
Discussion in 'Hall of Fame/Shame' started by TFK, Dec 21, 2007.

  1. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    You might notice I never had a problem with your arguement. I respect your point of view even if I don't agree with it and with your "vote" I opened the thread.

    I made the thread and tried that experiment hoping to be surprised but expecting it to fail. I posted in the MOD forum I was going to do it.

    As for using the term racist with TFK ... his history to anyone that's been around long enough is well known. Still I don't oftern go there. But as I stated above ... time and again the name calling was being done even though I'd already given in almost immediately. The tinfoil hat nonsense he kept spewing had far less to do with any current discussion then my racist slant on him. Why ... because anyone that can express those types of views has no business telling anyone how to be anything resembling moderation or decency. They need to fix themselves first.

    I am done though , and I DO Apologize to anyone I've offended.

    What this has taught me is that I'll be dealing with TFK much differently from now on.
  2. TFK

    TFK WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Aug 16, 2005
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    Do I have a history of people calling me a racist?


    Do I also have a history of asking those same people to point out any racist comments by me, and not a single person being able to do so?


    Like I said, to you, or anyone from Max, or to anyone from here who wants to call me a racist, all you have to do is back up your claim.

    Not a single one of you has been able to do so.

    People are quick to throw out racism claims, even when there is no racism at hand. It's an easy crutch when, as Petre showed, you're on the losing end of a debate. What better way to take the heat off of yourself, then by labeling someone else as a racist? Of course, as Petre found out, it doesn't work. He tried it, and he made a fool out of himself.

    The funny part is, there is a lot of racist remarks made on this board by several other members, yet they rarely get called on it. But I get called a racist in spite of not taking part in that nonsense.

    Also, I must be a pretty lousy white sumpremecist, considering I married a woman who isn't white.

    Once again, I have yet to see anyone defend Petre here, in regards to his abuse of Mod powers, or his claims of racism. That speaks volumes.

    As for Max, I got banned because Dobie didn't like me, because I made comments about his girl's disgusting tattoos. I also didn't kowtow to the 'clique' that runs the place, and anyone that's posted there can tell you, if you don't fall in line with King Dobie and Queen Kitty, you're quickly labeled a troublemaker, a troll...and yes, a racist. So of course you're gonna here Max members tell a different story, that's because they know their place, and know what having a differing opinion from the clique means.

    So we can wind this thread down with a quick recap. Petre abused his mod powers...again... and got called out on it. He cried like a baby about it, and got called out on it. He made baseless claims of racism that he was unable to back up, and got called out on it. And he made a complete and utter fool of himself, and more then likely lost whatever dignity and respect he may have had in the eyes of the members of the forum in the process.

  3. TFK

    TFK WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Aug 16, 2005
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    Holy crap. I just read Petre's thread on Max. Dude, you are beyond pathetic.

    Going over there and begging for help? From a bunch of people who probably weren't even members when I was a member? All because you got called out for abusing mod powers.

    Unbelievably pathetic.

    And this is my favorite...

    Like what? Plenty of evidence?

    How sad is it that you've become a babbling, paranoid, bitter old man who's life must be so unsatisfying that he has to live in a fantasy world of holograms and New World Orders? How sad is it you have to go to another board to beg people for help in a fight you're losing badly? How sad is it that you have to claim you have 'plenty of evidence' of my 'racism' when everyone knows you don't have shit?

    You know what, Petre, you might as well make Max your home and leave here. You fit right in over there.

  4. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    Typical TFK ... not an ounce of humility ... plenty of anger, hatred and name calling.

    You might ask yourself , why so many people have felt this way about you, because maybe , just maybe , it's because of the things you've said.

    If it were just one person , you might have a point. But it's not one ... it's many.

    Either way , I'm done. You got your way 2 days ago about the closed thread , you can wipe your ass in it all day long.

    Finally , you can be sure , no matter how many names you call me , I won't call you a racist again unless I hear it again myself. It's been a LONG time since I personally thought you said anything racial and everyone deserves a second chance.
  5. TFK

    TFK WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Aug 16, 2005
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    It's been a long time since you heard me say anything racist? And what was it that I said?

    And if you know anything about Max, you'd know why there are people commenting about me who weren't even members when I was posting there. They know their place, and they tow the company line.

    And like the sheep you are, you swallow it whole.

  6. 60/40

    60/40 Undisputed Champion

    Jun 30, 2004
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    I have heard this for the last few years, but I have never seen anyone bring the proof to the table. If you have proof that TFK is a racist, show us. Post the links to the comments he made or SHUT THE FUCK UP about it. I would not have thought you would jump on this bandwagon Petre. Im dissapointed. I thought Higher of you than that.:doh:
  7. Trplsec

    Trplsec Sleeps in a Cage

    Jun 18, 2004
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    And, let me add, that posting the thoughts from posters on another website ARE absolutely NOT proof that someone is racist.

    Petre is acting like he found the smoking gun because he has people on another forum calling TFK a racist.
  8. 60/40

    60/40 Undisputed Champion

    Jun 30, 2004
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    Exactly. This was a total bitch move on petres part.

    ILLUMINATI Roberto Duran

    Nov 29, 2002
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    I been reading the same thing for years...TFK is a RACIST...but never seen any evidence posted.....:dunno:

    I posted at Maxboxing..and was around the same time TFK was there.....read Maxboxing elites.....call him racist..asshole...KKK member #1..etc..etc...but could not find any post of him being a racist...:dunno:

    TFK = Racist....:dunno: haven't seen it...

    TFK = Hopeless MMA nuthugger....YES...
  10. Anthony

    Anthony Admin Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    -49.330540, 68.950885
    I have never seen TFK make a racist remark.
  11. Arben

    Arben "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Mar 1, 2006
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    We're beating a dead horse now.
  12. TFK

    TFK WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Aug 16, 2005
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    Look guys, I appreciate the support, but there's no need for this to go on any further. Petre knows he was wrong on all counts. He'll just never admit it.

    It's said, it's done, it's over.

    And as far as the racism accusations, all you have to do is look at when they come. They always seem to pop up from a poster who is on the losing end of a debate with me, and usually in a discussion that has absolutely nothing to do with race.

    So it is what it is.

  13. Black Market Baby

    Black Market Baby International Degenerate

    Dec 1, 2002
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    I read the first page and a half before realizing where this was going.

    This is seriously ridiculous.

    First, If Petre can lock or sticky threads about people he supports then I suggest each candidate be given the same chance. This of course will clutter the board. So I would have to propose that a politics forum be started, which will end up dying and being a waste of bandwidth that will be extremely less visited than TAAA. Therefore, no locking or stickying of your threads because of some "failed social experiment".

    Second, this is a discussion board. Everyone here has the same ability to visit the same sites Petre can go to, there is really no reason to sticky very many things, except rules, temporary contests, etc. Polls and personal threads should not be protected as such, if it dies...it dies. If you get called out or "owned", then deal with it and stop crying.

    Third, and lastly, I am quite surprised that Petre pulled the racist card.

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