I'm surprised this guy rarely gets talked about, esp when mentioning great fighters. Ive seen a couple of his fights on tape(namely against Fuji) he was one slick, slippery sonuvabitch! One of the best defensive fighters Ive ever seen on tape, almost like a 140 version of Pep. If he was at 140 today I think he'd rule the division. I dont think he could beat Floyd, but he'd have schooled the shit outta Hatton. Thoughts on him from those who've seen him?
Great defensive fighter. Only seen two of his fights. (i think there are only 3 available) He did seem to rely very heavily on his left hand.
I was about to make a thread about the dude when i saw a youtube clip from him some weeks ago. title would have been. Look where Floyd got his defense from. some short white dude with balding hair... ::
He outboxed Kid Pambele on Cervantes' first title try, I have the rematch where Pambele stops him on cuts, and he beat Fuji who was no pushover, so he could fight. When I was a kid, a Spanish network on the UHF station here would show a couple of his fights a year on "Round Cero". He was a good kid, but I just never cared for his style.
The Untouchable One! :clap: The funny thing about Locche is, he didn't LOOK like the defensive wizard and left-hand specialist he was....either in appearance (a short, stocky, balding Euro-Argentinian)... Or in his style in the ring. He wasn't a dancer; he didn't use flashy footwork around the four posts; he didn't have exaggerated movements... His defensive work was ever so subtle...at times it looked like he wasn't moving. He'd stand RIGHT in front of his opponent with very subtle shifts and feints and angles. The other thing is just how good his left hand was...one of the best I've ever seen. THAT was one of his best DEFENSIVE weapons. He rarely even had to bring his right hand into play....which made him all the more difficult to give since he gave you none of the openings associated with using the right cross/straight or uppercut. He basically gave you his left side....and that was it. Yet it was enough of a whiplash, ramrod jab and left hook/uppercut to make him hard to penetrate. Very unique style. Not an offensive machine by any means, not flashy, almost boring....hard to really like, all things told. But impossible to not appreciate. Peace.
He would be well advised to not to try to duplicate Paulie Malignaggi. Don't get it wrong. Don't not get it wrong.
Very much like Willie Pep....another guy who doesnt' get talked about much on boxing forums. Great skills defensively, great counterpunching, great technique...with a cautious approach and little punching power. Only really great guys get accolades for that....Sweet Pea, ...uh...etc.
You are either A} An asshole who knows nothing about boxing, yet still frequents a boxing messageboard. B) An asshole who knows something about boxing, yet wastes everyones time by trying to stir up shit. Calling Loche a bum, and Witter a dishwasher is pretty dumb.
I heard Benny Briscoe From The Bronx was beating Monzon in their first fight but the ref kept interfering, a la Cortez. Monzon was a mean piece of shit, for sure. Inside, outside the ring. There are some fights you just would love to see. Tyson-Marciano. Frazier-Marciano. Monzon-Hagler.
Pep was a genius, and by todays standards was probably a much harder hitter than he was given credit for. I always say that 20 KO's in the 30's or 40's is worth like 40 KO's today. A lot of the guys that Vargas stopped when he was racking up KO's would have been let continue. A lot of the guys that La Motta was beating on decision would have been stopped by todays refs.
Hagler woulda chocktawed Monzon, Carlos was an overrated, ordinary, upright, boring robot, Calzaghe would've made a rude mess of him aswell.
I kind of know what you are trying to say. Yeah, fights were let go more back then I think......however, I am from the school of thought that todays athletes in general are overall superior to those back in the day. case in point....can you imagine what barry sanders would have done to defenses back in the fifties?
I have heard similar descriptions of him stylewise before, but never heard him called ordinary, and certainly never heard anyone saying Calzaghe would have beaten him. As far as Marvin is concerned, I don't even think a peak Hagler around the time he iced Scypion and Sibson would have beaten an older Monzon. Monzon's style was designed and based on his height and reach by Brusa, specifically to hit the other man without being hit in return. I have never seen any fighter use his height and reach to better advantage than did Monzon.
I don't know exactly how Monzon-Calzaghe or Hagler would have played out...that tells me all of them are pretty badass. Good enough for me. Monzon was a GREAT fighter; probably one of the top 25-50 all time.
Monzon is one of the ten greatest fighters of all-time. I defy anyoen to name me 25-50 who were even comparable to him, let alone greater.
Monzon is what i refer to as "classic overachiever". Easy to name lots of fighters better than he was. Ten greatest fighters of all times???
Someone got their feelings hurt because I said Louis would have beaten Ali??? Carlos was one of the top five fighters ever my friend, and head and shoulders the greatest middleweight of all time.
I didn't get my feelings hurt, I hated Ali. Top five ever???? not imo. Monzon was good without a doubt....but his biggest wins came over welters who moved up in weight. (Griffith and Napoles) Tall guy with good fundamentals and great technique....with slow hands and feet, average power and a great chin. Great fighter , again, no doubt...but to call him even top 20 ever P4P is asinine.
Monzon isn't even close to being the best middleweight ever... Marvin Hagler, Roy Jones, James Toney, SR Robinson and probably a prime Bernard would have beaten Monzon.
No way Jose, not on this planet. Those guys would have all given him good fights to be sure, as would Jake, Fullmer, Cerdan, Zale, Tiger, Walker, and Graziano. In the end, Carlos prevails over all of them, IMO. You listed some great fighters, and some of my personal favorites ever at middleweight, bnut Carlos beats them all.
Hagler woulda walked on guys like Fullmer, Cerdan, Zale and Graziano. How in the hell do you see Monzon whipping a prime 160 pound Roy Jones???? No way he outboxes him. And he didn't have the one shot power to KO him. Monzon is overrrated pal.
Who the hell did Monzon ever beat to lead you to believe that he is one of the top ten, let alone top five fighters of all time????:dunno:
I'd like also to add some other middleweights, very underrated middleweights who would have given Carlos difficulty due to their size and striking power: Freddie Steele and Al Hostak. I think Carlos would have overpowered the left hook of Steele and the searing right hands of Hostak in brutal fights.