top ten (at best). Hopefully Hatton takes a rest and then goes back down to 140...where there's some good match-ups to be made.
I agree- Hatton has no business at 147. He really can't adapt to the weight. I wouldn't back him to beat any of the top Welters currently operating. He should go back to 140 and mange Junior Witter. This would be a HUGE match-up in the UK, and IMO would be a fight between the two best 140lb-ers right now MTF
dsimon writes: It would be nice for Floyd to fight Cotto.... but I can't see Cotto being anything but beaten worse than Hatton. Incidently Cotto was at that fight and you didn't hear him call Pretty Boy out.... go figure! opcorn: Cotto is one of my favorite fighters but I don't see no way no how he gets near Floyd leading with his head and all. The other guys? Please Mitchell, they don't deserve a shot and you know it. Margarito had his chance to fight Cotto, Williams needs another big victory to be seriously considered. You don't get a crack at the big boys for nothing with lucky punches always a possability.
Well, it is nice when a fighter in a very loaded division can look south for a challenger...beat him...and then declare himself "bored" with the sport. Just because you were convinced Hatton was better at 147 than some of the names listed doesn't mean he is. Would you pick Hatton against any of those fighters listed? How about a prospec/contender like Andre Berto?
dsimon writes: Hatton had a style that could, and did, frustrate Floyd a bit. No I don't think his style necessarily would make him succesful against all guys in the division. But I do think that there is not one other guy who has any possability of doing anything against Floyd. It isn't hard to see why. Williams needs a lot more experience to really be a force against Mayweather, unless one thinks a match is just a punch stat contest. Cotto, who I think would beat Hatton leadds with his head. Mayweather would hit him everytime he wanted too! he would never get into a gap where he could hit Mayweather before tasting much leather. Margarito is ordinary imo. I know you like Margarito, lets just agree to have a different opinion about him. So why, should mayweather be excited about fighting any of these guys? :dunno: Hell like I said you don't hear Cotto calling him out? Why do you think that is Mitchell? :dunno:
Please... If the shoe were on the other foot and it was Hatton that made Floyd look like an out-classed, one dimensional slug, I would bet my ass that the Hatton fans on here would be gloating far uglier than the Mayweather fans are. I know the loss smarts. I know a nation had their collective sporting hearts broken yet again, but seriously, live with it.
You know what there is only 1 Ricky Hatton. The dude obvioulsy knew that he couldn't beat PBF. He knew that PBF had gotten into his head during the press tour. He knew that he was in deep waters when he made the comment about the Castillo fight being more exciting in 4 rounds then all of PBF's fights combined. He knew that he wrote a check his ass couldn't cash. However he still fought with heart and passion. He did the best that he could with his very limited skills. And believe me his skills are limited if not he wouldn't bull rush and grapple and maul. However you gotta love the guy because last night he entered the ring like a champion, he got his ass tore up like a champion and he left the ring like a champion. Hatton is a muthafuken champion. I'll Holla 5000