Sorry bro, if you want a lesson on indians and their love-making and how they meet girls, go ask them to their faces. I'm pretty sure they do things the same way YOU do. Going around looking for some drunk wasted cunt, bringing her home and f*cking her silly and bragging to your buddies the next day! :clap:
There's really no indians around here and the ones who live here are all locked up in their rooms playing PS3 and improving their photoshoping skills and shit. You're very selfish hanzy for not sharing such info with us. :(
Well the dude knows I'm indian and that I tend to photoshop. But yet I don't know this dude at all.:dunno: I must be famous on here.::
Yes it was. I was really pissed when they didn't let people in to see the burgos/alvarez unfication fight until about the 4th round. How did you score Mayorga Spinks and how good were your seats? I had pretty bad seats and everyone in our section thought Mayorga won.
Yup, I remember them opening the doors late and waiting outside for like an hour or more before they let us in and fights were already over. Our seats were pretty sucky to. I'm not sure anybody cared who won by the end of that fight.
Most black people care about Football and Basketball.....thats it!!! and its unfortunate And the reason for the lack of support for Floyd is because he can't draw a fanbase like Hatton.
Actually India does have a deep and rich history in combat, particularly wrestling and muay thai. Boxing wasn't as big as wrestling but it's grown exponentially over the past decade. And MMA is growing big over there too. Here's a short video of Indian amateur level combat. MMA and Kickboxing are the focus here. Don't mind the silly Pirates of the Caribbean theme.:: <object height="355" width="425"> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" height="355" width="425"></object>