"Bernard Hopkins has more ability than Sugar Ray Leonard"

Discussion in 'General Boxing Discussion' started by jaws1216, Dec 24, 2007.

  1. Rubio MHS

    Rubio MHS Undisputed Champion

    Sep 14, 2005
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    <HR style="COLOR: #d1d1e1" SIZE=1> <!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->Long story short: Leonard proved that he was one of the greatest fighters of all time. Hopkins didn't. Top 50, pound-for-pound? Sure. Top 20? No. Leonard? Yes. End of story. Horseface thinks otherwise, but he's stupid, and no one really cares about his opinion.
  2. royyjonesjrp4pno1

    royyjonesjrp4pno1 "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Jan 2, 2006
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    At the age Bernard fought Taylor he would have. Its even debatable if Hopkins lost both fights.
  3. Rubio MHS

    Rubio MHS Undisputed Champion

    Sep 14, 2005
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    A 40-year-old Sugar Ray Leonard got knocked out by Hector Camacho. No way he does 1/3 as well as Hopkins did against Jermaine Taylor.
  4. Xplosive

    Xplosive X-MOD Bad Motherfucker

    Jan 23, 2003
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    Your girl's crib
    Hopkins certainly did not have more ability than Leonard.
  5. valdosta

    valdosta Undisputed Champion

    Dec 4, 2002
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    Prime Leonard > Any Hopkins although old Hopkins obviously > old Leonard.

    No shame in that leonard was a bad ass. If they fought PFP Leonard wins as well, he's got the type of talent that gives Hopkins a horrible time.
  6. mikE

    mikE "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Jul 20, 2004
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    'Easily', mY ass. Back it up, please.
  7. dsimon3387

    dsimon3387 WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    May 23, 2005
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    dsimon writes:

    I care about horse face's opinions does that make me stupid? Or does it depend on whether I agree with them or not? :dunno: Horse face and Jaws are a riot! If those two ever met in real life I bet they would go at each other:lol:.

    But Rubio these ad hominum and ad Horsinum attacks will only get you banned again. Deal with the opinion not the person please!
  8. Rubio MHS

    Rubio MHS Undisputed Champion

    Sep 14, 2005
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    You care more about me being banned than I do. :lol: Anyway, I probably wouldn't have come back if I hadn't been banned from Boxrec.
  9. Tam Tam

    Tam Tam "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Jan 4, 2006
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    Anyone who thinks that Hopkins being better than Leonad is some unspeakable leap of faith, needs to take a little step back and realise that perhaps they don't have the right answer for everything.

    You're a pissant, Jaws. Keep it off the boards and deal with it that way. Grow the fuck up, or take a ride. Honestly, this is schoolyard shit.
  10. Xplosive

    Xplosive X-MOD Bad Motherfucker

    Jan 23, 2003
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    Your girl's crib
    Hopkins is easily a top 20-25 all time great. As is Jones. Floyd is almost there too. Lets not suck old time fighters' dicks TOO hard! Leonard is greater/better than Hopkins I agree, but not by much. To call Hopkins a top 50 is selling him way too short!
  11. KaukipRrr

    KaukipRrr "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Jan 5, 2006
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    Ignoring knowledge and indulging in echolocation.
    :crafty: Pffft,..you mean when it isn't convenient?..
  12. jaws1216

    jaws1216 "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Aug 10, 2003
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    take a ride...:lol: :lol:

    ...maybe it was unintentional?

    And just because you're a maniacal "I'm righter," who loves Hopkins like Sly loves Floyd, doesn't mean u should be going on to me about it

    Oh and I don't appreciate the slur, if I said that shit to you I'm sure I'd be taking a vacation
  13. Buddy Rydell

    Buddy Rydell Boxingpress Alumnus

    Mar 2, 2003
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    Brawndo, the Thirst Mutilator! :lol:
  14. Tam Tam

    Tam Tam "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Jan 4, 2006
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    Homeboy, you're going to be treated how you treat others here and you've become a snotty little cunt. You can cry and play out the innocent little brat routine all you wish, nobody is buying it anymore and ain't nobody going to be helping you out if you keep up this little e-charade of your's. Not Andrew, not anybody.

    I used to enjoy talking boxing with you, but you're little more than an unwelcome annoyance these days and I gave up defending you to the others a while ago. Quite frankly, it's beyond my comprehension why you're still allowed on the board, especially if you're going to do nothing but talk shit to the members.
  15. jaws1216

    jaws1216 "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Aug 10, 2003
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    No i got singled out way back because i was honest and straightforward, and the soon to be former owner didn't like that and made a power play while i was contributing and moderating.

    Just like every other decent and intelligent poster, I disagree with Karl and Seabiscuit quite often. JUST LIKE YOU, i dont pull punches when I talk, yet you are bitching to me because people like Fence-rider, seabiscuit, and Cupey are your cronies in charge.

