The champions you mention is a reason I think the WBO was equal to the others 10 years ago in all other weight classes. You're right about HBO and ESPN trying to dismiss the belts. Showtime and other networks have not, for the most part, though. If you want to say the other 3 have come down to the level of the wbo rather than the wbo coming up...hmmm. I can see that to some extent, but the first wbo champions weren't really 'champions' until the wbo belt became worth enough to make a legit claim. So...whatever the threshhold to legitimacy is---the wbo had to cross it (and did). Perhaps the other belts have come down somewhat to meet the wbo above that line. But, they are above the line despite HBO and ESPN2 petting each other's pickles in an effort to discredit the belts.
when someone wins the LOK belt.. they have to do it by KO.. and if they WIN a fight but dont KO the person.. they lose their belt
Exactly. Williams and Cotto are the two top contenders in the division, simple as that. Hatton's only "achievement" at 147 was an even fight with COLLAZO, who couldn't even win a single round from Mosley. Above 140, Hatton has NEVER been rated on the same tier as Williams or Cotto, or even Mosley or Margarito. So how on earth does Mayweather beating Hatton somehow "excuse" him for not fighting any of those guys?? Wasn't Mosley expected to fight one of them after whupping Hatton's equal, Collazo? ANY champion who avoids his top contender(s) is/always has been considered a fight ducker... why should a champion be be treated any differently because his name happens to be "Floyd Mayweather"?
no one is beating Pavlik, no one is beating floyd Hatton and CRAPSlapper will be brutally KO'd like bitch hoes soon
Calzaghes punches = A convergence of vultures Pavliks face = A dying pig roasting like bacon in the open sun
I agree. Paul is just too raw to beat Floyd who would counter him to death, and I like Paul a lot and predicted he would beat Antonio. Paul is still a couple of years away from hitting his peak, he may have the reach and size over Floyd, but it's not about's about timing. Floyd would put his shots inside of Paul's and give him a boxing lesson as Paul bends into his opponent's power leaving him succeptible to power punches. If I were working with Paul I would have him fighting like Alexis Arguello, Carlos Monzon, or Bob Foster. Meaning that he needs to use his reach to his advantage, hitting his foe while getting hit very little in return himself. I see Paul at middleweight in the near future as he is just so damn big and strong.
::Come on Stinger. You're the same guy who said Floyd was going to completely dominate and humiliate an inactive De La Hoya in an 11 rounds to 1 scenario. Edging on the scorecards he did but complete domination? Anything but.:nono: Floyd vs Paul is a very tough fight for FLoyd. Very tough!
OK, I was off by a round, he beat Oscar 10 rounds to 2. He handled DelaHoya like a sparring partner. Oscar never hit him clean more than 2 or 3 times in there.
Make a poll and see how many agree with you, Stinger. Oscar walked out of that fight without a mark on his face. Twist it however you like Stinger. Sparring partner? Nah!:nono:
bullshit... And in the spirit of double L...I am farking soused right now, but even at that, El Helicoptor vs. Money was a close fight, nowhere near 10-2...::
Thank you when I say "dominated" people laugh.. Dominated does not always have to mean KO'd.. FLoyd made DLH look like a sparring partner
I wouldn't say 10-2...but... FLoyd won the last 5 rounds. On top of that he certainly won the 1st and the 5th. 3rd looked like his also and the 6th was difficult to score (all three judges gave it to Floyd, HBO and others gave it to Oscar)....4th was close. I had it 8-4..but anywhere between 7-5 and 9-3 for Floyd is within the realm of acceptable....
Absolutely. If Williams fought that way - he'd be damn near unstoppable. But to do that, he'd need to become more selective in his punch output and selection and more mindful of deliberate angles and walking opponents into big shots....and he'd have to really sit down on his shots. But he's so, SO reliant on workrate and volume....can't see him changing that up. Peace.