A blackjack dealer at the Hard Rock sunday morning is dealing to two gentlemen who speak with British accents. She jokes with them that they came thousands of miles to see their countryman "get his ass whooped". Turns out one of the guys happens to be Ricky Hatton himself. ________ Pov vid
Heard firsthand from floorperson who overheard convo. She said Ricky laughed and took it well. ________ YAMAHA YZ250F HISTORY
Yeah i wouldn't be surprised if Hatton took it well. I thought it was hilarious after the fight when Merchant started asking him a question and Hatton said "What a fluke that was ..." :: ::
:: Seriously, what is there not to like about a guy who responds to being KTFO by getting drunk and then playing some blackjack? Hatton :clap:
I thought you'd find it funnier than you did Sly. I was expecting some laughter in capital lettering like "BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" ::
That shit is funny. She probably felt like an idiot. Anyways the moral of the story is that Hatton fought like a champion, got his ass whupped like a champion, walk his ass out of the ring like a champion and outside the rng he acts like a champion. So I would not have expected anything less. Besides she was only speaking the truth. I'll Holla 5000
I didnt care much for Hatton's style, but with the 24/7 and this story, I want to see hatton beat DLH. ________ Ipad Cases
Everyone says that Ricky Hatton hasn't lost his "sense of humor", after his humiliating defeat against PBF. But for some reason, no one mentions that PBF also cracked a few excellent one liners after beating down Zoo's daddy into submission. Here's a few examples of PBF's wit: "Hatton is a great fighter" :: "That was the hardest fight of my life" :laughing: "I wish Ricky all the best" :: I just can imagine the inner sarcasm in PBF's voice, when he was saying these things, while keeping his face straight :laughing:
You're actually talking about a guy who fell to his knees and cried after beating Gatti. F*cking Gatti!:eeeek: Of all people, you don't fall to your knees and cry after beating Gatti.:laughing: :: Floyd was sincere about his thoughts after beating Hatton.
Yeah but Floyd beat De La Hoya in arguably the biggest fight in his career and beat Corrales in a battle of unbeaten top Pound for pounders and didn't drop to his knees and cry and these were two greater achievements than Gatti. You conveniently forget such things, Sikh.
:: Hatton is a bum, Floyd beat a bum, and his fans are saying that he is top 5 p4p EVER! :laughing: Now THAT'S funny!