    If you think I talk more shit than other members you are a delusional human, and before this little stint, I've never had beef with you, just as I'd never had beef with Donny until he backed the horse. Let Man O' War be a member, whatever, but taking away my mod powers for calling bullshit on Carlos making Zach levin and the other people unhappy while this was going strong, and since then taking away any of the benefits I've earned by letting someone as ridiculous as Sly be in a position of power, then you'll lose my respect.

    I've met more people from this board than anyone else I'm sure, I get along with everyone I meet, but I'm honest, and I dont give a fuck if its to the face of the most powerful person around. And maybe thats not the way the world works, fine, but lets not play this like I'm someone who goes out of his way to shit on everyone.
  16. jaws1216

    jaws1216 "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Aug 10, 2003
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    its such a hilarious movie, i only saw it on digital cable two weeks ago.

    "Like from the toilet?"
  17. Tam Tam

    Tam Tam "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Jan 4, 2006
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    Ugh. Look, just how about you try and make the job we do here a little easier instead of simply adding to the mess? Ask yourself (and honestly), what was the point of this? All you did was look for attention and a way to call out Sly at the same time. So he disagree's with you? Big fucken deal, mate...just suck it up and try to debate the guy. If that don't work, ignore him. Plenty of guys don't like Sly or agree with im, but for the life of me I can't remember many other people going after him the way you and Zac do.

    I don't bother talking to Zac about anything, cos thats just him. His e-persona has loved this shit for as long as I can remember.

    As for meeting people off this place? Honestly, thats cool and hey, I'm sure you're a cool guy...but it's got nothing to do with what goes on here. You should know that. I'm just saying, why not just agree to disagree? Nobody is always right, especially when it comes to completely subjective topics.
  18. jaws1216

    jaws1216 "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Aug 10, 2003
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    I'm fine with all of that. I disagree with someone, and do the same thing to him (in this case Sly) that he does to everyone else. I'm derogatory, blunt, and insulting in the way I phrase things, because thats his game.

    There are few people I disagree with in that matter, I mean REED and I would disagree on whether the Lakers jerseys are gold or purple, but at the end of the day you can at least tell he knows what he's talking about.

    Then conversely you have people like Sly and Karl that spew nonsense and then are hypocritical/condescending in how they respond, and surprise people jump on them. Its just the way it goes I guess.

    There's no way ripping Sly or Karl makes your mod jobs harder, at least I don't see it. If that were the case, then sure I would respect it if someone was honest and straightforward with me about what was up, and what needed to be done and that would be the end of it. If thats the case, fire me a PM, delete this thread and we'll move on. In the past I've been IP banned without notice, given two months for what was taken as an improper shot at someone taking a shot at me, and now this.

    I'd just like an explanation, in private is fine, for the disrespect I've garnered for singling out someone whose a prick to everyone else also. If I'm not entitled to one, fine, but I'm reasonable, if you level with me, as you are doing now, I'll be receptive I've never denied that.

    When I took up moderating I backed off Sly for months, because in my opinion moderators should be impartial and not attack members. As soon as that was taken, what motive did I have to stay civil with someone who wasn't civil? Hell Zac takes shots at me when we disagree and I've let the dude in my house, but at least theres an authenticity there where he doesn't get to play a power card and abuse mod-like abilities.

    Regardless of who ive ripped on in the past, I've always been straightforward about the why. 2 out of 3 times (the exception being Carlos) it was because I got on people who were derogatory in my direction, or someone who was ridiculous (CYC in the logic thread and thereafter)

    With this banning and shunning shit, no reason has ever been given, so I ontinue to complain about it, and I'd expect an other decent person to do the same. No this isn't real life, but if shit is twisted, face it head on, and then we can go hang and kick it afterwards.
  19. Rubio MHS

    Rubio MHS Undisputed Champion

    Sep 14, 2005
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    For me, calling Hopkins top 50 of all time, pound-for-pound, is a great compliment, because unlike you, I know boxing. I don't nuthug old-time fighters; unlike you, I simply know about them.

    Yes, I apologize. I rank Lloyd Marshall above Bernard Hopkins, and you've never heard of Lloyd Marshall. I'm sorry you feel bad about it. I think Marshall knocking out Ezzard Charles and outpointing Jake LaMotta, Charley Burley, Holman Williams, Johnny Romero, Lou Broillard, Shorty Hogue, Teddy Yarosz, Jack Chase, Joey Maxim and Ken Overlin is more impressive than Bernard Hopkins beating De la Hoya, Milkdud, Winky Wright, Joppy, Jackson and Johnson. Since you know nothing about Lloyd Marshall, you are unable to make a proper middleweight list.

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